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Gorilla Glue #4

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
theres is nothing wrong with people not liking her. in fact that's to be expected. we are all different guys. It doesn't bother me that you don't like her. Just like it shouldn't bother you that I like her...There's no way everyone will agree.. I don't get the same effect it puts me down for hr's. Those that like her and fits there needs will continue to run her. Those that don't will move on I see nothing wrong with that. We don't need to argue about what one likes its all subjective. You are taking it way to seriously. remember sarcasm doesn't translate well over the net. Im good you and your buddy are welcome here all opinions are welcome. I just don't see the need to argue about this. I don't hold any ill will towards you ar anyone that doesn't enjoy her like I do.

Oh I can vouch for Subrob. He is a solid grower has been her just as long as many of the old timers or longer so he knows what he is talking about most of the time he he ...


Do any of You guys have any pics of the flowers
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I may have been a dick about singling people out...but I didn't appreciate the comments...I can admit when I'm being a dick...not really that altruistic considering I'm almost always a dick...anyways...

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Lets just keep it moving.

All I was trying to get at was these crazy smoke reports of visions and hysteria have to make you wonder what people were smoking on BEFORE they got the glue...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
yes GG#4 is a heavy yielder.

There must be some others doing the hyping. It sure isn't coming from me. This thread is like any other thread where most like the strain and post pics of her and discus. I have never indicated gg#4 was any type of holy grail weed or the best there ever was. No words like that ever passed my lips. I tell people the truth IMO of course.. she is on point for a clone only strain . She has the 4 main traits that I like one of witch is a very strong Aroma that will go through normal zip lock bags. Now if that's hyping im guilty ...I know the main posters in this thread feel similar or the same as me. Sometimes some get a little carried away in there descriptions but it's all in good fun. GG4 took a thrashing from trolls in these threads when she first came out...Some are defensive still witch I understand.


Face off Og! :woohoo: THAT I want to try!..
Poison ogk on the other hand! Sure that is the Strongest I've ever had.In the top 2 anyhow..
Both from the same pound of OGKush found by ogkushman in 1996,I read (and hear!) recently. (.....) !?
"^Kushman had the Poison ogk I believe.."

Sure with the face off too but that Poison OG would give Strenth to anything! Imoe
I was actually smoking (fave) Chem d and was heavily toked from that heavy body stone as we know and then had a poison Og Spliff!!!? phew!:bigeye:...NOT been "hit" like that for yrs!!!! PRoof was in the actions too! I.e. Had to put the joint down and crash/sleep

Awesome !! Lol. Oh yea... Nope.VERY HAPPY I was not in Public cuz my head was spinning stomach was churning and felt/was green Moving around in anyway that wasn't slow!wasnt a good idea for sure
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Bo Hasset

Active member
I'm not important enough to have a GG #4 cut gifted to me (should have posted pics once in a blue moon I guess), but I am resourceful and personally know enough people on here (not many, but enough) that if I don't have a cut by my third for the year scheduled light dep flip on June 1st, then I guess I'm more out of touch than I thought, and should just stick to pollen chucking with my elitist collection of Mexi brick weed bagseed and fem'd autos from that certain "seed bank" in Amsterdam that spits out "cup" winners yearly.... :dance013:

All sarcasm aside I've been so busy this winter trying to save a mislabeled clone I got in a tray of something goofy that hermie'd (the mislabeled one DID NOT however) middle of August after I'd been babying shim since January (i.e. a tree by the point I had to cut it for fear of hermi pollen)... the mislabeld clone never impressed me much during veg except that it showed great vigor, but when all her "cousins" flipped on me I really quit paying attention to her other than keeping her healthy and going, but the bud she produced has been the most requested from every patient I grow for regardless of what their ailment they all seems to just love it.... so between trying to re-veg about 30 clones taken after I had harvested all tops and most of the bottom (not my finest cloning moment, but two clones survived with more vigor and spunk then the other 28 and have been chosen to see what they can do with a season of 100% devotion rather than giving up on her mid-August), sourcing seeds and clones that would thrive at a new spot I accquired that's around 6,000ft and damn near "high desert" conditions, plus a million other things.

