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Got a video ?

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Got a vid of your grow/build/ or something else cool related to indoor soil growing ? Check this out friends :yes:

I've added a new feature to allow video embedding into threads / posts
first off this experimental and may be removed if its abused or causes issues
this is not an invitation to link every video on youtube and embed it onto the site
its meant to be used to help supplement posts and reply's and allow people to do video diary's
and should only be used if the video is relevant to the subject in hand
but if this feature is abused or causes the staff extra work moderating this I will restrict its use
so play nice

to embed a video first go to youtube (it only works with youtube so don't try any other source)
find the url of the video you want to embed into your post / thread
copy the code after the = like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCQTr8ZYdhg

paste the QCQTr8ZYdhg into your post / thread highlight that code and only that
then click the

and your done, your post will contain a warning about external links you need to click
for the video to play, this disclaimer is to cover our ass as we are not responsible for external links
but as its youtube only we can be pretty sure its vetted and safe to view

however be aware when you post a video or a link that its on a canna site
the person that owns the video may not want it to be embedded on a canna site
though if its on you tube its pretty much fair game to be posted anywhere on the net

also if you are posting personal video's remember your security issues
we don't control youtube so we can't protect your user info if you post personal video's
that can be traced back to your personal youtube account
example in point, a guy I know on a bike forum posted a video of him doing wheelies as 100+ mph
cops tracked his youtube account and did him for speeding and dangerous driving
so post only if your willing to have it up for all to see, you have been warned


enjoy some floyd :tiphat:


Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
small bump

phate - if your vids are imbedded you will still get redirected to youtube to watch them :yes:

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