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In A Face-To-Face GMO Debate, The "For" Side Wins

Will the debate sway you?

By Francie Diep Posted 20 hours ago

Last night, about 450 people packed into New York City's Kaufman Center to hear a genetics professor and Monsanto's chief technology officer debate against researchers who are against the use of any genetic engineering technology. Among the audience members were writers for environmental magazines, a well-known biologist who had invented major genetic techniques, and Bill Nye the Science Guy. It was a sold-out show.
At this debate, and others put on by host Intelligence Squared U.S., the most fun part is that before the debate, and again after, audience members vote whether they're for or against the debate topic. Whichever side gains the most support wins. This time, one side had an unusually large win.
Before the debate, 30 percent of the audience said they were against genetically engineering crops, 32 percent said they were for it, and 38 percent were undecided. In the end, 31 percent were against—and 60 percent were for, a gain of 28 percentage points. The average wining margin in the last ten Intelligence Squared U.S. debates was around 18 percentage points. The final vote also contrasts with what national polls say about how American feel about GM foods.

"The 'for' people were just so much more on point than the 'against' people," Nye told Popular Science after the show. Nye himself worries that genetically modified crops aren't studied for a long enough time for their environmental effects before they're planted on farms. Crops get about five years of testing before they're sold in the U.S., Monsanto CTO Robert Fraley says.
"I'm still not satisfied, as a scientist, as a voter, that five years is enough," Nye says. Still, in terms of the debate itself: "The GMO people were much better spoken." If Nye were in charge of drawing the line, he would draw it at combining ova and sperm in a lab, not at engineering pieces of genetic material into plant embryos.

The "for" side argued there's strong scientific consensus, including statements from organizations such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the U.S.' National Academy of Sciences, that genetically engineered plants are safe to eat. Society can't afford to toss out this important technical tool. "GM is sometimes uniquely able to deliver a useful trait, like crops that are more resilient to climate change," said Alison Van Eenennaam, a geneticist at the University of California at Davis who accompanied Fraley on the "for" side. "The benefits of GM are too great to vote anything but yes for GM tonight."
The "against" side argued there haven't been enough long-term studies of GMOs' food safety. "I've read essentially all of the statements by various bodies," said Charles Benbrook, a professor of sustainable agriculture at Washington State University who argued against GM crops. "Most of the recommendations for better science, more careful risk assessment, and post-market surveillance that have been made for more than 15 years, in these reports, have not been acted upon."
In addition, Benbrook's partner on the "against" side, Margaret Mellon, argued that over the past 30 years, genetic engineers haven't made that many useful crops, except pesticide-resistant ones, which now suffer from resistant weeds. (Here at Popular Science, we think GM technology has created many beneficial plants.) "We need to be clear about what genetic engineering can't do," said Mellon, a founding scientist for the Union of Concerned Scientists' Food and Environment Program. "We've got other technologies out there. They're far more powerful than genetic engineering."
Below is a video Intelligence Squared made of the debate. It's well worth a watch.

Aside from Monsanto engineering plants and seeds to not be able to reproduce so you're forced to keep buying their product, what are they doing that's evil?

I know very little about GMO or Monsanto.


Active member
Brainwashed sheeple that eat up Monsanto's pseudo science falsified "studies".

GuerillaRed aside from the possible health effects from eating GMO's there is a whole world of bad that comes with them. I'll give you a few reasons because I am a staunch anti-GMO believer.

1. Control: Monsanto is trying to stomp out competition and choice in the agriculture industry. They use their clout to take over the seed fertilizer, and herbicide pesticide industry.

Monsanto, sells a package deal to farmers, Seed, Feed and weed and bug killer, the herbicide (glyphosate, look that up its horrible shit) they sell is specifically made to kill off every other plant in a field except for their genetically modified plant species.

Their plants are genetically altered and spliced with DNA from herbicide resistant soil bacteria creating a plant/bacteria super species. This is how they can spray everything with heavy levels of herbicide and only their plants surive.

They bully farmers and ruin farmers using their own Monsanto patented genetic markers, if a Monsanto species cross pollinates your own non GMO plants on your farm and Monsanto finds out they can take your entire crop as you didnt pay them for the rights to use their seed. Cases like this have gone to the Canadian Supreme Court and the SC sided with Monsanto and their farmers lost everything.

Monsanto has their hand in their pocket of the US and Canadian governments, they've got their hand so far up the governments ass the government basically works for them.

Another kicker to GMO plants is that many of them dont self reproduce, meaning farmers can no longer make their own seed, this makes farmers 100% reliant on Monsanto year after year, taking a large part of what it means to be a farmer away from the farmer.

2: Health: Their food is only proven "safe" thru their own Monsanto funded "studies". Their genetically modified food crops have been spliced with DNA from bacteria that kills bugs dead. Its BT toxin that basically gets into the stomachs of bugs and puts holes in their stomachs causing them to die, now imagine what it does to you when you eat it. Now we look at the correlation to major health issues since the time of GMO rise to popularity, cancer rates are thru the roof, leaky gut syndrome is becoming quite popular, autism is spreading like wild fire, gluten sensitivities are becoming more and more prevalent this is just a few things that could go a long with the rise in the use of GMO. Studies done in France showed when rats were fed nothing but GMO corn their bodies became riddled with tumors.

