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Going wheat free..



Animals are an essential part of our dies and the eco-system so I don't agree about the vegetarianism...but I think this cat is on to something regarding the pesticides. It's the chemicals not the food as wheat is just one of the many food allergies that have increased in recent years.

Farmed meats are not an essential part of the eco system or our diets. Totally...untrue. Farming meats is completely destructive to the eco systems and animal proteins are well proven to be a leading cause of heart disease.

In survival situations...yup...meat may be needed. Other than that...people have simply...been trained to eat animal proteins. A huge destructive industry.

Square molar teeth...useless canines...are not designed for ripping away meats. Do some research...there is no argument

If you have not tried a properly implemented veggie diet....you'd never know...how much illness can be cured through diet.
I won't read all this post because frankly I am sick to death of gluten! Literally!

I am deathly allergic to gluten, found in wheat barley, ect, and not eating gluten is one of the hardest diets you can attempt, a MD told me this point blank. I have no choice, I go off my diet and joint pain, vomiting, migraines, and much more crop up very quick not to mention the permanent damage I am doing to my body each time I smoke a bowl and can't resist an Oreo cookie.

Trust me I am only so successful at a gluten free diet because I have strayed from it and found myself over a toilet throwing up blood. It's not as hard now it has been three years since I found out I had Celiac and no Oreo or pizza will ever taste good enough to erase the image of my insides bleeding and my life being cut short.

EDIT____ After going back and reading the post.

Shame on all you internet Trolls you leave GF diets alone! Some people LIKE ME! have very serious issues with gluten and only stopped eating it after positive Celiac blood tests and advice from a doctor. Before I knew I was so allergic to gluten I walked with a cane and had zero hope for the future. I couldn't run, or hike, or work, or even live. My life was a downward spiral of pain and misery that I was convinced I couldn't escape. Years of doctor visits turned up nothing because most of the doctors like posters in this thread were so narrow minded about food and gluten that it never occurred to any medical professional what might really be wrong with me. Luckily one woman, a nurse practitioner, listened to me and really tried to help me. She ran the Celiac blood test for the first time on me and I have had a new wonderful life ever since.

A gluten free diet saved my life in more ways then I can express here right now, next time try to educate yourself and others about the problem because maybe someone you love will be the one who's life is changed for the better by this information.
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I don't recall anyone saying going GF is bunk. I read one poster who's saying he's going off gluten slowly, which, if he has such a luxury, means his life doesn't depend on it.

However, anyone who knows anything about having to go GF knows it's not a slowly or partial thing, it's gotta be 100%. :)


Active member
Well i broke down and had a few wheat items over the past couple days...

Its hard bc a lot of the food I love or meals I enjoy have wheat as an ingredient.

I think I was wrong doing the all or nothing attitude....I am just going to not eat AS MUCH as i was. That will be easier. That way i can have pizza once a week or a burrito now and then.

Overall for me, all your contributions and the readings i have done did a great job of opening my eyes to how crazy most of our diets are, and that it is important to pay attention to what you eat.


High Class Grass
Wow..i subscribed and wanted to make a post about my experience without carbs..but it seems this thread kinda went nuts..Ill say this tho. Im feelin great and lost 13 pounds already. I dont find it hard to go without it actually, and my hunger for junk has almost disappeared.

Stay Safe

Green lung

Active member
Farmed meats are not an essential part of the eco system or our diets. Totally...untrue. Farming meats is completely destructive to the eco systems and animal proteins are well proven to be a leading cause of heart disease.

In survival situations...yup...meat may be needed. Other than that...people have simply...been trained to eat animal proteins. A huge destructive industry.

Square molar teeth...useless canines...are not designed for ripping away meats. Do some research...there is no argument

If you have not tried a properly implemented veggie diet....you'd never know...how much illness can be cured through diet.


Are you fucking kidding me humans and are ancestors have been eating meat for millions of years. We are omnivores any person with common sense can see that.

We have been hunter and gatherers for most of are existence.

