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Got my seeds in, 1800 Watts here we go!

Cheers for stopping by people!

Im going up to the house on Sunday and will take pictures. Next week though is when the fun will really begin, cause Im going to clean out the garage and get the tents setup (1.2X1.2 metre, thats 4 foot X 4 foot) for vegging and (2 metre X 2 metre which is roughly 6.7 foot X 6.7 foot) for budding.

Gonna get the hoods and ballasts and all that other jazz setup.
Still hopeful for switching around the 25th however these girls sure were slow before going under the 250 so we shall see.
Gidday everyone!

Well it's sunday morning and Im up at the house, so I thought Id grab some pics!

So here we have Black Domina






White Widow


Power Kush


Blue Widow

http://s1037.photobucket.com/albums/a455/dakta_hydro/12th February 2012/?action=view&current=BW.jpg

My tester (which by the way looks like shit cause shes in a tiny bag and I dont get up there enough to water her)


And finally a group shot


I will be moving back here in a few days. Just current circumstances meant I had to stay in Welly central several weeks, however come next friday I shall be up here and things will really be taking off!

Im starting to realise that the 25th is probably an unrealistic goal. However next week at some stage Im going to clean out the garage so I can set up the big tent, at which stage I will put the Lavender and Black Domina in there under 400's and in 16 gallon pots (from my hydro kit) with drippers. From then on I figure it would be a matter of days until they were huge and needed switching!

Till next time take care


Hey bro! been a long time.

subbed to your grow man, looks like it'll be a goodie. Got plenty of great strains there to play around with. They're all looking beautiful by the way.

I also just got some seeds in. Got powersknk from TFD again. Will start up another thread soon i hope.

Can't wait to see the updates bro keep up the good shit.

keke.nz :joint:
Kia Ora Keke bro!

Not alot to say, the seedlings are starting to take off! Some have slight nute burn. I will repot into bigger pots soon so I can have different nutes for each plant! With them in tiny bags I cant justify making up individual nutes for each one. One or two have fallen over due to their initial stretch, oh well.















Till next time everyone, take care, stay safe!
Gidday everyone.

Unfortunately Ive been stuck away from home for the last several weeks. However I am home now and can take lots of photo's os I will get in there today. You will be impressed!!! The girls are now getting much bigger and really I need to switch them.

The only problem Ive had was the DB was slightly nute sensitive so Ive kept her at a cf of 0.8 while all the others are booming at 1.1

PH is 6.3 ish

Plants are all bagged into PB 6 1/2's which are around a gallon. I probably need to switch as the girls are easily a foot tall, but I really want the roots to fill out the bags and be transplanted in bigger bags first. Im feeding rhizo hard out trying to achieve this (4 mils per litre every feed) and I can see lots of roots growing out the bottom of the bag but I want to give it a little while.
Gidday everyone.

Well I promised photo's and here they are.

I hope no one minds but Im gonna start throwing lotsa photo's in here with details. Reason for this is I need a mum of each strain and I have to be able to look back over my "journal" of sorts and see all the details and photo's etc. I used to use calenders for this but unfortunately my calenders were what really f***ed me when I was raided, imagine standing in court and the nasty pigshits pull out photo's of calender pages with times harvests and fertiliser regimes! Not Good!!!

So anyway as previously mentioned the Black Domina didnt take too well to the upper nutes so they are currently on 1.5 mils per liter of Canna Coco A+B and 4 Mils per liter of Canna Rhizo. The EC is 0.8 and the PH is 6.3

You may notice some of them look like shit, this was, in part, due to the burning of them.


BD 1


BD 2




BD 4


BD 5


BD 6


BD 7


BD Group


These Lavender girls are doing great. One of them was left without water for too long at one stage so you'll see some dead leaves on her but otherwise shes fine. Some of these girls are leaning more indicarish but most are clearly Sativa. Much more indica in their branching though, they dont have that sporadic, eratic, branching that IVe come to expect from sativa's, they grow alot more like christmas trees.

L 1


L 2


L 3


L 4


L 5


Lavender Group


Heres my tester. Shes an ugly little girl, although extremely closely noded. Her leaves sagged once after I left her without water and they've never bounced back.


Then theres the White Widow. I must say, all my free seeds have been giving me the least grief. They look VERY healthy and have very fat indica leaves.

