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Got a Beer Belly?

so lemme guess, you went out n' bought yourself some six-pack abs anyway.......


nah went over to that homie yukons cabin and smoked sum blockhead and tripped on the northern lights ...ya dig???

kiked bak sum halibut cheeks and .....dropped out after a bowl of ingrid dbl melt.


I don't know but please don't flame me for what imma about to say here. I always have this preconceived image in my mind that a lot of old time growers and breeders have big beer bellies and long hair. lol


Good thread!

Belly fat is bad.

Some is worse than others, though. There are basically two types of belly fat, and one is far worse than the other.

Subcutaneous fat (fat right under the skin) is a sign of energy imbalance, due to overeating or lack of exercise. It is not dangerous in and of itself though.

Visceral fat (fat deep in the abdominal cavity, surrounding the internal organs) is another story though. You need some of course, but too much is very bad. This type of fat is much more biologically active than subcutaneous fat, it can be thought of as a major organ.

Visceral fat produces more of the powerful hormones than subcutaneous fat, and plays a big role in causing the inflammation that leads to most of the chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc.) that we seem to suffer from so much these days.

Usually pot bellies are from the bad visceral fat. Some people though, (usually women) can have a pretty big belly that is mainly subcutaneous fat. You can tell the difference by the old "pinch test". If the belly is big and tight, and you can't pinch a good wad of it, it is likely that visceral fat is the culprit. If the belly is big and flabby, and you can pinch a big bunch of it, it is likely to be subcutaneous.

Look at the people you see everyday. Notice that the people with big bellies also have a puffy, inflamed look on the rest of their bodies too- their faces, hands, legs etc. Some of that is fat, but it is mainly inflammation caused by the belly fat and the excess insulin in their bodies. I feel that the main cause in this syndrome is excess simple carbs in the diet.


Active member
Motivation is so hard to come by these days. I need to get in shape and start eating better too. Feel like shit all the time and my joints are hurting. Hopefully I can dig deep and start exercising. Only thing is it's so fkn hot outside and I hate gyms. Atleast summer is almost over.

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