I actually hadn't heard a damn thing about GG #4 until last week, but I must say this thread and others have been open in my browser tabs ever since for perusing when I have downtime and all I can say is bravo to just about everyone involved and especially to JW. I love it when a mistake beats out every "planned" cross, which I understand this to be... just proves the old saying that the "best way to make G_d laugh is to tell her YOUR plans". It's always the un-planned that has better enriched my life so far, though a few half-ass plans got me this far combined with my boyish good looks and southern-charm (I may have been west of the Mississippi for some years now, but I still know how to open the door for little old ladies and say yessir to old men that congregate at the country store for coffee and farm gossip 6 days a week.

So, before I go back down to the dungeon take my next round of clones for planned second light dep flip I wanted to bring this non-sensical ramble full circle and back to my opening statement... I may have missed it, but has anyone put her in a greenhouse/light dep environment? From everything I see I think she'd explode under the primo April-August light used in budding with those setups... like, really explode. If it's been done, then can someone kindly point me to that thread so I can have some new mental masturbation, and if it hasn't I'm sure as shitnot trying to solicit a clone on her by offering to test her, but GOD DAMN! someone who halfway knows what they're doing ought to.

That's all, friends. Love, light and china white!!! (JAY KAY!.... at least about the third). Bless.


Active member
I felt compelled(whether you believe it or not)to point out i don't care if you think I am a liar. If you think cookies is as good as it gets I guarantee you haven't been growing for 39 years...maybe you meant you haven't grown in 39 years?
sorry didn't mean to disrespect...i jus want what you guys have if these aren't good enuff for your stables..sorry again..dj

Bo Hasset

Active member
Listen to Josey...or eat lead...........

Just took a break from the dungeon again to come back and drool in this thread while I was brewing some coffee and twisting a j of some nice Super Crack from last fall when I read this.

At first my mind read it as "Listen to Josey... or eat LSD...."

It's either the Super Crack or I need sleep, but there's no rest for the wicked. Not to mention the friend who flies into SFO in 4 days (when I specifically said SAC was easiest and quickest for me), which means that I have to do 9 days worth of work in the next 4 days. Friend is about to find out I've got three days of "dirt work" planned as part of his visit (don't worry. I'm not that big of a dick. We still are hanging in the bay for a few and taking CA-1 down to Big Sur since he's flying into SFO).

Besides he's the best friend you grew up in diapers with and can expect to pick up the phone at 3 AM for bail money from the drunk tank. The work I'm about to slave drive him into is only fair. I DID talk him out of arson on the day his **** of an ex-wife served him with divorce papers and we had to move all his shit of their house within 48 hours under the watchful eye of Officer Joe Bob at which time I had felony warrants in two states, including the one we were in.

Don't worry, folks. They've BEEEN taken care of and they were states in the Bible Belt where chewing gum whilst receiving oral sex from another consenting adult in the privacy of your own home is probably a felony, especially if the adults involved were dudes. In other words, I hadn't killed, raped, pillaged or burnt any villages down. Didn't do the oral sex bit, either.

Moral of that ramble is that my addiction to Gorilla porn has negatively impacted my life in the following ways... my hands are always sticky and I'm super behind on garden work of all kind including my veggies. so best friend won't mind fucking shit up with the tractor for a few days or mixing soil, for that matter. We're cool like that.

Now back to the dungeon for more cloning, planting and general wizardry.

And in case you're wondering... my 215 rec has nothing at ALL to do with soaring mania, insomnia or mild spectral autism (think ass burgers and South Park). Nope not all. It's cause I told em' my hair hurt. Seriously. :moon:

End of mindless dribble.


Active member
Hey J.W next time you find another cut to pass hire Dank Frank as your rapper and hype the shit out of it so this way people can have a claim that you actually hyped it.

It's funny many raved and hyped blue dream as a clone only what a freaking let down when I smoked it. I smoked nirvana ice that was better than bluedream. But attach a rappers name to the cut or associate a rapper with the cut and people will believe it's the real deal.

