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Going for custudy of the Grandson..


Active member

I thought I'd posted in this thread one night but now believe that it was during a moment that the server was down for its nightly maintenance.

God bless and great success to you and your wife with your grandson. It happens more often than ever these days where grandparents are called upon to raise the little ones for all the reasons above and more.......

Thank you Stoner...It sure is tough, starting all over again, raising a little one...LOL..but it will be worth it, just knowing he is not "Lost in the System" as many kids become..Never to see a "family" again..I wouldnt know what to do if this happened to him....



Active member
Morning Gang,
Just an update...Went to court yesterday...Nothing much happened, except that we now have official temporary custody of him...We meet with his (the GS) has a lawyer, the 21st and then back to court the 28th for a final hearing....Whew!! So, so far so good....the boys Father was there, with his new wife....he and his wife, tell us they do not want to take him away, just to be able to visit him...We told him all he had to do was call....end of story....
Time will tell...
Thanks to all for all the support....it feels so good knowing we are doing the right thing..



thats great news man!! it's gonna work out just fine brother, because you are doing the right thing and you are damn sure not letting things that are very important (read: the kid) fall through the cracks. knowing the kid is covered will make the crustiest old judge feel like he actually did some good ......... you got this one treetop. good job!!!!!


Active member
Thanks bud...Looks like things are falling into place well at this stage...All for the little guy....its been a rough ride, but we are gettin there....
:thank you::jump:


Active member
Big smile on my face

Big smile on my face

Just read your last post,with big smile on my face .
Very pleased to hear its going well.A


Active member
Hey Tree,
Great news. Hopefully testing is a worry of the past. H people sometimes have a scorched earth mentality and lay waste to all around them. Real glad to hear this won't be the case.

Look at the sunny side, besides the fact your grandchild will have family love...

You'll be too damn busy chasing that kid around to think about being old.
A regained youth is the default position.
You get to be old only after the kid is snug in bed.

Best of luck.


Active member
Just read your last post,with big smile on my face .
Very pleased to hear its going well.A

Thanks Andy,
I'm thinkin things are going to be just fine...all the way round....
Enjoy the day, I am...:)


Active member
Hey Tree,
Great news. Hopefully testing is a worry of the past. H people sometimes have a scorched earth mentality and lay waste to all around them. Real glad to hear this won't be the case.

Look at the sunny side, besides the fact your grandchild will have family love...

You'll be too damn busy chasing that kid around to think about being old.
A regained youth is the default position.
You get to be old only after the kid is snug in bed.

Best of luck.

Hey mrcreosote,
Yes, things are much better and we are feeling pretty comfortable with everything so far...We will know more after ther 21st, but so far so good...He does run the shit out of me at times, but well worth the work...Whew!! Sometimes I am beat...hahaha...but none the less, gettin in shape, and feeling on top of the world...
Thanks again,


Morning Gang,
Just an update...Went to court yesterday...Nothing much happened, except that we now have official temporary custody of him...We meet with his (the GS) has a lawyer, the 21st and then back to court the 28th for a final hearing....Whew!! So, so far so good....the boys Father was there, with his new wife....he and his wife, tell us they do not want to take him away, just to be able to visit him...We told him all he had to do was call....end of story....
Time will tell...
Thanks to all for all the support....it feels so good knowing we are doing the right thing..


Perfection. The stable family members are the primary caretakers, and encourage frequent contact with parents. Would that EVERYONE embroiled in custody disputes handled themselves the same way.

I am a (non-blood) relative grandmother who spent almost a year raising said stepdaughter.


Active member
yeah, i think things are gonna go fine, but good luck anyways :) (maybe the extra luck will score you a free pepsi or something lol)


Active member
Perfection. The stable family members are the primary caretakers, and encourage frequent contact with parents. Would that EVERYONE embroiled in custody disputes handled themselves the same way.

I am a (non-blood) relative grandmother who spent almost a year raising said stepdaughter.

Thank you...
Sounds like you have been busy yourself...much respect to you...Not many like you...Thanks for keeping a child, secure and loved!!!!
Treetops :)


Active member
Morning all,
Well, We were successful with our custody issue with the Grandson...all is well....with us and his Dad for now....He is happy and so are we...We are also taking him to court for back child care...next phase....
Again thanks for all the support...
:thank you:
Treetops and Family....


:jump: thats great news man !!!! :woohoo:

i'm going to burn one in honor of your grandson. i really needed to hear some good news today! thanks !


Active member
Excellent news, and best of luck with the whole situation. You are obviously very loving people, and you are all blessed with each other. As for the junkie dad, well, hopefully he will straighten up, but if he doesn't, you are now the captain of the ship, and keep your course!!!!!


Active member
Thanks guys, greenmatter, and castout....The tension is now gone which is hard to believe...I didnt even think it was that bad...now its gone, Wow....Things can only get better from here on out....
Lets all take a toke for another Grand Kid in a better place.....with no worries....


Active member
Well, Great news, everything is now done....except for the workout of support...the Dad never showed...we have another hearing over the phone as the Dad probably wont show again.....Judge will be ruling in our favor..and thankfully his Dad, cant mess with us anymore..and we are much more happy now knowing that...He and his new wife, moved and didnt even let us know where they moved too..No phone number given either...Nice guy..
Thanks everyone for your support...
:thank you:
Treetops and family..


there are too many kids these days who's dads are nothing but low grade sperm banks.

sounds like your grandson is better off without him anyway

and the little dude got 3 aces on the draw in the form of grandparents who can and will pick up the slack.

glad to hear you have the legal BS behind you now treetops.

now all you have to do is hang out with the grandkid! perfect example of a symbiotic relationship IMHO:) ....... everyone wins

ENJOY IT !!!!!

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
That's excellent news Treetops. I am sure this will be a rewarding experience for you and your grandson.

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