WW 1


WW 2


WW Group


Blue Widow


Then there's the two Power Kush, or is it Pure Kush? Either way they don't look like a Kush to me. Every Kush Ive ever grown has really fat indica leaves whereas these two, while not being hard out Sativa, certainly don't have extremely fat leaves.

PK 1


PK 2


PK Group


Now all of these girls have been getting watered once every two to three days, but now Im home I want to start watering every day. They dont need it but I read that its healthier for coco to water more often, as opposed to soil where you let the plants dry out before re watering. IS this about right?

I need to set up my garage, which I will be doing in the next week or so, then the tents will go up and you'll see some proper shots of whole tents, and big plants!

Anyway take care, stay safe!

Hey there everyone!

Kronik's been a buys boy. We cleaned out the garage today...





Then we Got stuck into the tent...



Then came the hardest part...so far....Ventilation!



Then I started setting up inside the tent....


That's where we are for now.
I'm having a break then I will be hanging the cool tubes in the adjusta wings. then it will be time to connect the tubes, plug everything up with an 18/6 timer, move the plants in and off we go.

Ill be back soon with more pics.
Alright everyone.

Got the first lot in.

7 BD's and 5 Lavenders. I figure that I'll hopefully end up with 4 females out of the BD but Im not too fussed in all honesty as long as I get a couple to use as mums. Anyway the BD is an 8 week strain and the Lavender a 10 week strain so this is the first part of my perpetual. The other strains will go in in 3 weeks or so , so I can have my fortnightly perpetual thing going on. I also have 4 OG seeds I've just popped and they're coming along nicely so they'll be going in 2 weeks after the free seeds.

Anyway time for some pics



I shall give these girls a spray with Nitrozyme tonight just to mush them out a pinch then I'll rebag them in the next few days. Im aiming to switch on Saturday the 3rd (a week later than initially aimed for).

I'll also be setting up a cloning tent thats 4X4 and will have a 250HPS and 2X130 watt CFL's in.

Till next time take care
The Work Never Ends!!!

The Work Never Ends!!!

Gidday everyone.

Today Im off to grab a couple of bags of House and Garden Pre Rinsed coco. I simply cannot be fucked rinsing a hundred liters of cheap coco, I give up Ill spend the bloody money!

So the girls are going to be bagged in PB 18's which are 10 liters (2.5 gallons approx).

Fed them last night, all with EC 1.2 water so we'll see how the BD hold up. They kept getting nute burn at 1.1 before so I switched to 0.9 and they came right, so Im hoping they can cope now. I'll go a few more days and then hopefully bring them up to 1.6 in time for the switch.

Had a wee success last night. I watered them and measured the run off, and it was 1.2 in and ph of 6.3, Ec 1.2 and 6.3 coming out! So Im stoked with that!

Anyway I'll be back with pics once Ive bagged them up.

Oh and I picked up a 1X1meter tent off a mate last night to use for cloning.
Hey there everyone.

Just posted a thread in the infirmary.

Im trying to work out why the girls are yellowing? Thread is here http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=233015

Anyway not alot to say. Im desperate to switch, as they're getting BIG. But I dont want to switch until they're on the trrack to health again. They're now sitting on EC of 1.5, Im watering every day with Canna Coco 3 mils per liter, Rhizo 2 mils per liter and Cannazyme at I think 1 mil per liter. Other than the yellowing they're pretty healthy and growing quickly. One of the lavenders has started spitting out little purple leaves already!

Anyway pics

BD Group





BD 2


Lets hope this works!!!!

Lets hope this works!!!!

Hey there.

Well today Ive busted my arse big time trying to fix the problems.

So I sought of thought that maybe I wasn't letting the plants get enough air, in that the bags sat in saucers so all the run off prevented oxygen getting to the root zone. So today I lifted all the plants out, filled the saucers with hydroton to avoid this.

I took all the plants out of the room, and flushed each one with PH 5.8 and EC 1.6 nutrient.

I raised the lights around 6"

Hopefully all of these changes should fix the problems Ive been having.
The plants look like they could do with some Cal Mag but Im feeding them Canna so they shouldnt need it, which is why Im inclined to believe what people told me in the infirmary that my high PH (6.3/4ish) was what was causing my issues.

So anyway I desperately need to switch them this weekend, but I want them to be healthy first, so hopefully by tuesday/wednesday well see the changes I need!

Anyway time for some pics....





Bd 1