3. Death of natural species: When you release these franken plants into the world you give the good possibility that these GMO strains will cross with naturally occurring species forever changing the landscape. Once you lose our species, good luck getting them back.

Now this does not even consider what it does to bugs, animals and other essential soil bacteria, a segment made by NPR a few years ago visited fields across the world, in a normal untainted field you might find hundreds of species of bugs and animals in GMO treated fields all life is gone, just baron wastelands with nothing but GMO plants. We wonder why the bees are dying off, look no further. Without bees were all dead as they are the primary pollinators of most of our food.

4. Labeling: Monsanto doesn't want their horse shit labeled so bad they will smack any state with a law suit that even sniffs at the idea and spend ungodly amounts of money to tamp down the suggestion of labeling food.. Why would Monsanto try so hard to stop something so simple as a label from being put on your food? Because the shit is in everything, they know its bad for you and they know many wouldn't touch it if they were made aware of how prevalent it was in food.

5: The topsoil Earth's most precious resource. In an organic ecosystems what grows dies and becomes new. The left overs from the harvest get tilled in, broken down by bacteria providing nutrients for next years crop. This is runs like a well oiled machine designed by nature dating back millennia. Under our current system fields are killed off of all life and bacteria, becoming sterile. The only way anything will grow there again is to have tons of chemicals dumped on them year after year, you see when the soil dies and their is no grasses to hold it in place the soil dries up and blows away in the wind. Bad news, how can we feed out world when the medium to do so is so carelessly wasted and goes uncared for.

26 countries across the globe have all out GMO bans, fuck Monsanto, they do the work of the devil with greed and profit as their motivator.

Eat organic if you can, because the only way to stop them is to defund them by stopping buying anything containing GMO.

If you don't worry for yourself, worry about future generations because it is their world we are fucking with.


Anyone that doesn't know anything about the subject can be easily persuaded by some scientists making claims. "scientific research has shown that;.." science is a big scam if you ask me! There's way too much money involved and the sponsors behind universities and thus scientists are always big ag/oil/...

Traditional cultivation has always worked, it's only since the upcoming of monocropping and chemical nutrients that plants are taking a beating.

Aside from Monsanto engineering plants and seeds to not be able to reproduce so you're forced to keep buying their product, what are they doing that's evil?

I know very little about GMO or Monsanto.

Polluting the earth with genes that wouldn't come into existence if it weren't for men. Well maybe they would, but so rarely that they'd get bred out almost immediately.
Patenting those genes and the cultivars thus actually owning part of "nature" is another scam.
There's so much wrong with gmo it's hard to believe so few people take a stand against it.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Bill Nye really is on point. Anytime he says anything, any where, I can't help but agree with his logical point of view. Lack of long term testing is a huge concern to me. As well, mentioned above, the tendency of the industry to focus on incorporating pesticides/fungicides in to the make up of the plant, instead of increasing yield, root health, etc. There is the potential to shave years, even decades, from the process of traditional plant breeding, but this takes a back seat to novelty. The entire drive of the industry appears to be focused on increasing costs to the farmer, while providing nominal benefits. There is an effort to change rice in to a C4 plant, which could potentially have a lasting positive global impact.

HidingintheHaze, I agree with much of what you say, especially regarding labeling. Yes, many consumer fears are unfounded, but there should still be a choice. I buy pork, beef, chicken, etc, not "Meat".

I do take a bit of issue with this though

2: Health: Their food is only proven "safe" thru their own Monsanto funded "studies". Their genetically modified food crops have been spliced with DNA from bacteria that kills bugs dead. Its BT toxin that basically gets into the stomachs of bugs and puts holes in their stomachs causing them to die, now imagine what it does to you when you eat it. Now we look at the correlation to major health issues since the time of GMO rise to popularity, cancer rates are thru the roof, leaky gut syndrome is becoming quite popular, autism is spreading like wild fire, gluten sensitivities are becoming more and more prevalent this is just a few things that could go a long with the rise in the use of GMO. Studies done in France showed when rats were fed nothing but GMO corn their bodies became riddled with tumors.
Can you provide any information regarding Bti toxicity? I was under the impression it was one of the least toxic pesticides, especially in regards to mammals. Other wise, I believe you're just spreading FUD.

One of the main issues I have with pesticide laced plants is the constant exposure. Monsanto has addressed this, and now recommend multicropping fields with regular un-altered corn to combat pesticide resistance among target species. This is just a band-aid to a larger problem, prior to this pesticide applications to Bti crops were rising above pre-GMO levels.

There was one study done in France, and it has been refuted by many objective scientific bodies as highly flawed. I would stop referencing that.

science is a big scam if you ask me!
And the award for the most retarded statement of the day goes to....

Monocropping goes back to the dawn of agriculture.
Last edited:


Active member
The only issue I take note of is this statement:

Can you provide any information regarding Bti toxicity? I was under the impression it was one of the least toxic pesticides, especially in regards to mammals.

www.google.com, sorry I dont have the time today to do the work for you.