You want your ideology to be so right you are willing to deny common fact and common sense. You can believe that vegetariaanism is healthy or what not but to deny that humans have evolved to eat meat is factually incorrect and borderline retarded.



New member
Currently gluten free is a trend in my home as well as alcohol free. We are doing this to benefit the person w lymes in our family. We decided to do it as a family because after doing research we beleived it could benefit all of us and for solidarity. I have a friend who is also gluten free because of their child w ahzberger disease.


pure dynamite
listen to this before telling us we are omnivores/carnivores.



or google "Best Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky".

I know this is not on the subject intended by the op, but I see the side discussion on meat has started already, so this could not miss from here. really worth a watch.

and some on-topic:
I was never a bread lover, or a meat lover, I just enjoy a pizza once a month or twice at most, except that, fruits, nuts, mushrooms, vegetables and chocolate are my usual eats. And I drink a lot of fresh juice / smoothies. I usually don't eat any bread, dairy or meat except the occasional treat (and that's most of the time pizza). Sometimes I eat pasta. I also moved from sodas to water/tea. That much sugar can't be good for us!

Try to eat just raw vegetables and/or fruits for at least 3 days and you'll be amazed how much energy you'll have. And it's so cheap when you grow your own or they are in season.


New member
I totally agree with making healthier choices. This means doing the research. Try convincing someone that dairy is unhealthy. It is an individual journey. i have been a vegetarian for 15 years now and trying to get even healthier. I have even been met w hostility over my choice not to eat meat. I never tell others what to eat because it doesnt work. i just say whats best for me and leave it up to them to trust me or not.


Active member
listen to this before telling us we are omnivores/carnivores.



or google "Best Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky".
From my experience the guy is blood type "A" and his family would be suffering from strokes and heart attacks if they were eating red meat. (Ok... A 'non-secretor' can eat lamb and goat)

His moralistic view of veganism doesn't work for the O blood type. Show me an O blood type vegan and I'll show you someone with a bad attitude, unhealthy hair and weak, unhealthy nails. If not a bunch of other health problems. Period.

I have yet to find a non-animal protein alternative that changes this for the O blood type.

Yes, what he preaches against is wrong in the slaughterhouse industry. The way they treat the animals is appalling.

Animals raised properly on a farm is not cruelty unless you make the slaughtering process cruel.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
From my experience the guy is blood type "A" and his family would be suffering from strokes and heart attacks if they were eating red meat. (Ok... A 'non-secretor' can eat lamb and goat)

His moralistic view of veganism doesn't work for the O blood type. Show me an O blood type vegan and I'll show you someone with a bad attitude, unhealthy hair and weak, unhealthy nails. If not a bunch of other health problems. Period.

I have yet to find a non-animal protein alternative that changes this for the O blood type.

Yes, what he preaches against is wrong in the slaughterhouse industry. The way they treat the animals is appalling.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
I am familiar with the blood type diet. Its great for health but a lot of discipline. ive been slowly getting back to the principles of it. i was a veagan for several years primarily due to the diet. I am an A type. the vegetarian,



Are you fucking kidding me humans and are ancestors have been eating meat for millions of years. We are omnivores any person with common sense can see that.

We have been hunter and gatherers for most of are existence.

You want your ideology to be so right you are willing to deny common fact and common sense. You can believe that vegetariaanism is healthy or what not but to deny that humans have evolved to eat meat is factually incorrect and borderline retarded.


Where did I say humans weren't historically involved with animal proteins? And I'm not preaching ideology...so no...I'm not fucking kidding you. I don't give a shit what you eat...or whether you think I need to be right but I'll say this:

Animal proteins lead to heart disease

We don't need animal proteins to survive in health

The animal protein industries are a major reason for the destruction of eco systems. It is not sustainable.

These are facts. O and...hunter and gathers we are no longer...not as societies. And now days...you bet...humans are trained to eat meat. They'll kill themselves to eat meat.

