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Gonna go micro in a mini fridge...


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
so i have a little mini fridge and have been thinking of how its all gonna go down, if anyone has any ideas or tips they are welcome.

so as far as the cooling i was thinking about using a computer power supply powering 6 fans 3 exhaust 2 intake and one for circulation, also i cant decide on cfl's or a 150w HPS I'm thinking of scrogging so I'm leaning towards the 150w HPS, and I'm also undecided on soil or hydro what would be better for this set up?


See if this gives you any ideas.


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New member
What are the inside dimensions of your fridge? The 150w HPS should cover 3sqft or about 21"x21" if you go by the 50w/sqft rule. I also read it works good from 4"-12" from the bulb. If you don't have a lot of height, swc might be the way to go. My favorite method is to use a bare bulb horizontally with a horizontal cylinder shaped screen around it about 24" diameter for a 150. I think my screen was 18" cause my cabinet was too small. Train 1 plant from the 6 o'clock position to 3 o'clock and 1 from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock. Make them cross each other under the screen. I would keep all the growth outside the screen and then switch to 12/12. Then you can train the tips to go inside the screen. There should be nice tops that go to the 12 o'clock position by the end. Maybe 4 plants would be better. Maybe you would have to veg a little longer. If you got it dialed in it would be nice. I think it's easier to train than a flat scrog. I first saw this method on og by a guy called fish. I don't think I've seen any other horizontal cylinder scrogs online. People should give it a try though. Even as a total noob I estimate that I was getting close to a gram/watt from a 70 and again from a 150. Can't be sure without a scale though. You basically triple your square footage when you go cylindrical. Vertical scrog cylinders are cool too but I think it would be too hard to train in a fridge. I don't know much about CFLs, some people swear by them but I think HPS is better watt for watt. I think you could pull a QP from a 150 cylinder style easily if you have the room for it. You might burn some bud though if the dimensions are too tight.


New member

It would look something like that when you switch to 12/12. Excuse the crappy drawing. I just checked out some fridges online. Even if it's one of the larger mini fridges, it might be a little tight to do a cylinder. You might burn a little bud. I know I'm cylinder happy but I do feel it yields the highest. Similar principal as the cage, colliseum or omega garden but smaller and with much less plants and scrog instead of sog.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It's also called a "V" ScrOG, not to be confused with vertical. PVC comes with 45º angles. A wire ScrOG can be shaped in an arc. Either would be good for a single lamp but, in a fridge, you'll want to hang the lamp perpendicular to the door which may require modding the reflector. CFLs would work best with a flat screen.

How self contained is it going to be? Much smaller than your's but, the work of inspiration, check out: microRU - Mad Russian Micro Genius


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
damn microRU's grows are freakin amazing,I hope to see some results like that for sure.

Im undecided whether to go with soil or hydro, Im home pretty much home every day so it doesn't have to be totally self contained and I plan to just do a reg flat scrog for the first grow. Oh yeah this fridge still works,would It be Ok to use the cooling power for the light or should I just strip all that out?

also i have trainwreck and bubba kush abd a couple other random bagseed strains can anybody recommend a certain strain for a grow of this magnitude?

here Is my mini,i put a few beer bottles for size comparison




Active member
Hey green.....

i am CURRENLY doing a 2nd time grow in a mini fridge.
I have had (what i affectionatly call my "Referigerator") this around for 8 years or so, lugging from move to move. This has gone through many configs thrrough out the years... Started as a 70, then a 150 hps swc Scrog , Then to a hempy stlye scrog, to its final con fige...
i took out the 150 hps, and put in 4-42 watt cfls, vertically fromm the top,
I am growing in coco in 6 inch pots in a tray. AND i have 2 screens at 45 degree angles in ther My own CFL V-Scrog!!!
I would (and do) go with ONE muffin fan I picked up a 105 cfm Muffin/axial fan from ebay for about $10 I then cut a 4 inch hole (with hole saw) for my exhaust. Then mounted the fan. Even that was in differnt configs at differnt times.

From a dryer hose from the hole to the floor with the fan attached at the end, to mounting the fan INSIDE my fridge, and useing a baffle as a light stop.
I would also CUT out the BACK step and replace with wood or sheet metal, While i did grow with "the step" for years, i just cut it out this time for the CFL V-SCROG set up. AND i wish i had cut it out sooner!! It OPENS up the cab SOOO much!!!
As for intakes, i have 3- 2" holes in the wood back, with 90 degree pvc fittings as light blocks...
I have doubled my screen size (from a flat scrog screen to a Vtwin scrog screen) And think in this grow i will DOUBLE my output...
From 2 oz on my flat scrog to 4+ oz on the Vscrog!!!
My first run got me 3 oz with lots of mistakes!!!
N-E way... enuff of my sat afternoon rambleing bake... Good Luck!!! pax..


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Thanks tejashidrow,lots of good info and a v-scrogg huh and i do have 2-

I might have to try that do you think those are enough?