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Goin Sealed room, 2x600s +250mh, What size AC?


Hi fellow greenthumbs, ive been growing for the past 3years and have come ALONG way from
0.46 gpw hempy's to tech'd out 0.75gpw ebb n' flow SOG,
However I'm constantly at war with my heat in summer topping out at 104F and humidity is a killer
all year round, fluctuating daily in range of 40-90%

No matter how many cooltubes, fans(+dehumi) I use it wont fix the environmental problems im
faced with as my air being pulled in is the issue.
Nowdays doing quite alot of research on converting to a sealed room with AirCon and CO2

tricky part is calculating the size of a window Airconditioner for my room. I'd like to back up my findings
with some input of fellow growers experienced in this field who can pass on some Real knowledge on the matter
so here goes...

My room is roughly a 10x10 (x8 foot high i suppose that makes it approx 800cubic feet or give or take a few)
Now my growspace consists of two tents:
-3x3 veg tent, 250MH
-4x8 bloom tent 2x 600hps
(all ballasts in room)
+380w dehumidifier 5g/day

So any recommendations on a window AC size?

Peace Ax.
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Active member
does your hood air cooled if yes i would say 10K btu little overkill .I run 3k of lighting air cooled,with 5K btu of cooling A/C in my room .Same size as your's(10x11x7 around 770 cubic feet)but i also run a 3 panel diy heat exchanger doing around 7.5K btu of cooling. next round i will put a 12K btu split A/C better control .


well i do have my two 600's in cooltubes now but the prob is i have a visible intake (window) and only 1 outlet which is a hidden 6" duct...

i rent from a friend and i dont wanna cut holes in his ceiling lol, so basically i cant aircool the lights whilst using AC
unless i draw air from inside the room (really inneficient)

just wanted to know what size AC i will need for using regular reflectors 2x 600s, 250 and the dehumi


i did some number crunching using 00420's method,
resulting in an airconditioner size of 2.4-3.2Kw :bashhead: (aircooled lights vs regular)

this sound exessive for 1450w of hid's, i hope someone can
shed a little light on this as i was under the impression
1kw hps needed 3500btu(1kw) of AC...


Active member
go with a 12,000 BTU unit and run it on low.
i have never figured in "kilowats" just strait "watts" is more like it.
the 12,000 BTU A/C should pull around 1100 watts maybe less.

u should try and get creative about makin air cooling possible. you already (get it) about how to source ur cooling air from outside the building.
cut a fuckin hole in your ceiling and deal with it when u move out (put somemoney aside and hire a pro to make that ceiling look better than new.

good luck,


mmm, sounds redic' simple... pay a pro t fix the ceiling lol!, that would put my mind at ease and make the bad karma go away.

im so diy i didnt even think of payin a pro 2 do it, your a smart man buzzmirk!
thankyou for the advice

so if i aircool the lights and run the room sealed will that drob the btu's down much lower than 12,000?
coz i dont wanna double the electricity that i use


really depends on your climate outside. Higher outside temps will put stress on your a/c and will not be as efficient. I have a 3 ton unit which can keep 3-4k cool in the middle of the summer at night but i live in the fucking desert.


If your electrical outlet is rated correctly, I say go as big as you can possibly afford. I started with 600w, now up to 4kw and quite a few AC units later am running a 18k btu mounted in the wall of my gr.
Over kill just means the AC has to operate less to keep the room at any given temp, thus extending the life of the ac as well.
Good luck


big thanx for the speedy replies guys, your saving me hassel, i was gonna go with an AC on the smaller side, naturally i have no AC experience and was tryin to save a buck, and my power bill too

so a lightly overkill sized AC set on low would be relative in cost to a smaller model maxxed out ?

oh just outta curiousity wowzerz, 18kbtu is what u run for what style setup, how many lights>?

(oh found this 12kbtu split install http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=109576 similar to my room, 2x600's +dehumi, couldnt find what temps his ambient were before and after install or how much it would use in terms of Kw/Hrs tho)

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