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Gorilla Glue in the ppK


what's happenin my ppk brothers n sisters I have been doing many mods to my 1 and only small grow room. biggest change up is my lighting to 5 315 cmh's and 4 600w de hps all nanolux in a checkerboard formation, we will see what they are about. have modified the ppk itself to a 23 site with 2" tailpieces, right now 1 gallons, 3.5's later. i'm thinking of trying the Pscrogs. 36k of cooling hasn't changed and 70pint dehumidifier. OK then...


I will begin with a sad story, here we see some decent looking Hat tricks from Oni.


Growing along they were, I added some reflectix to the containers because they were drying out a little too much. Everything fine until they started to look not so happy. I opened up the reflectix to find this gruesome and heartbreaking scene



I started to apply some ancient forest tea with og biowar for a couple weeks to these plants but they steadily progressed worse and worse. A last ditch effort to save the genetics I cut 28 clones and they all ended up rotting even with tea in the cloner. Son of a bitch! My recent 100% clone success streak has come to an end.

I now have got some Gorilla Glue seedlings in the sites, and I'm feeding with tea now every 2 days since germination. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do this with the ppk, but its all good. Can't seem to get away from this damn fungus problems. Wondering if anyone has had any similar disease issues in ppk.

Waiting now...


yea we will see whats up with them the cmh spectrum seems pretty impressive. i'm working with only 8' ceilings so i used rebar to hang from clamped to the trusses with small brackets. the tops of the fixtures are about as close as i could get to the actual ceiling.


man, really having problems this go around with mold. pissing me the f off

i been brewing tea with the mini microbulator airlift brewer by tim wilson, 4 gal ro, 100ml molasses, large handful ancient forest, 42 hour brew + og biowar

i have been feeding it every 2 days, soon as a brew is done, I start a new one. How the fuck is this happening still! I thought you couldn't give too much tea! man. Running out of options, i can tell my small plants are being affected. I don't seen anyone else using root zone protectors in their ppk





Nice, clean work on the build !
My advice would have been to dial in the air gap/medium porosity/pump schedule rather than apply tea and cover. A dry top surface is good, the ppk system should keep the root zone moist when set up right.

Some questions to answer so others can better help: How are you applying the tea ? When did you start using teas, from the beginning, or only after seeing the mycelium layer? (It looks like beneficial fungal growth to me, but that belongs on compost/soil, not a hydro system. ) What's all in the res/system nutrient wise? PH? PPM? What's the medium? Looks like turface and perlite, anything else ? Is it a new, rinsed mix, or the same one from before? How much, how long, how often on the feed pump ? It's hard to imagine a seedling in a 1ga getting too dry. Were they already drooping ?, or did the medium just seem too dry, so you covered it ? Had you already tried altering the pump schedule ? What's your usual RH level ?

The organic environment plants grow in is a natural, living, complex system filled with variables. Successfully incorporating it into an unnatural hydro system is difficult at best. I occasionally foliar spray aact's, but will not use it on medium or solution. Over the past few years I've built a couple different ppk style "test the theory " single units. They work great with nothing but calnit/jacks at low levels.

Good luck with sorting this out !


thx sir,

i haven't experimented too much with air gap i keep it at 4", have went as low as 5" before but i got it at 4 right now. my mix is 50/50 turf & 1/4"-1/2" perlite. not sure what afp is on it, i'm mimicking d9 with that mixture. i have fed really often trying to keep everything wet, i had problems with this before, with the top layer drying out. as soon as i started feeding often enough to keep things really wet, top layer included, the plants took off from being burnt and stunted to getting bush sized in a matter of weeks. this time shit went bad when i noticed brown snot looking cyano looking shit coming out of my drip rings, and plants stopped growing. i wasn't using any kind of conditioners in my solution, tea, oxidizers, etc. jacks hydro + calcinit 1:1 ratio. 600ppm, ph 6.0. my temps are set to 79 day 74 night, rh is only getting up to about 50 right now. that's it, brand new mix in all sites, which alot wern't loaded. they all soon showed the same shit coming out of the rings then shortly after the layer of white on all of them. i can't think it is beneficial because the plants just stop growing and slowly deteriorate. really bugs me, i have done a few runs with the ppk system and they were all great, no issues like this. i haven't found one other person running ppk to have this kind of issue they are kind of a magic bullet for root zone issues which really grinds my gears!

i'm sure the tea exacerbated issues throwing everything off balance, i have used it in a dwc setting before with ok results but you got active aeration in there so i think the tea probably dies in a ppk. idk

I'm going to try disinfecting everything and restarting. hate my life


No Jive Productions
hey buddy! i know i'm late to the party but i try not to put anything in the solution except for the jack's/calcinit combo and some mammoth p, maybe a little humic/fulvic of some kind.

for sure don't put any sugars of any kind in it!

i get long term solution stability with both ec and ph.

i've never had mold like that in the ppk!

i think something you have added is causing a bacterial bloom of some kind.

best of luck with your next grow!



thanks for stoppin by d9, not sure what happened i was doing everything i did last time as far as solutions go. what gets me is it popped up before adding anything but jacks.. idk. all i know is the plants weren’t likin it & tea def didn’t do anything

i’m almost done with the whole scorched earth thing, mini split dehuy cleaned sanitized all new lines new ro filters everything soaked in activated oxine including the room

wish me luck