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Goodbye Finland, Hello Spain...


New member
Hello all,

Next week I finally get my home atico, and can start planting some seeds. It is so frustrating not to be able garden, but next week :dance013: I will.

Now I hope everybody has a great weekend filled with love. Next week I start my grow thread...



:) been living here for 10 years or a bit more... im glad more ppl take the advantage and come down here. life here is nice - specially south spain is propably the nicest spot to live in europe.

there is general confusion about the law here. growing is not legal. i know i break the law....

Marco legal español

Siguiendo las directrices internacionales, en España la normativa establece un control especial sobre este tipo de sustancia, recogida en la Ley General del Medicamento y en la de Estupefacientes y que prohibe la producción, fabricación, tráfico, posesión o uso, con la excepción de las cantidades necesarias para la investigación médica y científica. La vigilancia y control para estos últimos usos queda a cargo de la Dirección General de Sanidad, la cual debe autorizar previamente. Dicha normativa viene recogida en el Boletín Oficial del Estado del 11 de abril de 1961, ampliada en el del 4 de noviembre de 1981.

there is so many different cases it is impossible to generalize, but anyway, there is no jail sentences in spain for growing, but if u get a bust, there is fines up to 6000 euro.

if the judge thinks you have more weed than personal use (wich honeslty depends on judge - but anything above 40g can be suspected dealing) there is a risk for jail.

the law that covers this is the law about public health.

the internet is full of spanish newspapers and their articles about busts. i encourage to learn spanish to better understand what really is going on, it really helps.

not trying to scare off any-one hehe - but its a good idea to know the law where you live.

as extreme example;
last year police spent unknown amount of money to bust a girl that had 2 plants on her facebook profile... just google it.
peace all
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.. the issue with the water I have wondered, how's it going to be. So magnesium and prob calcium levels are high that I've heard. If anyone has any comments or fact please guide me. ;) Hopefully it is soon to be seen how the water issue can be tackled.

As for the electricity, my plans are for roofterrace growing, only mothers and babies inside. With fairly low watts. Electricity is also more expensive here compared to Finland, thou it is done more economically with renewable sources so I think it's just fair. Well done España.

Peace and Sun everybody!

:) spain buys 80% of their electrical energy from other countries.

water here down in south east spain (close to the coast) is de-salinified seawater. areas around alicante have up to 1.2 in EC - some areas even more. my region has normally 1.0 in the tap. andalucia, murcia and valencia got >40% of all spains desalination plants.

hope it helps ;) this info might be usefull for more?


Yo Bone!! Thanks for the hard info!! :)
I'm trying to take the leap in autumn... And follow my dear sammakko frriend there!! :D

I need to start practicing the spanish now then.. And read some more!! :D

Are there laws about medical marijuana?? I got multiple scoliosis in my back and much head troubles(strong panic attacks and anxious)! :D Here you won't get medical before you use 10 years of opiates and loose your teeth first! :( It is made almost impossible!!


Nice champ...Sun coast we call it...many Danes also move down there ...Cant blame you guys for want some sun hehe ..I hope u have a Najs stay broski and i hope the heat wont fuck ya cold skin to much up hehehe ....
Stay high

Btw Hi Nukka :D


Hehee SelfCatering bro! How are ya!! ? :D


you must come to visit us when I'm able to move there! :D


nukkumatti - earlier this week Sativex got accepted as a medicament against MS. its a pill as far as i know. only in north spain (catalynia and basque country) is there some legal cases whre some medical marijuana club members were let free. the most important part is as far as i understand, a membership of a club in those circumstances.
the biggest club/organization is IACM.

contact their lawyers and im sure they can explain better what law will be in effect in the particular region where you are going to live in.



Hahaa Of course brother BUADMAN bidibau! :D

Thanks Bone ! I'll look into those clubs bro!
Well I'm a member of IACM now.. :) I'll contact them and ask few questions.

Thanks again Bone!


Good for you! Too many think/dream about doing what you have,very few really take the risk/are able to- you went for it! kudos

.I hope you have a wonderful life in such a beautiful country.


Nukkumatti, how goes it with your cultivation?

I'm info craving as well, as to how it is, de facto, to grow in Spain.

There seem to be much conflicting experience as to the legality of growing, personal use and the right to privacy.

More like the abstracts like neighbours and local community, the enviroment around, deciding if growing is possible, in regards of people calling in the law, etc.