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Google Maps Has Been Tracking Your Every Move,


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Or you could just buy a 20$ piece of shit pre paid flip phone without all the high tech shit, just a thought.

You are tracked without smartphone or GPS, all phones, operators, log the phone signal triangulation, depending on the area and density of phone company they have got you placed anyway, abeit not to the last foot like GPS does.

The NSA are very good at voice recognition and have been for a while, so burners are really only good if you use a voice scrambler that they haven't hacked, if such a thing exists. Looking at the form book, it is likely that a large percentage of the voice scramblers, as well as "anonymous" messaging apps etc.are all backdoored ,compromised and rooted to fuck by the spooks anyway.

Lucky that they are chasing terrorists not potheads eh...

If you want to do something that you don't want to have to explain to a Jury, understand the tech, just slip the phone into your wife's handbag for the time you want to go AWOL and let the spooks track "your" progress around her route of Hair salons, coffee mornings and Anne Summers parties .


if it smells like fish
wont be much triangulation in my area there is very few cell towers..hell if ya aint running att or a company using their tower you don't even get service....yeehaw


East Coast, All Day!
haha I have a smart phone, I only turn on GPS when I need it to direct me somewhere, when I log in to see my History, there is NOTHING...



Everyone mentioning those static bags...I'm shocked no one has mentioed you can accomplish the exact same thing by wrapping your phone in tin foil...it's called a faraday cage. Just wrap your phone in a few layers of foil and it completely blocks any type of transmitting. To see if it works try calling it from another phone. I used to hang out with a guy that always had his personal smart phone wrapped in foil and carried a burner when out and about conducting "business"

This way you don't have to leave your phone at home :) because that's really the only other totally safe way.


Active member
and if the camera isn't covered, u can be sure those NSA employees are wanking off to you in your most intimate moments


Active member
Everyone mentioning those static bags...I'm shocked no one has mentioed you can accomplish the exact same thing by wrapping your phone in tin foil...it's called a faraday cage. Just wrap your phone in a few layers of foil and it completely blocks any type of transmitting. To see if it works try calling it from another phone. I used to hang out with a guy that always had his personal smart phone wrapped in foil and carried a burner when out and about conducting "business"

This way you don't have to leave your phone at home :) because that's really the only other totally safe way.

I saved a couple old cookie tins. I put my old cell phones and unused Internet hot-spot devices in them as a kind of Faraday cage. Foil would work too though.


To me seems more suspicious to be poppin in and out of signal... wanna stick out like a sore thumb.... better to be part of the herd.... anyway cut the ego haha... u aint bin laden...


Um.. was that directed at me? What ego brother? I was just sharing some knowledge I picked up.. I never said I walk around with my phone wrapped in foil and never have...If I was involved in something heavy I probably would though. I don't think popping "in and out of signal" is something they would ever take much notice too lol...Maybe if your wrapping and unwrapping your phone several times a day but simply taking the battery out of your phone would cut the signal as well...Trouble is these damn iphones/smart phones you can't take the battery out of but you should be using a burner if worried about any of this stuff...

I just like to grow and smoke my weed and since I don't feel criminal for doing it I really am not paranoid about it....Def not paranoid enough to be wrapping my phone in foil


No sorry wasnt directed at anyone... maybe op... maybe bad choice of words too.... paranoid prob woulda been better.


Active member
I've heard that argument so many times, to just go with the flow and that blend in thing. It never makes any sense to me. Maybe I'm just a product of the 60s and oddly value my personal freedom.

But this newer idea that everyone should just share everything and give up all personal privacy in order to fit in some mold of a model citizen seems very creepy and big brother-like to me.

I was taught in my child-hood to ALWAYS question authority. I will never become a sheep. I think it was Franklin who said anyone willing to give up some liberty to gain more security, deserves neither. Even way back then, those dudes really had their shit together.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
But this newer idea that everyone should just share everything and give up all personal privacy in order to fit in some mold of a model citizen seems very creepy and big brother-like to me.

I was taught in my child-hood to ALWAYS question authority. I will never become a sheep. I think it was Franklin who said anyone willing to give up some liberty to gain more security, deserves neither. Even way back then, those dudes really had their shit together.

Excellent post....


ICMag Donor
Yep... A Phone company that can't triangulate your position can't get you a proper signal for all this data dumping. If you have a signal you can be tracked within inches of your phone.

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