Have you ever tried living without animal proteins?...or are you just a fan of them...because you think that's what you need to eat?...because you believe it's your due heritage


Active member
Have you ever tried living without animal proteins?...or are you just a fan of them...because you think that's what you need to eat?...because you believe it's your due heritage
I ate red meat for nearly 4 decades... love the stuff, absolutely delicious. Won't even taste it when cooking for the fam... it's avoid for the A blood type with secretor status and I can definitely tell you why.

Given homemade tempeh and miso... yes, I can live without animal proteins, even fish. Without those I crave a bit of chicken and eat fish I catch myself.

My 3yr old is O... eaten foods chosen by blood type their whole life so far... almost 0% processed foods as well. Without meat... the difference in attitude and health is obvious, even with tempeh and miso that's made with beans compatible for their blood type. Just no comparison. I've seen the same reflected in all O's and have run into a few that are vegan and display the same characteristics of poor mood control, moderate to poor health, bad hair and weak nails.

Interestingly enough... as an A blood type eating beef my whole life... my hair was never exactly 'healthy' and my nails were always weak. As soon as I quit eating red meat... Bam! Rock hard nails and healthy hair that's super strong. :woohoo: Can't even begin to go into all the other issues that went away, that I wasn't aware I had.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


I ate red meat for nearly 4 decades... love the stuff, absolutely delicious. Won't even taste it when cooking for the fam... it's avoid for the A blood type with secretor status and I can definitely tell you why.

Given homemade tempeh and miso... yes, I can live without animal proteins, even fish. Without those I crave a bit of chicken and eat fish I catch myself.

My 3yr old is O... eaten foods chosen by blood type their whole life so far... almost 0% processed foods as well. Without meat... the difference in attitude and health is obvious, even with tempeh and miso that's made with beans compatible for their blood type. Just no comparison. I've seen the same reflected in all O's and have run into a few that are vegan and display the same characteristics of poor mood control, moderate to poor health, bad hair and weak nails.

Interestingly enough... as an A blood type eating beef my whole life... my hair was never exactly 'healthy' and my nails were always weak. As soon as I quit eating red meat... Bam! Rock hard nails and healthy hair that's super strong. :woohoo: Can't even begin to go into all the other issues that went away, that I wasn't aware I had.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

In all honesty...I've looked into the blood typing diets...but I'm skeptical about the whole thing. Hard to prove imo.

I'm not telling anyone to go veggie or vegan. All I'm saying is there are some very hard facts about animal proteins creating situations of ill health...not just for the people who ingest them....but for the planet...as a whole.

Meats were once needed for survival...though if you look at all the humanoid fossils...you will find none with carnivorous teeth. Hunting and gathering...could just as easy mean: hunting plants and gathering nuts to eat. Meat did not become a consistent part of the human diet...until agriculture evolved.

Now...meat is sold as necessary...when in fact...it's not. We are now consumers of whatever industry wants us to eat. It's a sham...the standard american diet...the 4 food groups..was/is advertising sold by the meat industries. Not hard to understand.

* after giving up almost all animal proteins over the course of a couple years...for sure...your view and mentality change. It's a way more chilled outlook. I used to crave meats...cheeses..milk...etc but after a while...it seems gross. Lost the desire

Green lung

Active member
Hunting and gathering...could just as easy mean: hunting plants and gathering nuts to eat. Meat did not become a consistent part of the human diet...until agriculture evolved.

No hunting means hunting animals and gathering animals.

Do you know what a shell midden is?

stone blades, bow and arrows, addle addles.

Do you know we have found mammoth bones with stone spearpoints embedded into them.

Have you heard of these things?



Active member
In all honesty...I've looked into the blood typing diets...but I'm skeptical about the whole thing. Hard to prove imo.
Actually... it's disgustingly easy to prove to yourself. Do it for one month so your body is clean(ish) and then eat something on your avoid list. You'll experience the reason why you shouldn't be eating it. Whether it's intestinal/stomach upset, bloating, headaches, disgusting gas... whatever, you'll know. Some foods take a day or so and are more subtle in their effects, most aren't. :)

I'm not telling anyone to go veggie or vegan. All I'm saying is there are some very hard facts about animal proteins creating situations of ill health
When you re-evaluate according to blood type... it starts to make more sense.

