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Going with Happy Frog - Fox Farm Anything I should know?

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If the OP wants to use the Fox Farm or whatever products in the end it's his/her choice.
A person could use one of these store bought soil mixes and turn it into something adequate with some quality ewc and compost as well as a good mix of seed meals, minerals etc.

It's not that hard to put together a solid potting soil mix without relying on the "grow store" brands or the "hot ticket" mix being pushed on the grow forums.
In the end a person could learn a whole lot about what it really means to grow organic.
Just my opinion, of course.


Active member
If the OP wants to use the Fox Farm or whatever products in the end it's his/her choice.
A person could use one of these store bought soil mixes and turn it into something adequate with some quality ewc and compost as well as a good mix of seed meals, minerals etc.

It's not that hard to put together a solid potting soil mix without relying on the "grow store" brands or the "hot ticket" mix being pushed on the grow forums.
In the end a person could learn a whole lot about what it really means to grow organic.
Just my opinion, of course.
Straight up worm composted horse shit works great. Not everybody has it sitting around though.Bagged soils are a convenience. That was what this thread was about. Bagged store bought soil.
Straight up worm composted horse shit works great. Not everybody has it sitting around though.Bagged soils are a convenience. That was what this thread was about. Bagged store bought soil.

I've somehow managed to put together a mix using store bought bagged products and feel it is of much higher quality than the "stoner joe" brands. Mostly sourced from local nursery's and such.
But then again why would anyone want to put forth some effort to source the highest quality products possible?
Just a thought.


Re: Going with Happy Frog - Fox Farm Anything I should know?

I always thought hf was just ffof cut with fflw? I have no clue why I think that, cant remember where I heard/read that, or if I just made it up and believe it lol, sorry not real helpful post.
Okay - no problem.

Roots Organic is nothing more than perlite-enriched crap potting soil. And all the advertising horse 'exude' doesn't change that basic truth.

Shrug - redux


I dont see you offering a recipe for a superior soil mix.that is readily available in every city everywhere,where a low maintenence feeding scheuald like water only straight from the tap will get you through.All I see is you running ya mouth.proclaiming to be some kind of "insider" with facts and information we dont know.And a soil,biology expert.So prove it (lowercase)cc lets see the degree's and the phd's or shut the fuck up mr expertise.(yes I'm a poet lol).calling you out man...gonna man up?


Happy Frog/Ocean Forest 50/50%

Happy Frog/Ocean Forest 50/50%

Grown in 50/50 mix of Happy Frog & Ocean Forest, any questions?




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calling you out man...gonna man up?

Try calling your mama perhaps. I've already asked the most important questions that, obviously, are way above your understanding on the formulation and, more importantly, how potting 'soils' are processed.

Let me repeat my original question so that even a simpleton like yourself can process it and attempt to spew out something cogent, eh? (perhaps or if only, eh?)

1. Who is doing the actual mixing of this mystical mix?

2. What is the actual source of the sphagnum peat moss used in this mix? (supposedly as it turns out).

3. What is the ratio of humus to the base/useless levels of inert components? Head over to Google.com and see if you can figure out any part of this question.

Thanks for sharing. Do you (also) work for the pricks down in Eugene?

Laughable - as usual.



I have used straight HF for quite a while. HF will only take a clone for a week or so with straight RO then I usually start adding some cal/mag and grow by that point. Plan on adding nutrients as if it had none after that. I always water 6.5-6.8 usually ends up closer to 6.5. Another 10-25% (depending how much you want to water) perlite doesn't hurt the mix either.

Oh and all you girls put your epeens away and help the OP. You could take the sword fight to your own thread or chat or PMs mayhaps? ;)
Try calling your mama perhaps. I've already asked the most important questions that, obviously, are way above your understanding on the formulation and, more importantly, how potting 'soils' are processed.

Let me repeat so that even a simpleton like yourself can process (perhaps or if only, eh?)

1. Who is doing the actual mixing of this mystical mix?

2. What is the actual source of the sphagnum peat moss used in this mix? (supposedly as it turns out).

3. What is the ratio of humus to the base/useless levels of inert components? Head over to Google.com and see if you can figure out any part of this questin.

Thanks for sharing. Do you (also) work for the pricks down in Eugene?

Laughable - as usual.


just what I thought.you did not dissapoint me.just some fast talk mumbo jumbo scientific sounding insult.my awnsers I dont know or want to know...I'm not the one crashing a thread proclaiming to be a expert.Snap some shots of you degrees or phd's or your just some know it all punk in my eyes. didnt come here to help, came to profess superiorty.or better yet post a easy to follow easy to obtain recipe for a superior soil mix.Thats what I'm saying I'm defending the op and the others that you insult without substance.giving you a taste of your own medicine as it were.Most people who want to grow pot organic arent really intrested in the inner workings of the peat ind.or intrested in studying what makes thier soil tick.They want to know how much of what ingredeants to mix together in order for them to have a good harvest of great pot.So if you want to be helpful loose the anger and the dellusions of grandure and post the recipe.or prove me right that your only intention was to come here and sling shit.love how you keep calling me a simpleton yet you are completly and utterly oblivous to my point which is...(broken down so even a pretard(below retarded)like you can comprehend(understand). STOP BEING A DICK HEAD


just what I thought.you did not dissapoint me.just some fast talk mumbo jumbo scientific sounding insult.my awnsers I dont know or want to know...I'm not the one crashing a thread proclaiming to be a expert.Snap some shots of you degrees or phd's or your just some know it all punk in my eyes. didnt come here to help, came to profess superiorty.or better yet post a easy to follow easy to obtain recipe for a superior soil mix.Thats what I'm saying I'm defending the op and the others that you insult without substance.giving you a taste of your own medicine as it were.Most people who want to grow pot organic arent really intrested in the inner workings of the peat ind.or intrested in studying what makes thier soil tick.They want to know how much of what ingredeants to mix together in order for them to have a good harvest of great pot.So if you want to be helpful loose the anger and the dellusions of grandure and post the recipe.or prove me right that your only intention was to come here and sling shit.

