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Got a big problem



Okay so my safe, which has $2k and 12oz's in it just decided to break, I called sentry and all they said was they will pay for a locksmith to open it and give me a free replacement. The problem is I obviously cant have a locksmith come out because as soon as he opens it he's going to be calling the cops. The safe is this model: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=3922138

Any suggestions?


just do it
that why i never would buy a electronic mechaism safe, get out the cutoff wheel or sledge or find a cool locksmith
Be standing right there when he gets it to open and tell him thanks and that you will take it from there. DO NOT LET the locksmith open the safe. Just have him get it to open. It is none of the locksmiths business what is actually in your safe.
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Active member
It's been said, and I agree. The locksmith will most likely not open the door all the way, especially when you're right down there with him the whole time.


if your actually gonna call a locksmith instead of googling safe cracking :)

I would at leadst do it form a alocation not tied to your name, pay cash and give fake info
sneakyninja said:
Okay so my safe, which has $2k and 12oz's in it just decided to break, I called sentry and all they said was they will pay for a locksmith to open it and give me a free replacement. The problem is I obviously cant have a locksmith come out because as soon as he opens it he's going to be calling the cops. The safe is this model: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=3922138

Any suggestions?

wal mart safe? give me a break. Take a sledgehammer to that biotch. Five minutes, tops.


ICMag Donor
That safe is no where big enough to be keeping weed and cash in. All I see it good for is keeping personal papers in to keep them from being destroyed in a fire. Almost anyone could take that safe and smash it open. If I were you, I'd use a sawzall and a steel blade and cut the two pins. If you do decide on the locksmith, there is no need in him looking in it....


Active member
get a crowbar and go to town on that bitch, it will give...i had a friend who had the same problem, the locksmith showed up and just ripped it open with a bar...


shit dude i dunno i would get that bitch open myself as the poster above said most likely he will just use a bar..


Active member
Go rent a plasma torch if you're that paranoid about someone seeing your dirty secrets, she'll cut through that safe like a knife through warm butter.

Dr. G

Active member
seriously i had a sentry you can break in that shit with a hammer and a dremel just start cutting the top open with the end of the hammer it only took ruffly 30 mins


Got it open, dropped it off a 2nd story roof and the locking mechanism worked again.


Active member
LOL - I can only imagine what your neighbors were thinking. I was thinking cut-off wheel and a sawzall. Next time I need to break into something, I'll take your experience and put it to use. Sounds like more fun that getting burnt on shavings. Good job.

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