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Goat's Garden Greens 2012-2013

Flying Goat

Brace yerselves, all you hi-tech geek freaks... The girl once spoiled to carbon filters & switchable digitals & CO2 systems is now growing in:

rich earth scraped from forest floor under leaves
65% horse crap
10% charcoal bits

Only insect control - nicotine from old cig butts in tea form

Only fert - manure tea, fermented seaweed, fermented "cocktail" of plaintain, dandelion, burdock, and yarrow...

Seedling strengthener (makes stems less vulnerable to doodle bugs and leaf-cutter ants: Horsetail tea.

All these plants except the seaweed grow on our property.

Ooops! Things have changed. Must negotiate site better before adding photos. I'm guessing upload to the gallery & then insert into the post?

Help an old blind broad out, guys... I've been away for awhile.

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Bud Green

I dig dirt
Congratulations on your move down south..Way down south!

And your experience there just proves once again that "modern technology" doesn't always mean "better" !


Elite StrainCloneHunter
hi sis :tiphat:,

taggert :biggrin:

@[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]mapinguari say it right if upload the pics in you album than u must put BB link in your post....



Active member

its easy,just hit reply to thread button,a screne pops up
with a box to print in.....now scroll down,you see the
mannage attachments button,hit it,another small box screne pops up,
with your browse pics buttons.....hit 1 and it brings up your pics in computor,
find a pic an hit the upload,after the pic uploads,close the box,an hit post
on the widow with the print box....print as well about the pot!
simple as heck with an imac...

Flying Goat

Guys, planting season has begun in earnest down here & am busy going back & forth, clearing out winter's overgrowth, etc. Also, preparing to move to the woods next month, so am packing for this...

Will put up some pics soon... Now that the flaming has stopped.

(Thanks, mods!) <tips hat>

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