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Going To ADAM....finally!


Hey guys long time lurker new poster. I have always wanted to go to Amsterdamn since I started smoking the herb in 1992. Due to an unexpected winfall of cash my dream is finally coming true! Also, the euro is now $1.19 to the U.S. Dollar I already bought a few thousand for the trip just a few minutes ago. Although airfare is ridiculous about $1600 RT with one stop over. I just wanted to share my excitement with like minded folks..DAMN IM EXCITED!!!
P.S. IC thanks for all the usefull threads and info that will help me greatly with my upcoming trip..


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
nice one hogg... that low euro value must make it very tempting indeed :)

have a great time here mate :)

lost in a sea

yeah i just wish the £ was fighting the dollar back,,

seedbays raping me atm.......................

amsterdam is an experience and a half :D

so much fun,, i could tell you adam stories that would make you wanna not go,, but its those mental scars in life that make it worth living imo.. and why i love that hole


Thanks guys leaving in 3 weeks! I can barely sleep look forward to it as I have only smoked G-13 and alot of $50 1/8ths so I cant wait to try all the different strains I have never even in 18 years gotten to experience a real sativa buzz.
Thanks for the warning man, but I am a 6'3 bodybuilder most folks dont mess with me..not that Im a badazz or anything but I dont look for trouble and usually dont find it :)
Yah I cannot wait only thing sucks is Im going all alone but on the upside at least now moneys not really a concern at all.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Man... I just love when people take such an initiative to do something..

As you're coming all this way, please post again near the time so some of us can point a few choice coffeeshop deals out etc.... would hate for you to come so far and leave without at least being able to say you've smoked some of the "well known" strains that you've heard of :)


Thanks jamieshoes I appreciate it. I will definatley post again before I leave. I was originally a member of Overgrow and can remember using all the info there to grow out my first crop and wishing I had the nuts to order some white widow or ak47 etc... but kept on truckin with my bag seeds.
Now I have had a few supposed popular strains but where Im from the dealers usually just say its WW or g13 or whatevers popular at the time lol. meanwhile its prolly just some decent homegrown. So, I cant wait to smoke the real deals and lots of it!

lost in a sea

your gonna love it buddy !!

i wouldnt say it was a dangerous place at all,, just full of nutters, and building that look like they will fall over on you..

its a bit of a culture shock from the uk,, i cant imagine what americans think of the place tbh,,

the rest of holland is far more normal though..

Guest 18340

hogg, I'll be leaving for the 'Dam in 10 days! Going to start off in Malta then work my way to Amsterdam then back-track to Malta.
I'm stoked like a mofo!
Your damn right tickets are expensive, the whole trip is costing me over 4 grand in air-fare alone.
I'm 42 y/o and have dreamed of this for oh so long!


Nice! evlme
Yah Im 36 and have wanted to do this since I was 18..I am so excited. I have been reading about Amsterdam online non stop since.
Im most excited about the herbs available and the ability to smoke and enjoy it openly with others without fear of going to jail.
I also plan to go to the museums and Anne Frank house and to check out the red light district of course ;)
I hope to get to see Derry, Nol, Soma and some of the other famous breeders while im there also, they almost seem like characters from a fairy tale book or something having read about them first in High Times then Og and of course IC but thinking Id never get to see the adult version of Disneyland that is Amsterdam.


lives on planet 4:20
Hi hogg,

I've been to Amsterdam a few times, and a few other places in
the Netherlands. There are many folks on this forum that know
a lot about coffeeshops, including JamieShoes (he also knows
a lot about growing and sharing his awesome bud/hash...lol) :)

But, since this is more of a growers forum, I would recommend
that you read these diaries from folks that do some serious toking
in the Dam, from the Amsterdam Coffeshop Directory



and maybe check out the link in my signature, that thread has
lots of stuff including hotels, hostels, and videos about coffeeshops
that you might find interesting


donut engineer
I've been to Amsterdam 4 times over the past 5 years. I try to go for at least a week each time, but have stayed for as long as a month.

A'dam is beautiful, interesting and inspiring. If you're going alone, might I suggest bringing along something creative for you to attend to. Once you have a few coffeeshop smokes and drink a few beers, the novelty wears off and you basically wander, looking for something to do.

I found the most engaging amsterdam activity to be renting a bike and riding around town. Then I'll take a nap Vondelpark and eat a sandwich from stuff I bought at the store. That, I think, is my ideal amsterdam.

I will say, please do some research into coffeeshops before going. There are very few 'good' shops left. Most of them sell sub-standard nederweit weed that looks and tastes just like the rest. Off the top of my hat I can suggest Grey Area (awesome), Dampkring, and Rokerij. I generally stay away from the rest unless I plan on just buying a coffee in a shop and having a smoke from one of those three. Do some research and definitely make some connections with locals if you can.

Good luck and have fun mate :)


I have been to A-Dam 4-5 times, have friends that live there, great city. GREAT BEER.

While I was there I found this gem of a way to "burn up" some time.
There is a boat club in Amsterdam that gives small canal boat tours. These are SMOKING/DRINKING tours. Not the big canal boat touristy crap, real cool hour and 1/2 cruising the many canals around the city.

If you run out of smoke, they will pull over and let you go get more, same with drink and food.

The cost? $0.00 yes it's free! They only ask for a 10 euro donation, and it is well worth that. This was a VERY fun time, I go every time I am in Amsterdam. Here is the link to this place.


Kickass time.


Nice suggestions funkervogt and Lakota412, I really appreciate it. SouthFlorida thanks for the links, most helpfull.
Im no too worried about getting bored as I have travelled alone many times before.
I am actually going for at least 2 weeks but have the option to stay for a month.
The only issues I have right now is that the rooms in the Dam seem very small and alot of them you have to share a bathroom, which is unusual for me.
Do you guys think 5000 euro would be enough spending money for 2 weeks? (this would be just for food, smoke, and entertainment.)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
jesus christ... just how many hookers do you plan to see mate?

JOKING ..I'm Joking...:D

I would say that should be fine mate (more than*)... you might also consider Haarlem as a city to visit/stay in.. it's about 20 minutes from Amsterdam and is just beautiful at this time of year (or indeed any) and probably a good bit cheaper for B&B's, small hotels (pensions) etc

*you could probably manage on a fraction of that ... but you could also spend 10 times that in A'dam ...totally depends on your outlook ;)


Thanks Jamieshoes, Yah I just wanna make sure I have plenty of cash as this is a dream come true for me. I will probably stay for a month though I just wanted to make plans for the 2 weeks for sure.
Yah I heard Haarlem has some good coffee shops isnt that where Hunters is?
Man I cant wait till my passport gets here, If I had it already Id be very tempted to jump on a plane tomorrow!


Well-known member
if i was you i would load up your debit card with most of your money and bring little cash. make sure the cc company knows you will be in europe. there are plenty of atm's


Thanks for the advice guys. I am planning to bring my debit card along with the cash and dont worry I will leave all my cash in my hotels safe except what I need for each day. The reason I went ahead and got euros already is that I have a connect with a currency exchange in the U.S. and was able to get an exchange rate of 1 euro for $1.19 us so I was afraid the exchange rate may go back up but knowing my luck itll be down even more before I go...lol
miaumiau is wollemi pine a type of mj or hash? I have only had hash once when I purchased 5 grams of some black hash but it tasted kinda like it had a little motor oil in it and the effect was just very lethargic and made me too sleepy I didnt like it at all..

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