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Going wheat free..


What were we talking about?
i looked up pork on the blood types and it isn't reommended for anyone lol



Active member
H-S doesn't understand the physiological processes at work, and believes that they can be simplified to blood type. Any registered dietitian will tell you it's bollocks to think that your blood type would be the main indicator of what you should or should not be eating.
Lectins are in all plants and animals.

Your body has compatibility with the lectins in the plants and animals you're eating or it doesn't... this difference comes down mainly to blood type and further to genetic background.

You eat foods that have incompatible lectins... it affects your body. Period. You can see it in the lab, you can see it on a blood test card without a microscope... in extreme cases it kills instantly, like ricin. (edit: Remember those blood test cards? They work because of the science behind the blood type diet. You prick your finger and smear it on 2 dots. Those dots have "A" blood lectins and "B" blood lectins. If you're A, your blood doesn't clump up on the "A" dot. If you're "B", your blood doesn't clump on the "B" dot. If you're "O" your blood doesn't clump on either dot. If you're AB... it clumps on both dots. Why? Because the lectins in each blood type are not compatible... only O is non agglutinating with the other types but in the end it all comes down to lectins. Mainly. There's more to it but primarily lectins.)

This is known science... for 100 years before D'Adamo.

The D'Adamo team has done the lab work to find out what lectins are and are not compatible with what blood types... and the plants and animals that contain them. 10 years ago the lists were NOT as accurate... they haven't stopped the research and they're hella accurate now. :woohoo:

I don't buy into any of the crap they have for sale but their list of food choices is the best on the net. Period.

I'm sorry... nothing you said changes these facts, it just reinforces that your data is old when you insist that this has nothing to do with nutrition. *shrug* No harm in that. Blindly pushing forward and ignoring possibly new information is harmful to yourself... no matter what the subject is.

Be smart... Don't be like that. :thank you:

Want to eat wheat? Ezekiel bread is neutral/beneficial for all blood types. It's SPROUTED wheat... the sprouting destroys the incompatible lectins and also seriously increases the nutritional value. :)
(edit: Essene bread is also an easy to make, sprouted wheat bread-like... bread. I prefer a dash of yeast when making mine.)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
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that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Gluten free pizza is not too bad, I had some the other day. Im sure it depends on who makes it, but I think rice flour tastes good. I use it in normal cooking just because it has a nutty rich flavor.

As a vegetarian I find that eating is tough enough having to cater to the food available to the mass public which almost always has meat as the star. Hard to imagine eating without wheat too, since if meat is the star then wheat is def a supporting member of the band.

On a side note, if you claim not to exercise you can't really be serious about giving others advice about health, can you?


H-S, you picked one sentence out of that whole post and used that alone to try to pick apart what I had to say...? Come on, man. Let me keep it simple. I went to the scientific paper repositories of Google Scholar and Serius. What I found wasn't exactly friendly to, or supportive of your argument. What I found, what I could find, seemed to show that there is little significant correlation between personality and blood type. Nothing on diet and blood type. Why is that?

Do you have any idea what you look like insisting that you and this one doctor know more than an entire profession, an profession whose sole focus in life is specifically human nutrition? Forget the insulting attitude.

Skullz, we got a pre-made GF pizza crust for our granddaughter that is actually very, very good. It's been over a year, I'm sure I threw out the package, and Dave was the one who purchased it. But it was very good. I have a good friend who's vegetarian and she says she uses a lot of 'raw' cashews, for all sorts of things, from making fake cheese sauce to ice cream.

Paleobread? Fucking sucks. That shit is just nasty.


Active member
H-S, you picked one sentence out of that whole post and used that alone to try to pick apart what I had to say...?
Because everything is based on the first sentence?

I've been working with this and with other people for 10 years. I have yet to come across anyone that it doesn't help... significantly.

The results are nearly as dramatic as HAO is on skin issues.

I really don't care what the vocal 'experts' all have to say about it... I've personally experienced nearly every diet and way of choosing foods that exist under the sun and this is the only one that does what it should. For everyone, every time. Period.

Go back in history and look at asbestos. Look at the beginnings of the "This stuff is Bad(tm)" era and see what flack the 'quacks' got for pushing it as non-safe. Take a look at the rock-solid credentials of the 'experts' of the time saying it was perfectly safe. *shrug*

I don't see this subject as any different at all. You can document the agglutination of blood from the introductions of incompatible lectins. It's been proven in the lab for over 100 years.

