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Goddess update

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Greetings to the Godesses!

Greetings to the Godesses!

How great! I first came to Amsterdam during the Goddess Cup and have felt like a Goddess ever since! To be welcomed to the Dam by a Canna Cup and gorgeous Goddesses like Watermelon was something that I couldn't have wished for - and yet there it was on a platter - Heaven high is right Zoe - !

I can't wait to meet up with as many of this years crop of Goddesses - oh yes, we replenish and replant too! - so please make a point of stopping by and saying "Hi" if you see a bunch of blonde curls interviewing people. I'm going to be writing for quite a few mags and publications at the event so I'm really up for as many 'kind' stories as possible... !

If you want to get in touch with me before the cup to give me a 'heads up' for any juice then go on and tag me here or you can always hit the i.D.E.A. website and catch me there... I'm at www.the420experience.nl ...

See you at the Cup, but till then ... TAKE GOOD CARE!


Welcome home Dopray

Welcome home Dopray

Heavenhigh Lady Welcome..... We have alot to do before the show.. I am painting clothes in between vaporizing and planning the show down to the last detail..Would love to invite you to be a "painted lady"....Love having more female energy around.Tell me more about your mag lady.......HUGS "don't forget who u r" Z


New member
Doprahs glad to be home!

Doprahs glad to be home!

Thanks Zoe - how you're managing to do so much while staying so kind is a great thing - all that and steady hands for painting - who says it's not a Zen thing!

Thanks for the invitation to be a 'painted lady' - I'm really flattered... how fun - though I think it will be pretty difficult for me to be in one place long enough for a nail to be painted - let alone anything else!

I'm going to be coming to talk to you about the magazine alot actually. I know that you're really into the medicinal scene as far as helping with MS sufferers, etc! Dvoice magazine in Holland (English language & for Expats) is doing a feature on this in an upcoming issue and so I'll be looking to interview you and anyone else you think would be interesting/interested in putting their views or stories forward. Dvoice is a 'straight' magazine but every November is a 'counter culture" issue - last year it was all over the High Times Cup and had things like a recipe from Watermelon (another Goddess!). I know that you'll have a lot of really relevant information for me so get ready!

I'm really looking forward to seeing you soon with a whole passle of female energy, but till then - take good care!


Check out my Gallery

Check out my Gallery

Heavenhigh...................... Finally getting to work getting my work out there...My favorite is the first but unfortunatly u can't see the pot in the iris.. These are some of my favorites. Done by many photagraphers.....I will list them later.....Can't wait to see you Dopray at the cup.. come get painted or stoned at least.....Hugs......ZZZZZZZZZ..


Goddesses coming out of everywhere!!!!!

Goddesses coming out of everywhere!!!!!

Heavenhigh................... The Ladies are coming from everywhere. Look out guys !!!!!!! Do I have plans to please all of your pallettes... Been working on the costumes.. I'm making Headdresses now Everyone wants to be involved. the best is coming to me .Am I ever having fun.....HUGS...Z......."Walk your talk"


introducing [email protected]

introducing [email protected]

Heavenhigh..... BOG and Dopray.You are right honey alot on my plate.. BUT I'm loving it......That meeting today was guite up my alley..I met some DYNAMIC ENERGY today at one of our coffeeshops................The three people I met were part of a group called"Thc4ms"......... IT is "a medi-weed co-operative based in the UK that produces cannibis chocolate bars free of charge for Multiple Sclerosis sufferers"...You can contact them at [email protected] ....I will be pursuing them at the cup........I hope they bring chocolates!!!!!!! My deeppest respect for these people...!!!!!!! Thank you. LOVE............. ...................PS...BOG I will make you a headress you can be a God..... See you then "Walk your Talk" HUGS..!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hey Zoe - I am really looking forward to featuring THC4MS as well - I'm really glad you were able to meet them - what inspirations eh!?!

I'll send you the tag once the interview is up!

See you soon!


Painting Dopray on the run

Painting Dopray on the run

Heavenhigh Dopray...................... I am real good at painting young minds on the move............................................ Remember I was a clown dealing with little people all the time.That is when a dot turns into a line . BUT we can work it ...................HUGS Z

Uncle Hughie



Just to let yas know....im following this thread..but each time i come to say somethin ,I,m too blazed to have any input lol....i must ease up on the work load and ....go to 420
Even for the Day itself....


Uncle Hughie calm down..

Uncle Hughie calm down..

Heavenhigh We, myself and my "Painted Ladies" invite you for 15 minutes of attention at the 4:20 Cup........Hope you find the time...... Look for Lady Heaven High and she will assist you..........ENJOY.......HUGS..... See u there. Z


Which Goddesses are coming????

Which Goddesses are coming????

Heavenhigh seeing how i have about 200 "Painted Ladies" to choose from I have invited them all... They will be in all shapes and sizes..... All colors. An arrangement of delights!!!!!!!!! To my extreme pleasure and surprise they all have volunteered.......So PLEASE treat them well and with great respect and you will enjoy our feminine energy... It is needed at this so called Male Dominated event. We do not need the windows to please you. However we don't do sex.. Thats up to you. Good Luck Guys .."Don't forget who you are".......HUGS...Lady Heavenhigh


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Getting Painted

Getting Painted

I would love to get painted on one of the days Zoe - if you can fit me in ....! With 200 painted ladies running around you're going to be one busy lady! Take care of yourself too eh!


````they all want to be involved

````they all want to be involved

Heavenhigh Dopray....... It's amazing how everyone is wanting to be part of this event. They will all be in their glory!....................I"m sure we can find time to paint you somewhere...That was quite a meeting today man, things are happening fast. hold on for the ride sister...HUGS zzz PS "Don't forget who u r"


New member
Hey Zoe - it sure was quite a meeting yesterday - we're all really excited by the joint ad'ventures coming up! See you again soon sister!



I like it I like it

I like it I like it

Heavenhigh I love all this new energy in town.. I'm loving all the attention...I like it when we start moving in this direction.. There is alot TO DO!!!!!!! HUGS Dopray.......z


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Lots to do!

Lots to do!

No kidding Zoe - I was up at quarter past silly this mornin' - how come the 'to do' list doesn't get any shorter ... no matter what!?!


New member
Hey Viper - thanks for that - but no worries mate - we're rewarded every day with kind friends, kind herb and kinda decent weather!
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