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Got hit by a car!


here is a little tidbet while riding a pedal bike an roadway you must follow the laws of a motor vehelcle............. you ran into him so you could be found to be at fault take the 10 bag and call it square

I was not at fault first off. That's like saying if you ar driving down the highway on the right hand side and a vehicle to your left turns into your lane w/o looking and since the front of the car is in front of yours you are the one actually doing the hitting. I don't know all the legal law mumbo gumbo, but you are not the one in the wrong. The guy in the wrong is the vehicle turning into me, ya know?


glad you are okay, but fuck you, watch where you are going on your bike. I dont think its his fault at all unless he didnt use his blinker. I'm not saying you do this but I ALWAYS see bikers riding in the middle of the road, not yeilding to cars to let them pass, riding in groups side by side instead of single file. They actually cause accidents between other cars! And most of the time in most places, the bikers aren't even from the neighborhood. They are bike clubs that drive to your scenic neighborhood to ride their bikes in the middle of your streets for a day. In your particular case, it might not have been you (the biker)'s fault. But i think bikers should share the road and not inconvenience the motorists that might have important shit they are on their way to! That goes for all of you that gab on your cell phone while driving too, which causes you to drive with your head up your ass.


Illdadelph, listen to yourself. "Not inconvenience the motorists that might have important shit they are on their way to!." I was biking to the library to study for finals, that is not important at all you know? I bike around town, not drive because it is better for the environment, uses less pollutants, better exercise, faster, more fun, and cheaper. Just because I don't want to be a cager my whole existence. I don't think "Drive, drive drive, suv, suv, suv, America needs more oil" mindset is valuable to anyone besides the oil producers. I was in a bike lane that is designated for bikes. You are talking about sharing the road? I was sharing, but he was taking. I think you are the wrong bud.

By the way, put the fun between your legs!


I'm glad you're environmentally conscious, i'm just saying you also share the responsibility of being aware of your surroundings. A car is bigger than a bike, as you have learned, so it would be to your benefit to ride with caution. He can buy a new car, you only have 1 life.

P.S. I didn't say it was definitely your fault. In fact I said the opposite. Obviously most of my post didnt even pertain to your specific situation. I was just throwing that out there for people to think about, perhaps make the road a safer place for bikers and motorists alike.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
should have laid on the ground pretending to be dazed and waited for an ambulance. Once at the hospital you should have called you're lawyer, who could have run you through the do's and don'ts of personal injury - what to say to the people at the hospital, what not to say, what kind of pain you're in, etc. A lot of shit in the body can cause pain but they can't cure or figure out what it is, like nerves n stuff. You could have milked this dude. I'm always prepared for this, it's going to be my meal ticket.
With a good lawyer guiding you, you could be waiting on a check from their insurance company upwards of a few hundred G's, depending on what you claim hurts. You could say you whacked your head, and act kind of stupid around the doctors and they'll say mild concussion and then you could possibly say you may have brain damage and then you're all set.
Not enough people take advantage of the same system which fucks us in the ass each and every day. Remember - someone got a couple million for spilling hot coffee on themself. I think getting creamed by a car due to the driver's negligence is even more solid

Insurance fraud drives the cost of health insurance up and up...a lot of people are sick and can't get medical help for that reason. Nice.

Hope you are truly alright Fireman...the pain in your chest is something to watch. Pain during breathing is usually a rib cage thing.

IF you have to incur medical bills to find out, then I would make his insurance pay for it.

IF you forgave the kid then that's good...he was probably really remorseful.


Active member
That kid must have been shitting himself! definitely the kids fault from the sound of it... I have a friend that would turn right from the left lane when he first got their license... shit is crazy... bikers around here need to be more careful... they ride in the street with no bike lane taking up a lane for some reason... even if they aren't on a street bike and half the time they aren't even wearing a helmet... hopefully your whole breathing shit is alright... that doesn't sound too good... and a dime bag is way cheap... especially for actually getting fucked up... pretty funny though the dude I knew that would turn from the left lane got hit twice riding his bike but got lucky n just flew off and landed on his feet...