...not just for the people who ingest them....but for the planet...as a whole.
Yes... the practices used by the meat and plant supplying industries are very destructive to the environment.

Meats were once needed for survival...though if you look at all the humanoid fossils...you will find none with carnivorous teeth.
Quite true... they've always had omnivorous teeth because humans are omnivores. Period.

Hunting and gathering...could just as easy mean: hunting plants and gathering nuts to eat. Meat did not become a consistent part of the human diet...until agriculture evolved.
As previously stated... no. Meat has always been in the human diet. Even the essenes were supposed to have eaten raw/rotted meat. (Society that didn't cook anything)

Now...meat is sold as necessary...when in fact...it's not.
Human genetics have not 'evolved' that quickly. :)

We are now consumers of whatever industry wants us to eat. It's a sham...the standard american diet...the 4 food groups..was/is advertising sold by the meat industries. Not hard to understand.
Yes... this is true aaaand, it doesn't have anything to do with what we should be eating... it's just a huge travesty that kills people is all.

* after giving up almost all animal proteins over the course of a couple years...for sure...your view and mentality change. It's a way more chilled outlook.
I'm guessing you're not 'O' blood type. The opposite effect happens with my child and the other 'O' blood types I know.

I used to crave meats...cheeses..milk...etc but after a while...it seems gross. Lost the desire
Yeah, me too. My blood type is 'A' though, so it makes complete sense.

You're partway there, just need to prove it to yourself. :) Shockingly obvious once you're 'there'. lol

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Actually... it's disgustingly easy to prove to yourself. Do it for one month so your body is clean(ish) and then eat something on your avoid list. You'll experience the reason why you shouldn't be eating it. Whether it's intestinal/stomach upset, bloating, headaches, disgusting gas... whatever, you'll know. Some foods take a day or so and are more subtle in their effects, most aren't. :)

When you re-evaluate according to blood type... it starts to make more sense.

Yes... the practices used by the meat and plant supplying industries are very destructive to the environment.

Quite true... they've always had omnivorous teeth because humans are omnivores. Period.

As previously stated... no. Meat has always been in the human diet. Even the essenes were supposed to have eaten raw/rotted meat. (Society that didn't cook anything)

Human genetics have not 'evolved' that quickly. :)

Yes... this is true aaaand, it doesn't have anything to do with what we should be eating... it's just a huge travesty that kills people is all.

I'm guessing you're not 'O' blood type. The opposite effect happens with my child and the other 'O' blood types I know.

Yeah, me too. My blood type is 'A' though, so it makes complete sense.

You're partway there, just need to prove it to yourself. :) Shockingly obvious once you're 'there'. lol

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

you left out the best part, you forgot to tell him that he's gonna smell better.......


Interestingly enough... as an A blood type eating beef my whole life... my hair was never exactly 'healthy' and my nails were always weak. As soon as I quit eating red meat... Bam! Rock hard nails and healthy hair that's super strong. :woohoo: Can't even begin to go into all the other issues that went away, that I wasn't aware I had.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Your penis got larger?


No hunting means hunting animals and gathering animals.

Do you know what a shell midden is?

stone blades, bow and arrows, addle addles.

Do you know we have found mammoth bones with stone spearpoints embedded into them.

Dude...not saying people didn't hunt animals. Do you think that was their main source of food? All those stone blades and arrows worked so well that they were so successful hunting...that meat was a primary diet? Or maybe they scavenged

Do you think that hunting meat then...was about survival? Are we in that same survival situation now? Or is it a different survival situation...where we need to think about sustainability?

Do you think that eating modern farm raised meats is healthy? Why do you think so?

* eat what you want...like I said..I don't give a shit. I'm not the vegan army. If you are eating meat because you think that since the cavemen did...you should..well...there you go...be like a caveman
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where do you get b12 if not from animal sources? i mean back in the day not now when it can be put as a supplement.