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Good Companion Plants?



For a backyard grow in socal, any suggestions for companion plants? I am looking for plants that will help naturally address the bug population and smell, but the bugs are the key. What can i plant around my mj that will keep the aphids and whiteflies out, ladybugs and spiders in? Looking to see what others have had success with. Of course, pungent plants that will help mask the smell in flower would be great too--best if they could do both!

I know i have seen poeple discuss it, but i just couldn't find anything in search. Thanks.



The Soapmaker!
Marigolds, like brainthor said. They also like basil. All manner of herbs would help mask the smell. After planting the herbs, I'd try to disturb the herb foliage every day or two to get them to release their volatile oils to mask the smell.

Another great idea is to go to the local nursery and buy some praying mantis eggs. Those fellas will eat anything and will hang out as long as there are plenty of insects for them to feast on. One egg will produce 100-200 mantis babies. You hang an egg from a branch and after 2-6 weeks of warm temps, the egg will split open and the mantis babies will come out, hungry as hell.


Grandmothers speak of dropping cloves of garlic around roses to keeps aphids away.


I read somewhere that potato and cannabis are good companions. Get any type of bean in there growing also. The key to companion planting I think really is biodiversity. Spread different species around each other.

edit: garlic and the like around the place is good for pests
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Active member
I heard today from a random lady that if you plant rose bushes close to cannabis it will slow down there maturation?

Cant say I have ever heard this before. Anybody?????


Chamomile increases the essential oils of many herbs. Stinging nettle has been shown to increase health and vigor of vegetables and apparently it increases their shelf life.

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