Uh huh - you can't even answer a single basic question about the potting soil you're advocating one to use. Not one. Laughable.

Noted and I would add 'as usual' - i.e. the usual 'indoor garden center' victim/advocate.

Thanks for sharing regardless. At some point in time that you can discuss any paradigm of formulating a potting soil all on your own and refuse to be a victim of assholes at Roots, FF, Botanicare (i.e. NGW), et al. come back and share your wisdom.

Or lack thereof.



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
FFOF works, happy frog works, roots works... I know because I've used them all at some point in time.

from what someone said earlier, I beleive the happy frog is lighter, as in nutrients. as in water retention / air space I don't remember.. check a quick sample and see how heavy a pot is with it watered, and it will tell you if you need to add more perlite or whatever you use to lighten the mix..

also never bad to add a little lime, I always go with a low end ratio of 1/4 to 1/2 tbsp a gallon to make sure I don't over due, as you never really do know how much they put into it.. can always add, but can never subtract lime...

don't worry about FF, people will tell you it's overpriced crap, but you know what's overpriced crap, ganja from a dealer..
Uh huh - you can't even answer a single basic question about the potting soil you're advocating one to use. Not one. Laughable.

Noted and I would add 'as usual' - i.e. the usual 'indoor garden center' victim/advocate.

Thanks for sharing regardless. At some point in time that you can discuss any paradigm of formulating a potting soil all on your own and refuse to be a victim of assholes at Roots, FF, Botanicare (i.e. NGW), et al. come back and share your wisdom.

Or lack thereof.


love how you keep calling me a simpleton yet you are completly and utterly oblivous to my point which is...(broken down so even a pretard(below retarded)like you can comprehend(understand). STOP BEING A DICK HEAD I could answer if I felt like entertaing a loud mouth know it all punk but that was not my intent for coming to the thread.My intent was just reiderated in the 1st sentance of this post.:tiphat:


Active member
I've somehow managed to put together a mix using store bought bagged products and feel it is of much higher quality than the "stoner joe" brands. Mostly sourced from local nursery's and such.
But then again why would anyone want to put forth some effort to source the highest quality products possible?
Just a thought.
All store bought products are hyped and the final product is pretty much the same. The guy has a bag of Happy Frog. Enough for 3 pots. He probably just wants to get started, not become a soil scientist. Don't over complicate it. Get him started and then give him a chance to tweak it later, if he wants. In my experience the OF and the HF are a bit on the mucky size when used alone especially with new growers who tend to overwater. The Roots is more forgiving but goes to the other extreme with the excessive perlite. It also doesn't hold roots well by itself. Together they work.


My 1st thought when I saw your thread title was, hope you don't get fungus gnats. After reading the thread I see that others have had similar issues. No way will I ever buy another fox farm product!


Active member
my general experiance with Fox Farms is that it needs very little nutes. the Ocean Forest and HF are packed full of good stuff...as soon as i hit 400 ppm i get nute burn.....

ive grown good buds using the FF soils and barely using any nutes....and give them a good mix....OF plus HF plus lightwarrior and some chunky perlite is the shit...

ive been using FF soil for a few years now and never had problems with fungas gnats. my worst fungas gnat infestation was with hydroton and cococoir...


Active member
I've tested the Roots Organic 'potting soil' and it failed on each and every level, i.e. assholes who produce products like FFOF, Roots Organic, et al. are in the business of selling piss-poor 'potting soils' as there is far more money in selling you a 'fix' for their crap soils.

FFOF is far from a "piss poor" soil....i know lots of growers who use it and produce top notch meds. my only complaint with FF is that it burns a little easy.....but so far the BEST buds i have ever grown were from fox farms and using a very low PPM...

flavor is incredible....i run SFV OG in my FF soil mix, and my good friend runs the cut in his coco-perlite hydro mix and uses a ton of nutes like gravity and big bloom with 2 week flush.......both end products look similar, very frosty and good bag appeal, but my SFV tastes way better and has a much deeper minty taste. his is still good, not harsh or chemmy...but it lacks the lemon fuel punch that mine leaves on the back of the throat after smoking. Even he agrees, but he is able to harvest his SFV at around 55 days in hydro while i gotta wait until day 70 for the same frost developement....

Baba Ku

Active member

That would come as a complete and total surprise to these guys unless you want to perpetuate the myth that the grow store soil producers have some kind of 'hook' into the Canadian peat moss industry.

A fool's errand. Good try!!!


What the fuck does that even mean?
I think you may have some issues that need to be addressed elsewhere. It is apparent to me that you are here to argue bullshit.
If you are going to quote me, then make clear points. Hell..try to have a point.
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