So..... Until I run into someone that this way of choosing foods doesn't promote excellent health and well being... I'll continue to enjoy what I've learned and continue to pass the information on to those that are in dire need of it.

I've seen too much with this to be swayed by the words of someone who hasn't any practical experience with it. :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Nor do you care what actual scientists have to say, which is CLEARLY why you wouldn't read the one actual scientific study that put ANY of this "doctor's" claims to real scrutiny (which is also why the only thing you can ever post about it, will ever post about it, is HIS website, oh yeah, sooo convincing) and came up with 'no significant correlation between blood type and personality', nor will you count someone with 5x your experience, and here you sit blabbing away as though you're a professional.

The level of her knowledge is such that idiots like yourself cannot gain access to without being able to prove not only who you are, but your level of knowledge. I know factually that someone like *you* cannot get there, and that someone like D'Adamo is considered maddeningly frustrating. You have yet to acknowledge LEAP therapy, and if you had a single fucking clue as to what's involved in human nutrition, if you were really so knowledgeable, you would have addressed it and why your method is so superior. That alone belies you.

This woman has supported her family *and others* on a 6-figure salary with her level of ignorance. She has participated in federally funded studies, she has sat on presidential advisory councils, and is considered absolutely to be one of *the* eminent experts in her field.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Active member
Wheat and lectins...
http://www.cpmedical.net/articles/glutens-and-lectins-a-dangerous-dietary-duo[/quote said:
A Hidden Culprit

Also, beware of assuming that the primary causes of wheat intolerance are directly attributable to gluten alone. In previous articles, we’ve exposed wheat lectin for the serious problem it is. The wheat seed embryo contains a tiny lectin called wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). It is largely responsible for many pervasive ill-effects of wheat consumption. WGA is inflammatory and capable of inflicting direct damage to the majority of tissues in the body. It may help explain why degenerative conditions are associated with heavy wheat-consuming populations, even when wheat sensitivities appear uncommon.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

edit: That took 2 seconds to find.


Active member
Crap, my ten foot pole broke. Take a chill pill kids. Better yet, here, take a puff of that ya'll.

That mind over matter thing is what turns me on personally about all this. Since I don't mind, it just don't matter ;-) I do enjoy the psychological hijinks here though. As far as actual helpful info, meh. I think wheat is bad, right? Rice flour, yeah. I love that word “enriched” though. It sounds like good stuff is added. The opposite is true. Stuff is taken out.

So, who's right here? Nobody. I do want to just point out that it is just these six figure salaried people, political advisers, and these “experts” in their fields, yada yada, who are exactly the ones responsible for putting this world in such dire straits like we are in now. Or in this particular case the dietician “experts”. So why is everyone so over-weight and diet related diseases so rampant? Wait, “It's the other guy, dammit”. I personally find that an actual argument AGAINST credibility. But Hydro, all that *shrugging* must hurt your shoulder blades ;-). I really enjoy all that ignoring, passive aggression of yours. See? I razz everyone equally :)

Anorexia. Where do people get that shit like that anyway? Fuck this. I just ain't eatin' nuthin', maybe that's better? :biggrin:


So why is everyone so over-weight and diet related diseases so rampant?

I can answer that. As I look at my mother wasting away in the nursing home (she's only 72), out of control diabetes, leg amputated, going blind, no feeling in her extremities, on 15 different meds, I can honestly say that she brought on her condition through her sedentary lifestyle and bad diet habits. To this day she will, with much relish, eat a cube of butter all by itself.

The facts are out there. The options are there. On my FB page not too long ago I posted that I would help any of my FB friends get fit. No gimmicks, no fee, all the free help and advice they want...just because. I got not one single person taking me up on my offer....not one.

A lot of people simply don't give a shit about their health and well being...Until it's too late. When they stroke out...maybe then. They don't like doing stuff like this below if they don't have to...


Every time you ingest animal proteins...you are killing yourself. That simple.

eat organically grown veggies...fruits...whole unprocessed foods. Your body will thank you

lost in a sea

too much corn starches in your food.. there's a gene in white americans that comes from europe and studies reckon 50% of white americans have that gene,, it cant handle corn starches and after the liver gets swamped in it enough, in your 40s often, it starts releasing enzymes as its back up plan that dump the inverted crap on the outside of your other organs and subcutaneously but worst of all the blood vessels and heart... diabetes, poor blood flow and heart attacks..

