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good source of sulfur???

with peat,perlite, dolomite lime, kelp extract powder, molasses (grandma's unsulphured molasses not blackstrap) , and guano....

Where is the sulfur source?

guano covers N and P, kelp covers K, Ca and Mg in the dolomite lime, molasses has- Iron,Calcium,copper and Mn, K, Mg....

where is the sulfur and other micro elements coming from?
i found this epsoma product but it has a crazy high N %.....

From the Manufacturer
Espoma Garden Sulfur is the finest, most effective sulfur product available. It is an all natural, high purity mineral that can be used both as a plant food to provide the nutrient sulfur and as a soil amendment to correct the problem of alkaline soil.
Product Description
Espoma Organic Traditions Soil Acidifier 5 Lb. Bag . . . . . 21-1-0. An all natural mineral that can be used as a plant food to provide sulfur and as a soil amendment to correct alkaline soil. Turns hydrangeas blue; Lower pH of soil to its optimum range; Promotes growth and greening of plants; Won't burn your plants; Safe to use around children and pets.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
captin, your'e over-thinking it again - the peat itself should be a good enough source of sulphur, and the seaweed should cover most micro's. if you use an extra 'thing' to cover each micronutrient you are gonna end up with too much again.

are you using 50% peat 50% perlite?
i started a few in that 5050 mix and they dont look as good as the ones i have in peat, perlite, and compost(nitro humus) 5/3/2 parts lc style. so im sticking with that. the ones in the lc mix are lacking K (necrotic brown margin tips on bottom leaves) in week 2 of flower but bigger,greener and healthier then anything ive grown in months!

my sulfur issue is with some small re veggers. the new growth is yellowing at the margins working its way in and the growth is very slow...

im going to put them in a new batch of soil, same 1 gal pot. i think i made a shitty batch a while back that has caused me more problems then i know....

i swear once i switched to this nitro humus, peat and perlite instead of amending pre bagged soil, my results started improving immediately. also im not adding anything besides dolomite lime and just feeding guano teas with kelp and molasses and some roots organics trinity (catalyst).

my problem with the little reveggers just got me curious to where the sulfur is coming from. thanks for letting me know that there is plenty in the peat! i guess i knew that about the seaweed, just brain farted lol.

your right tho, i overthink the hell out of this shit....
Ditto on the sul-po-mag, K-mag etc.

That, either mixed in the soil, or combined with enzymatically processed fish fertilizer, is the organic version of "Bud Blastin Sugar Berry Rocket Sauce ~ 2/100/2" sold at your local hydro store....