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Good or bad outdoor weather this season?


Active member
Weather up here in Oregon, East of the Cascades has been amazing. No dismal early Heavy Frosts in May/June. It was much warmer earlier in the year here which gave us a great jumping off point for OD this year.

Plants love 95 degree weather as long as they have a nice wet ground to draw water out of.

Too tired to write more.



, The Ghost of
I want to add that the folks I know up here who are growing m.o.b., have all said that the plants have buds the size of the upper portion of their thumbs. Even the plants getting full day sun. cheers


These are some strange reports. I jsut watched the morning news and 70% of america is in some state of drought and 56% is in moderate to severe drought. I live in KY and we havent had a drop of rain in weeks and for 12 days straight the temp exceeded 100,(105 for 3 days) and then starting yesterday, we're in for what appears to be another week of 95+. Farmers in indiana, Ohio,kansas, mosouri and the entire mid west have lost their crops, cattle are dying and being sold off and corn prices are expected to rise 70%. Oh well, take good luck when you can get it.

Fellows, it not just my opinion that cannabis doesnt apprecieat 95+ temps. Richard Clarke observed a total cesation in growth at 100 degrees. Cervante's, Rosenthal, Dj Short, all have done research on heat and cannabis.

Another absolute is that high heat speeds the flowering of cannabis by perhaps as much as 2 weeks. It also reduces yeilds in study after study. But cannabis isnt the only plant that doesnt perform as well at high temps. The Ag extension services have put out a state wide alert of early harvest on corn and soy and a disease alert for blue mould.


pS. its been a few years since i read this research, but if i remember correctly the optimum temps for cannabis growth are 82 daytime, 62 nightime. Or was it 68 nightime?

If you care the research exist. Also, Dutch passion has done considerable research on temps and sexuality and high temps = male plants.


well if plants stop growing at 95 degrees then how do you explain the monsters in my garden that has seen almost nothing but 95+ degree days for the whole last month?


, The Ghost of
Im back. Checked on my plants today (forgot the cam) and they grew another 50 % larger/fuller over the last week and 1/2ish of 90-98* temps. They look incredibly healthy and zero signs of early budding. Im thinking what moondawg said about budding early may be true for some strains as all the outdoor m.o.b.s I hear about started just after the heat wave started. cheers


Well-known member
UK here - and we've had the worst summer in over 100 years. Mostly heavy downpours which caused flash flooding, but also the least hours of sunshine. It's made drying things a hassle and hasn't had enough light to re-veg a plant I was hoping to keep. So yeah.... sux.

Oh well. As long as we don't put on any international sporting events we'll be just fine.


This is definitely not ideal conditions for guerrilla growers.
I don't know which has been worse... the bugs, carrying water every day, or intense heat.
The heat alone has me carrying double my usual amount of personal drinking water.
The drought has me carrying water every single day AND night.
Bugs... Fucking bugs thriving... Everywhere!

Pop 4 beans at a time and lose 3 to bugs. Have to do it all outside now days.
Take 3 clones, bugs usually get 2, sometimes I get lucky. Constant cloning!


If they escape bug attack in the water, they'll get hit hard in the soil.
But the ones that make it, they thrive, big time!

If I didn't know better I'd think I was growing industrial fiber hemp this year.

But my cover and concealment is drying up and dying off.
To look at the trees, why.. I'd think it was Fall if I didn't know better.

Weeds that should be close to 6ft tall are only 3-4ft high. I've tried 46-0-0 on the surrounding veg, but with little effect, and helicopters are going to fly any day now!

If i'm real lucky they will miss those few lonely 12 footers (a good mile or 2 apart), or hopefully they'll figure that 1 plant isn't worth their time and resources.

Plus I'm starting to see PM on nearby vegetation, and I expect this to be a very bad year for harvest, Mould is almost a certainty.


New member
not good not bad..

not good not bad..

Its been dry here but I've been on top of watering so everything looks awesome. So it been good for my crippled body its been getting me out getting some exercise which is good for me. I've got the biggest plants for this time of year this year for sure due to starting everything at home and using clones this year. I need to get pics but have been in a hurry this year when im out. I got everything in grow bags and was going to bring them inside and put under lights to finish but dont think thats going to happen. Its rained the last couple days too so going to be nice to see how they are doing this weekend. espicially the strawberry diesels and Knights templars.


yesterday was a little weird in the foothills above Beale. It was actually cold for once and was quite windy. dark and cloudy sun didnt break through the clouds until at least 3pm. Im sure the plants enjoyed, cant imagine how much colder my other gardens were up at 3500+ ft in butte

The Revolution

Active member
Weve had abnormally high temps during the day, and cool nights in the Northeast. 46 N Lat.
One bonus is the rain/lightning/thunderstorms that seem to pass every few days. If it werent for these scattered storms, it would be much more dry around here. Im rushing to get everything transplanted, and put into the ground before the demise of July.
Seems that plants always double or triple in size during the month of July. Been a decent season so far. Cant complain. I just have my fingers crossed for the harvest season. Last year I had to contend with lots of PM, and an early frost.
down here on the coast in southern cal the past 2 summers were some of the worst - low clouds all day everyday, with high humdity and no sun. literally no sun. however this year its been great - one of the sunniest june's and july hasnt been great, but its been good.

california's weather is largely regulated by the local ocean temps and i can say that this year in southern cal we've had mid to high 60 degree water since may, which is great. where as the last two summers the water never broke the low sixties - fullsuit all summer long. the waters now nearing 70 and if we can push into the low to mid 70s it should mean a great fall.

that being said, if you're worried about mold/botrytis issues its best to be preventative. JMS Stylet Oil. Serenada Max. Oxidate is good. Decree is great however its not organic.

check out the following by University of California IPM program:

keep your head up. and keep the ladies as happy as you can, all the rest will work itself out.


Alotta my friends are worried about the morning and late night humidity. Seems there's been alot of condensation. Only ones that are worried are the black boxers. But everyone elses stuff is still barely starting to transition to flower so the humidity is prob a good thing for them.


, The Ghost of
^^^ I agree. I think as long as the humidity is high, then high temps are much less of a problem. Hoping for a temperate dry fall. cheers


yea ive been surprised at the amount of dew that is out when i let my dogs out at 6 in the morning. i deffinatly cant walk the 200 ft to my kennels through the grass its to wet and cold haha. Hopefully this isnt going to be bad towards harvest or some guys are gonna have trouble with molded cola's


New member
thank you mother nature.

thank you mother nature.

we have been getting the quick storms here too last couple days at the 45th and now today its been raining for the last 3 hrs. I can hear my plant dancing and singing in the rain from 25 mile away. Nothing better then a happy wet woman:dance013:...


I hope your girls didn't get beat into the ground like mine did.
Just finished checking my last spot, and sure enough... the heavy rain and gusting winds has taken them all down. What a bad way to break a drought.


UK here, absolutly shite for the last month or so, some places have had a months rainfall in 24 hours, but thankfully it's all picking back up, the next few weeks are forecast for solid sun and high temps where i live, i do feel for some of my fellow UK GG peeps who had early auto's out for a quick summer harvest and have lost most of them with mold, but for someone like me who had a second lot of stuff go out, even though it has been struggling, it might just pull round again

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