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Google Maps Has Been Tracking Your Every Move,



It's a "feature" :biggrin:

But you can easily turn it off via your Google Dashboard. You can also delete your entire location history.

They also save everything you search for on Google, Youtube, and every video you watch on Youtube. You can also delete your history and turn off tracking of that stuff as well.

Screenshot from my Dashboard where you can see I have all this crap disabled.



Well-known member
"Apparently this record only happens if you have ‘location services’ switched on in your phone"

From that article ^^

I always turn location services off. First thing I do.


, The Ghost of
"Apparently this record only happens if you have ‘location services’ switched on in your phone"

From that article ^^

I always turn location services off. First thing I do.

Me too. As well as the gps feature and anything else I feel could be used to track me. Also, my cell is a dumbphone and the internet is disabled on it.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
They make gizmos like this-


Only works when the phone is in the bag...

I was just going to suggest one of those anti-static bags that computer stuff comes in.

Yahoo has been mentioned in this thread a couple of times as well.I get a warning message now to provide a cell number,with the option to "skip for now".I was gong to get another Yahoo account,but I see that a cell number is now required for a new account.(at least it is here in the PI..Filipinos have absolutely no qualms about giving all sorts of information out with no concern for their security).


I don't use Yahoo email, but that sounds like they are trying to get you to set up 2 factor authentication to secure your email account. That way someone would need your password and your phone to take over your account. If your account was hacked you could recover your account when they text a code to your phone.

This is considered to be one of the better security methods today, but it's optional in the email services I use (Gmail and Outlook).

I wood

Well-known member
I always keep the location finder off, but sometimes tuck the phone into my tinfoil hat, just to be sure.


Active member
and no u cannot disable the ACTUAL GPS.. u can disable what they call GPS. but there is an onboard that doesn't turn off.. and since u iPhone users cant take ur BATTERY OUT. u can always be tracked.. that's the whole entire point of the iPhone

yes u can turn it off on ur phone.. but if anyone with access wants.. which is apple/government.. wants they can turn on the GPS even if ur BATTERY IS DEAD and wont let u turn on ur phone.. they can still turn on ur GPS and go find ur shit.. so until u actually pull the battery out of the phone.. nothing is ever OFF. not in anything NEW ATLEAST.................. n they are making phones with built in batteries so no1 can avoid that shit.. basically .. they think. if people want to use our technology.. we can give them a 20 page agreement.. that states wat we CAN DO.. and no1 READs that SHIT.. they just want to have the new iPhone because kim kardasian and those other famous losers have it..

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
As long as wifey can't track me, I guess I'm good.

What worries me, she asked me to show her how to disable
tracking on her phone...
lol. wives are the biggest spies on the planet. I work in IT. Gov't tracks everything about us. The best move is to realize everything you do is tracked. There's so much data it doesn't really matter though. We're being data mined by google/facebook/etc..not to mention the NSA and their huge data centers in Utah. No one is coming after you strictly for your movements via the web unless it's some crazy crimes (terrorist, child porn, etc...). However, if you've slipped up somewhere else, they can/will pull the data for more PC or something else to add additional charges. Stay safe peeps!


Registered Med User
too bad where im at cell phones, or gps's, dont work. I really never cared if they tracked my moves, I think they are more interested in those who go out of their way to not be tracked then the millions of people they can track everyday. Just dont give um a reason.


Registered Med User
very true! I took a course in information and privacy at the college, you know those stupid "what horror movie monster would you be?" or "where is the perfect place for you to live?" quiz's on facebook? well the NSA takes the information from the answers you give, as well as music/memes/posts you share, what type of porno you watch, all the sites you visit, and a bunch more shit, and uses it to build a psychological profile on everybody. Computer programs sort and process this information. They see every email, every phone call, internet usage, login to different accounts, and can basically make a map of where you are and predict your next move. Its pretty crazy. They say its for protection from terrorists but I think its more for psychological manipulation of the masses.

lol. wives are the biggest spies on the planet. I work in IT. Gov't tracks everything about us. The best move is to realize everything you do is tracked. There's so much data it doesn't really matter though. We're being data mined by google/facebook/etc..not to mention the NSA and their huge data centers in Utah. No one is coming after you strictly for your movements via the web unless it's some crazy crimes (terrorist, child porn, etc...). However, if you've slipped up somewhere else, they can/will pull the data for more PC or something else to add additional charges. Stay safe peeps!


Active member
gotta take battery out and then drain power. for iphones you're pretty much fucked. gps is an always on thing as long as phone has power for the signal to transmit.

Ding, ding, ding! I've always wondered how long capacitors in those "smart" phones can last these days. I've always just assumed a REALLY long time.

So it don't matter much really , you are fucked if you just have one. Ain't technology grand? Such a boon to mankind :/ Have a nice day.


Active member
Holy shit, just noticed that was really old crap and this was thread dragged up from almost a year ago. DOH!


Well-known member
One can only wonder how many DOD standards there must be for timeless.


iphones are even scarier. The keep track of how many times you have visted a place it tells you how long you were there it learns your home address and your work address without having either ever entered.


Settings-> Privacy -> Location Services -> Scroll all the way to the bottom for " System Services -> Frequent Locations

It is by default on so you want this setting off. you can still leave location services on.

After Snowdens leaks showing how the NSA captures every single piece of digital data and stores it on servers in case they need to use it at some point kinda defeats the whole purpose of things like this. They will knowing break the law all day and are going to listen to you and track us regardless so dont sit around for too long with your tin foil hat worrying about something thats inevitable

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
Or you could just buy a 20$ piece of shit pre paid flip phone without all the high tech shit, just a thought.


if it smells like fish
I have delorme gps.. both handheld and one on my 17.5 laptop...DELORME RULES and my gps has a sexy female voice..... I have street maps,topo maps and aerial maps, and a few specialty maps...no need for scroogle or a fancy phone .. my phone is almost retarded compared to most..all I need it to do is phone stuff,,, like answer and call...that's it I don't even use my voicemail I prob have a few 1000 by now..YEEHAW.. I buy them cheap phones from Walmart..i would of kept my real old phones but everything went digital or some shit and my phones got outdated...forced to upgrade basically

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