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GMT goes 3d


The Tri Guy
My pics no longer work, as I took them down a while ago, but most of the others do.
Link to software in post 77
Links to glasses may be out of date.

You'll need the red/blue anaglyph glasses to view these pics. They are free to order, just google free 3d glasses.

I have lots of these, and I'll put a few more up every now and then.



Matter that Appreciates Matter
Are you doing this in post or do you have a 3d mount for your tripod?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
pretty fkn cool man

You made me drag out my glasses at this time in the am.


ICMag Donor

Love the way the fans look like you could poke yer eye out on them if you get too close to your monitor.

Keep em coming!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Your creativity is fucking astounding I mean! I grow like you do too.........the last two years, no timers, less is better style......less stress, funky results......my shit blows the socks off other ppl......peace bro.......Desi


The Tri Guy
Hi Dr Dog, lol sorry about that, keep em handy though.

Hi Bly, now you know the score I'm waiting for yours.

Hi THC, well its not so much enhancing 1 pic as combining 2, one for the left eye and one for the right.

Hey Desi, glad you like, and glad you've gone "lazy", so many advantages to it.

Hi Mrs B, thanks, if you do order a pair, ( and they are free if you look around) get the red/blue, thats the way I prepare em.

Hi Sleepy, thanks, thought I'd let em loose since it's xmas. Also I wanted a thread in Smokeys forum for a while, but never really had a collection of pics to lay down in one go.

ok a few more, tricky since the res here is 800x600, limits the res on each pic to 400x600 which lowers quality alot, at 3500 wide they are pretty cool.


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Great pics GMT!!

If you'd like to send me copies of the left & right images, I can get them added to the Stereoscopic 3D image thread/gallery, as the red/blue source images should work well for stereo viewing. I would appreciate some company in there too hehe :D

Either way, keep up the awesome work!


The Tri Guy
Thanks BR,

Hi Mr Bong, I really hadnt seen your thread, glad you had a link in your sig, Im uploading a few stereos onto your thread now. I'll put em into a post though so my copyright wil appear below, dont want some weed magazine ripping them off, suggest you pop a copyright on yours too.


You will not be forgotten
always enjoy your pictures GMT, next time i come across some 3d glasses ill have to grab up on em. lets see some 3d pictures with some colored background maybe? like that blue pictures was the shit, anways peace bro :joint:


The Tri Guy
Hi daddyhaze, thanks.

Hi Dime, ok I'll put one together. That blue one you're talking about was actually a white background with the white balance altered for HPS light but lit with flourecent light to make it blue, I may try that again as its easier than hanging something blue behind the bud.


The Tri Guy
Hi Flexo, didnt mean to ignore you, its just that i had these pages set to 5 posts per page, (a habbit from the old dial up days) and you post fell on the previous page. I hope you manage to get the 3d glasses so you can really see the pics.

A couple more:



ICMag Donor
Here's some of the ones I've come up with.

PBS x SDIBL - Day 49 (PBS is purple bag seed)

Sour Creek - Day 49

I don't want to overwhelm your thread, so I'll post some other strains later.