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Going on an ELVIS cruise.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
I liked this Elvis, but rhinestone Elvis, no.


Elvis and Johnny, booth had a seacruise as soldiers and stepped european ground first in my hometown.


Active member
Hello all,

I am back...still trying to recooperate from the trip.

It was as I suspected, all Elvis all the time all over the place. In every room, hallway, on every deck. Elvis everywhere.

It was as if someone ate some bad Elvis and booted it everywhere.

They had drinks named after songs (the "Shake Rattle and Roll" $7.50).

They did indeed have fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

They had many Elvis contests with many of the same ETA'a just in different order.

There was a 94yo woman doing the twist (very disturbing).

There was a 7yo boy being trained by his mother to be an ETA. Sad really, everytime the kid was looked at or heard his stage name (Storm) he would turn on and do Elvis moves as if on cue. Mom sure did seem to enjoy the attention as well.

There were leading ladies from movies he did (and he was a rotten actor-he even agreed the movies were rotten).

There were door decorating competitions.

There were groups that all wore the same costumes to the various Elvis events.

They played Elvis movies on the ships TV.

Then there were the want a be ETA's at the keroke bar.

Everywhere I turned was Elvis.

The sad part was that my mp3 player did not go up loud enough to drown out Elvis.

I think if I hear Love ME Tender or Heartbreak Hotel one more time I will go running off into the street with an assualt weapon screaming in the night.

It was a great cruise if Elvis is your thing...but it was long and boring for me.

My sweet wife had a great time and that is what matters to me. And the food was kewl.

I did make a tincture to take with me but it was not the same as smoking my buds. Still it made the whole thing more bearable. And there was no issues with being caught smoking although it would have been doable. There were roaches on the upper deck at the back end of the ship so I know others were indulging.

As to the tincture, it was good (made according to directions) but it tastes horrid. Along with the burn of the alcohol it was hard to do. Put it in a glass perscription cough syrup bottle, washed with bleach and put in a plastic bag using a sterle proceedure it made thru TSA.

Being in a wheelchair, they did a pat search on me so like in the psat I could have just put a sack next to my sack and all would have been fine to take smokables.

My sweet wife took gigs upon gigs of videos of the cruise but little inthe way of stills.

She is talking about the next cruise as well as dead week in Memphis this summer....Yes Dear!

Well, thats it really.



Parker Schnobel
You Sir,are a better man than I.Two days in I would have stuffed my clothes full of peanut butter and banana sandwiches and jumped overboard.


ICMag Donor
Hello All,

Well, as the title says I am going on an Elvis Presley cruise soon.

I can't help but imagine that there will be an"Elvis Tribute Artist" (ETA) around every corner of the ship. In the elevators, the halls, the food courts for sure. There will be ETA's in the pool, on the slides, in the stores and at the bars.

And then theres the scheduled ETA's on every stage, Elvis playing on the overhead corridor speakers, Elvis wantabees and Elvis memorabilia(sp) everywhere.

The thing is...not an Elvis fan. I do not recognize Elvis as the king of rock and roll (nor do I see MJ as the prince of Pop either) and I do not own any of his music.

I am going on the cruise with my sweet wife (who is a fan) as well as my mother and father in law who are also great Elvis fans.

So much so that they go to Memphis every year in mid August to honor his death and watch all the same ETA's year after year.

The very same ETA's that will be on the ship.

Now, I have in the past brought buds with me on cruises since it was just me smoking. It was easy and relatively safe.

This year however, the crowd on the ship is likely to be more anti-pot then a regular mix of folks. That is its going to be a bunch of old geezers with no tolerance for the smell of weed. I estimate the likelyhood of complaint to be high.

Now this time around we opted for a inboard stateroom with no windows so smoking out on the patio is not an option (which is totally the bomb while at sea).

Smoking on the back of the ship could work but still somewhat dicey...firing up a pipe is not as indiscrete as a joint but either could bring unwanted attention my way.

So, I have been considering bringing a tincture with me for my needs. Much more stealthy don't you think.

Anyway, with weed its just been a matter of putting my sack next to my johnson and never had an issue. However, a small bottle of tincture would be best put in the checked baggage. Was even thinking of using a Nyquil(sp) bottle.

I believe the trick to smell is to thoroughlywash the outside of the "leak-proof" bottle prior to packing.

Anyway, thats the plan...as for Elvis overload...well, I have my Ipod and a good book.

Just wanted to put this out there...it has been a while since I have posted anything.


To answer your question:
I have never had a problem smoking on a cruise ship. If you have to use the outside promenades hang to the back of the ship at night and you'll be fine.
keep a lit cigar with you just in case and you're good to go.
You can bring all you need with you leaving but don't bring it back into customs with you.
have a good time.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you are indeed a very good man, perhaps if you neglect to renew your passport you can beg off the next trip at the last minute. bon voyage.