It may not be the same strain BT we think of when we think of mosquito dunks. I can't remember off the top of my head the exact strain.

Also BT might be relatively harmless when used to treat soil, a whole other story when spliced into plant DNA becoming part of every fiber of that plant, transferring to us when we eat it. Also I will say my main gripe with GMO is the chemicals used, perhaps the food it self is not the worst part, when add in all the chemicals things get real bad. Also, just a year or 2 ago congress upped the limit of glyposate that can be used on crops. The chemicals do not wash off, they are also not fully removed when peeled either they are absorbed into the cells of the plant.

Also your comment about science not being a scam, well lets just say you can make the best discovery ever, if 9 out of 10 other scientist dont agree with you for what ever reason your discovery is worthless. So yeah science is a scam. Cash rules everything around me dolla dolla bill yall.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I am patient and would be glad to read any information you can provide, when you have the time.


Active member
well you'll be sitting here a while. Like I said aint got the time right now.

Also your comment about mono cropping, yes dates back centuries not the best avenue to go down however putting all of your eggs into the proverbial basket.

This is why we have to keep tweaking our chemicals as pests and disease become adapted to our control methods. Chemicals get stronger so do pest.

While you're waiting for me to do your googling, why dont you go watch The Botany Of Desire.


if people need to be convinced that big ag, big pharma and big gov are killing them, they deserve to die anyway. if people are too stupid to know big money companies could care less about them, they deserve to die anyway.

if people are too stupid to know they're being gang raped by the elite, they deserve to die anyway, so get your head out of your ass and do some research, or you deserve to die anyway.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Like I said, I'm patient. Otherwise, perhaps you can retract the statement? It should only take a second, much less time than this back and forth, or your original reply.

Thanks for contributing Ranger...... always glad to read a well thought out, intelligent opinion.
I can see both sides of it. I can see how genetically modifying plant life can be one of the greatest things to ever happen to mankind. I can also see how evil Monsanto's business approach.

Do farmers not have options? How does Monsanto stay in business if their business model is so fucked?


Active member
Like I said, I'm patient. Otherwise, perhaps you can retract the statement? It should only take a second, much less time than this back and forth, or your original reply.

No Im not going to do that. I dont consider myself wrong, I just dont have the time to answer you.

I know you, you are a dick, this is why I will not jump like a monkey when you tell me to. If you're that interested you are sitting in front of the same internet as me go look it up, then you can prove me wrong and feel good about yourself.


Like I said, I'm patient. Otherwise, perhaps you can retract the statement? It should only take a second, much less time than this back and forth, or your original reply.

Thanks for contributing Ranger...... always glad to read a well thought out, intelligent opinion.

sorry the truth hurts and can be summed up in a simple to read version.

what needs to be said has been said, by many people and our government doesn't care.

we have no representation, we have no health care, we have no money, we have no votes, we have no police, we have no courts, so enlighten me on what's next?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
It's not fucked, it works great for them. Traditional farmers do not have many of the concerns we hold dear. If you want something to really raise your ire, look at how they respond to natural disasters. Free seed, every time. What kind of seed? Guess.

They more or less used the back-to-back natural disasters in Haiti to force their way in to a new market that was previously hostile.

RE: Ranger. No hurt at all, I just see the disconnected rambling of a pawn playing in a system they despise yet continue to operate within.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
No Im not going to do that. I dont consider myself wrong, I just dont have the time to answer you.

I know you, you are a dick, this is why I will not jump like a monkey when you tell me to. If you're that interested you are sitting in front of the same internet as me go look it up, then you can prove me wrong and feel good about yourself.

Well, there goes the last of your feeble credibility. You're not going to do it, because you never had a reference, and were speaking out of your ass to spread FUD. Thanks for playing along though.


Active member
Ok Mikell, like I said I know you are a dick, I dont work to please shriveled dick little trolls. I will get to you when I feel like it.

Also, you cant prove me wrong so what leg do you have to stand on. You are just one of those people that picks out some minute detail to fap over all day, if you got conflicting information lay it on me and I will change it. I have an open mind and dont feel small when proven wrong. If you got something to prove, prove it otherwise fuck off.
So they give them one season seeds to get the farmers back on their feet, farmers get a season of growing in and they're forced to continue using Monsanto seeds?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Enter government subsidies, usually tied to aid.

I am a dick, nothing ground breaking there, I readily admit it in any number of posts.

But that doesn't change how ridiculous you look. Your unsubstantiated ramblings are counter productive and make the entire anti-GMO movement look just as ridiculous, as much as habitual stoners make medicinal and decriminalized cannabis movements look asinine.

If you can not debate, step out of the arguement. Angry tirades, bullshit claims and references to debunked studies are not needed. But please, continue to nit pick, resort to insults and provide no information. It allows the community as a whole to see right through you :)


Active member
Ok Mikell, prove me wrong. Otherwise you have nothing here.

Oh great man of science I will sit here in your shadow, now come up with something...hows it fell when someone demands info. You dont have it thats why you have nothing to contribute but asinine commentary.

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