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got raided today!


nah not thanks to you guys... um i was just at home today round 1pm and then like 5cars roll in round my house and task force comes boomin at me,they thaught it was some massive setup lol


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Sorry for the hassles but, you should strongly consider wiping all traces of IC off your computer and lay low for a while.


i dont know what i done,i obviously fucked up somewhere along the line though.. i have always said that if your gonna grow weed expect to get busted at one point or another,theres always some little rat lurkin.. the police were realy anoyed that they had to do it as i only had one bush flowering and 4 cuts in an incubatoronly two were actualy rooted and they mostly found some dry leaf and stem id pruned from the lower part of the plant before flipping it into flower and maybe an oz of keef in a bag. they told me theyd been allocated six hours to condust the raid on my place and that they expected to find a commercial set up.


mate iv already been raided charged and summonsed. why bother they know i grow my own meds now ,obviously as they have my last bitch in their custody and went right through my house. they got what they came for,now im just gonna plead guilty and cop it sweet.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Damn, I am sorry about what's going on. Best wishes and I hope you get some good legal representation. :cathug: Keep your head up.


Sry dog keep ya head up,,, youll b back at it in no time,,, if you got the $$$ get a good lawyer and see if you can get it dropped completly,,,, were u at??? any priors??? if not you might just get probation and you always think its gonna b worse than it is,,,, that sucks that your gonna b in the "system" though, thats the worst part,,,,, please let us know what happens,,, were all praying for ya and sending good vibes your way,,,


shit man that really sucks, but I would assume with a good attorney you can get off for one flowering plant and 4 clones. Good luck with everything, having gone through a raid myself, I feel your pain!

I know someone, who was pulled over somewhere in Utah for for speeding, cops found over 100 clones in the trunk, with a good atty they got off with almost no punishment, and this was in Utah! Do yourself a favor, get the best attorney you CANT afford! Spending the money now will save your future and hopefully save you from a conviction on your record.


they know i grow my own meds now ,im just gonna plead guilty and cop it sweet.
??? I am truely sorry bro. This shouldnt happen to any one.
but my question is why plead guilty? didnt you have a licence?


im in australia by the way people,no such thing as a licence to grow over here! im not stressin just pissed that it even happened and pissed that iv lost all my equipment seed and cuts,fucked if im gonna buy pot .


So what are the criminal punishments in AU for what you were caught with? In the states, depending on the state, it could just be a misdemeanor or in states like florida its a felony.

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