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Good strain for nonsmoking beginning female


Alright, here's the deal...my girl wants to get into this lovely past time of ours, but she can't really handle to smokes she's had all that well. So far she's had OG Kush, Sno Cap, Surfer Dude, and NYCDeisel (which she did alright with). I'm not sure what strain she could try that would give her that mellow, calm high...almost euphoric. She says that she wants to feel good, but yet functional, and wants more of a creative/productive high. I figured i'd post the question here and see what others have to say about it. Thanks in advance.



girls seem to love kali mist, and it's definitely a creative, euphoric, functional high. but if she don't like to smoke don't push it on her, eh?


Active member
Kali Mist

Kali Mist

I second the nomination for KALI MIST from Serious Seeds.
Ive heard the same about ladies and the Mist.


naw...its not me, I SWEAR. It's her...she wants to smoke, i don't force this on anyone, because i dont want to be to person to introduce anyone to their new beloved habit...lol. So believe me, there will be no pressure coming from solarz to get her to blow one!

and WOW...that kali mist is an expensive one isn't it!


cool...i'm actually growing some of those out as i type. They have been in flower for about a week now...a few more to go! LOL. I haven't smoked any speed queen, but i did get it b/c of all of the female growers who swear by it. So i figured i'd scoop that up and see how it does. Thanks for all the input...keep it coming!


First thing I would need to know is...how many hits of the above herb has she been doing? I know from experience that a bunch of pot smokers tend to make fun of people who get perfectly buzzed from one or two hits of good pot. Is she taking multiple hits? Are you encouraging her to do so?

I think a lot of these situations where certain individuals can't "handle" the buzz from pot is because they get too high a dosage for their systems. If she hasn't tried just taking one hit and seeing how that sits with her, have her try that.


Ok folks...let me make this part perfectly clear (and please...this isn't directed towards anyone in particular). I AM NOT ENCOURAGING/FORCING ANYTHING. I am simply posting to the forums what the lady is asking/saying. She has tried to smoke before, and its not that she's getting too stoned...she doesn't like the high it brings on.

So for instance...when she smoked the OG...she hit the bong (triple perc'd w/ice), which was only about 1/4 loaded, held it, released it...no probs. Waited about 10 mins hit it again. After about a hour...she just didn't like the high...she said it had her too spaced out. Example...she had a HUGE cup of water she was drinking (or so she thought), and leaned over and told me to not let her drink too much of the water (b/c she thought she'd been drinking a shit load of the water). I looked at the cup, and she had maybe taken 2 sips out of the cup.

So she's trying to find that strain that will allow her to sit back and jam her favorite cuts on the system, or open a good book and read, or cook her favorite person his favorite dish :). Thanks again for any and all help.



I understand Solarz, I didn't mean to imply that you were being a dick about it and teasing her.

But, I still say, dosage might be the issue. She took 2 hits, which is twice the dosage of 1 hit. That is a major difference, and could be the issue. The buzzed state that you described that she was experiencing, to me, could easily suggest somebody who has gotten a bit too buzzed for a nice comfort level.

So...I would still try just having her take one hit only, just to see what it does. It can't hurt :) It might be a strain issue, but dosage is still a question mark.


I understand Hal...and i thought the same thing, but when she recently tried the Sno Cap, she took one hit from a pipe and she didn't like the result either. I'm thinking that she really is trying to find that one feeling that she likes, that's why i'm thinking its a strain thing. She commented that the cap and the OG both made her feel as if she was getting pulled/sucked into the couch (i actually thought this was damn hilarious description of her feeling). This also makes me think that a sativa dom would be something that she may be looking for.


I've just heard it's good medicine for menstrul cramping. So girls just seem to love Kali Mist?

my ex-wife would ONLY smoke kali mist. said other strains got her paranoid. i dunno about the menstrual cramping stuff but she was quite happy on the kali and didn't like any other stone. tis why i recommended.:2cents:

Mr. Stinky

it may also be that she just doesnt like the effect of MJ. there are lots of people like that...just not many come on boards like this :smile: i dont care for it much myself. and i know a few others who just dont like the effect. ive never tried MJ and felt good afterward... its always the oversensitive, chest-pounding, spacy, numbing, buzzyness. and i dont like it. i just wanted to post this to let you know that she isnt the only one. everyone reacts differently, and the feeling of cannabinoids in your system can be like heaven to some, or hell to others...

some may call her a lightweight, and she is. but to someone who likes those effects, its probably fun...to someone who doesnt, its absolute hell not being able to control your own body...

she is probably lookin for the feeling of opium. the comforting warm happy feeling without any of the raciness or buzzing. if MJ did that, id smoke all the time...


my wife swears by SSH only buys from mr.nice for PMS and effect..says it doesn't make her stupid..also states it is smooth on her lungs..she used kalimist for years until one of her gf's gave some ssh..peace


Well, i always wanted to try some of Mr. Nice's SSH...or something close from that crew, so i may go that way, b/c with KM @ over 100 a pack, i may as well go with something i've already had my eye on.


my wife loves greencrack. although its clone only, a nice superskunk or xxxskunk can be found to be similar in effect. functional high. sweet/fruit/funky skunk. nice yields too.

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