Big thanks joesy I don't care if she isn't the strongest in the world. I am just happy to be able to have her in my garden. To me she looks like a all around winner to me.

Some of the best appeal the glue has is how she has been passed free from grower to grower and not hoarded and sold for thousands of dollars to only find out the cut is subpar.


Just took a break from the dungeon again to come back and drool in this thread while I was brewing some coffee and twisting a j of some nice Super Crack from last fall when I read this.

At first my mind read it as "Listen to Josey... or eat LSD...."

It's either the Super Crack or I need sleep, but there's no rest for the wicked. Not to mention the friend who flies into SFO in 4 days (when I specifically said SAC was easiest and quickest for me), which means that I have to do 9 days worth of work in the next 4 days. Friend is about to find out I've got three days of "dirt work" planned as part of his visit (don't worry. I'm not that big of a dick. We still are hanging in the bay for a few and taking CA-1 down to Big Sur since he's flying into SFO). .

If you are taking hwy 1 down to Big Sur make sure to swing thru Santa Cruz, take a drive on West Cliff, park at the lighthouse, walk the cliffs, check out lighthouse beach for a second.... Ya might catch me in the sand smokin a bongload or a fat blunt of gorilla glue while the dogs run around... That right there is the best spot in california, shit maybe the world:
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backyard fuck off back to the large plants thread, where some kids that have never grown before might appreciate your input. or just keep playing in the highway kid

Backyard Farmer

Active member
backyard fuck off back to the large plants thread, where some kids that have never grown before might appreciate your input. or just keep playing in the highway kid

Why does honesty get you so worked up?

I'll have some nice bud shots for you to look at in a few months of this stuff..

Have a nice day.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Hey J.W next time you find another cut to pass hire Dank Frank as your rapper and hype the shit out of it so this way people can have a claim that you actually hyped it.

It's funny many raved and hyped blue dream as a clone only what a freaking let down when I smoked it. I smoked nirvana ice that was better than bluedream. But attach a rappers name to the cut or associate a rapper with the cut and people will believe it's the real deal.

Big thanks joesy I don't care if she isn't the strongest in the world. I am just happy to be able to have her in my garden. To me she looks like a all around winner to me.

Some of the best appeal the glue has is how she has been passed free from grower to grower and not hoarded and sold for thousands of dollars to only find out the cut is subpar.

Did you grow the blue dream you smoked yourself? Often times people have no clue how to tend that plant and feed the shit out of it and chop it early...can you understand how that would effect the brand?

There's blue dream out there that smells like berry haze funk has a palate that follows the smell and leaves the dankest after smell in the room like few strains do..

Big up:tiphat:


Active member
Nope I actually didnt it was brought in from Cali and it sucked. Very lack luster high ya the taste was good but that's about it. Honestly it was a big let down just like green crack. All taste and the high is pretty bland.

But then again I love indicas love a good couch lock high but still have smoked uptown haze on many occasions because it's a staple where I live and it blows away a lot of smoke that I have had.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
So you're judging the strain from a commercial export example? Great. Way to,be objective about what you're smoking. I guarantee that if you puffed some exceptionally grown blue dream you wouldn't know what you're smoking, THATS HOW DIFFERENT IT CAN BE!

Gorilla glue exposed the average smoker and grower to the next level of fire. I can see how going from Cali import and nirvana ice to gorilla glue could have you thinking its a gift from god especially when you don't have to do any work or have any credibility or skill like you do to get pretty much any other cut that's similar to the glue...people just give it away!

Before some one with less than stellar reading comprehension somehow decides I'm saying blue. Dream is better or as good as gorilla glue, I'm not!

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Yes, nspecta did create the BT and in no way has he ever been slighted the credit for its creation.

however he has also given the cut to ThaDocta, who is offering BT x face off BX seeds.

nspecta took third with bt at the San Fran cup in 2013, entered under the archive seeds name.

I've also crossed the bt to Kush cleaner, and currently to a chemdog4 line..however the latter will not be for sale however when I pull winners from large populations, I will eventually make them available through a few local dispensaries..
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