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Got lotsa kief and want to add "edibility" to dinner/diet simple n healthy

Hey all

Looking to cut back on smoking, not be eating brownies n cupcakes (high protein/moderate to low carb diet), and as a whole keep it simple but really high every evening

I often make one main dish for the whole week in a crock pot. Chili, Chicken noodle soup with assloads of chicken in it, wings, pot roast, whatever.....

Can I just add the kief (say 10-15 grams for the week) towards the end of the cooking, keep it in there on low for an hour or so to activate the thc, and have it in my dinner every night?

Any other simple way to get this in my dinner nightly without having to add butter and sweets to my diet?


you could just sprinkle the kief on whatever you are eating at the time.

the only problem i can see with putting it in a crock pot full of chili is that then ALL the chili is "hot" ........ eat chili>get blind munchies>eat more chili>get ripped and still have the munchies>eat more chili>wake up wondering WTF happened last night.

but what i see as a problem could be what you are seeing as a goal ........ don't know
I thoought the thv needed to be heated to be activated,, though i guess i could just sprinkle it on when reheating... How long would kief need to be warmed for to be fully activated?


I know this isn't exactly what your asking, but if your concerned with what/how to cook with it because of calories and such, you may want to check out slowandeasy's bho pills tek. I think some have used kif to make them. They are fairly easy to make with relative low cost materials needed with no extra food o eat for effect.

Hope this helps.


I've made QWET and QWISO from my trim following Grey Wolf's methods. After extraction I decarboxylate the oil (a.k.a. "activate the THC") in an oven, then redissolve it in pure ethanol. 3 drops of the resulting tincture added to any food or drink give me a great long-lasting high. Very flexible.


Hey all

Looking to cut back on smoking, not be eating brownies n cupcakes (high protein/moderate to low carb diet), and as a whole keep it simple but really high every evening

I often make one main dish for the whole week in a crock pot. Chili, Chicken noodle soup with assloads of chicken in it, wings, pot roast, whatever.....

Can I just add the kief (say 10-15 grams for the week) towards the end of the cooking, keep it in there on low for an hour or so to activate the thc, and have it in my dinner every night?

Any other simple way to get this in my dinner nightly without having to add butter and sweets to my diet?

Ya, throw it in there you will be good to go.
I use kief in my hot chocolate, and what ever else I may be eating. Just add to your favorite meal...


it would work better if you made some oil out of the kif and used that. oil is a better solute than trichs. also why would he decarb if he was putting it in the crockpot? not necessary


Active member
My family moved to a similar diet due to food allergies about a year ago. We started making hash capsules and got our dosage down now so I make 50-100 at a time.

We use coconut oil because it absorbs a lot of the the and when making our capsules I don't strain our hash out. I've found a good dosage to be .15-.30 grams per dose from bubble and kief, less if I just need to take an aspirin or something for a minor headache.

They only take about an hour to hour and a half to kick in and can be taken without food. I usually take mine about an hour before I eat and after eating the effects have kicked in. They last anywhere from 3-5hrs with the first hour usually being a pretty intense high.

There are a few good recipes for making your own capsules in the forum here.

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