sugar wise people give their pancreases a really hard life,, just imagine the blood sugar peaks in most peoples bodies and everytime you ingest that much sugar the poor thing has to get producing the insulin and the body has to go through the effort to try store that cheap energy and balance your blood sugar levels and they are usually the same few sugars being put in the food chain that also have been proven without any doubt to be the worst for stressing this system.. all that sugar cane derived sucrose still produced by the same colonialist corporations using just next to slave labour.. flooding the world with a cheap poison.. more diabetes ..

tate and lyle wont even let farmers use disused ex sugar cane land to farm on in jamaica.. more crown colonialist imperialist facist scum, just like the big breweries..

more variety of green stuff with food grown on good soil, and less burgers with corn flour buns with animals fed on corn inside and topped with corn syrup relish with fizzy corn water this and popped corn that...

out of all the organs people need to look after the liver the most!

it cleans your blood thus body so if possible just dont take pharmaceuticals because the application of the drugs in that form is insanely badly done.. the bifunctionality of the herbs those exact chemicals were isolated in allow your body to balance, by refining out just one chemical and giving it people you make the body dependent on that chemical to keep what is causing the problem from getting worse, at the cost of your liver and eventually the processes that are involved, without ever curing the problem..

just like how the cannabinoids if isolated at taken on their own produce a crap effect its the many thousands of chemicals in cannabis that make it so good.. agripharma corporations thought they could patent a few compounds and replace cannabis with something you buy at the pharmacy,, but it doesnt work like that.. and obviously dont binge drink like the brits because we will have some very fucked people needing livers in 20-30 years here..
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Hopefully Monsanto will answer the call

A gluten-free, pre-enriched, all-white (patents pending) wheat germ...specifically tailored to the Wonder Bread/McDonalds market.


Hopefully Monsanto will answer the call

A gluten-free, pre-enriched, all-white (patents pending) wheat germ...specifically tailored to the Wonder Bread/McDonalds market.

With all this "genetically modified" food, why the hell can't they "genetically modify" celery so that it tastes like chocolate cake?

lost in a sea

they just want to make it(whatever it is) have lower nutritional content and more water/sugar content.. they dont want you to enjoy yourself lol

its like israel does to palestine, they calculate exactly what the calorific content there is in the food making it into palestine in order to keep the people only just about alive, to run them down and weaken them.. luckily they have tunnels but they get bombed by israeli drones etc all the time..

the crown's bankers are doing the same thing to us in the west, but with both our food and our money..

food shortages will be the topic of the next 5-10 years.. dont wait and see on that one btw, get growing yourself food and learn how to produce/store veggies and protein and carbohydrate sources this year..

they will blame climate change but its the fault of some very cunning and calculating people..


We've had sugar for a couple of centuries, corpulence far longer than that. Why an epidemic? Perhaps it's as much to do with the fact that we now rely on processed foods, often very highly processed, for our sole nutrition. Perhaps it's due to what we choose to put in our mouths, which has been geared for tasty fat, easily digested and utilized carbohydrates, and the sweetness of sugars (some will also put fruits in this category, I'm not ready to throw away the idea of fruit being at least somewhat beneficial for health).

If it were left up to my mother, everyone would be eating whole foods, mostly vegetables. NO GMOs at all (she's experiencing a huge rift between herself and her colleagues due specifically to this issue), and you should only drink water. Beer or wine if we were living in different times where calories weren't so easily acquired.


it's the pesticides...

it's the pesticides...

The only reason I would advise someone to go wheat free is because they already tried the following, and are still having problems:
Go vegetarian
Eat 100% organic food
Exercise daily
Don't consume sweets
Don't consume caffeine
Don't consume artificial food colorings
Don't consume preservatives
Don't use products with fluoride
Cut out products that are in containers which have BPA(some canned goods come bpa free, aluminum cans for soda are lined with BPA)
Have sex daily if possible

I bet at this point wheat won't be much of an issue with anyone. Now if you eat meat, and don't exactly have a healthy diet then jump on the wheat free band wagon. It is not the miracle cure all that some people say it is. Every person I have known to do it had other dietary issues that they should have addressed before even considering going wheat free.

A little side note about wheat itself. Organic wheat will act differently in your bod than GMO pesticide sprayed wheat will. Some studies have shown that all of the "wheat allergies" are actually due to GMO pesticide laden wheat. Along with Americans having a shitty diet in general.:)

Animals are an essential part of our dies and the eco-system so I don't agree about the vegetarianism...but I think this cat is on to something regarding the pesticides. It's the chemicals not the food as wheat is just one of the many food allergies that have increased in recent years.