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giving lungs a break



I agree man... but if you read the swedish snus website, they have much less incidents of those types of cancers because of the way they cure the tobacco. This is one of their selling points.

The swedish snus is strong, but depends on how much you use. The smaller mini packets are what I personally like. I'm getting some in the mail in a few days hopefully. You can just keep it in your mouth for 5-10 minutes and your good.

As far as being a stimulant and increasing heart rate and such, I'm sure it does. But so does caffeine. I think the most damaging part of tobacco is the smoke, and how its cured WITH smoke. Flue-cured. If you have natural tobacco, that is cured by air, or other non-harmful methods, I think its pretty safe. That seems to be a general consensus with the research I have done.


Pops said:
Actually I have thought about quitting(about 1000 times). All the snuff pruducts I have tried make me gag. I have had 7 heart attacks and need to quit badly, but have been addicted to tobacco since i was 16.
7 heart attacks !!!!!!!!!
try a lot of willpower and just go cold turkey ,shout loudly at people ,do watever u gotta but u gotta quit ,
i quit after 25 years no problem at all after a story told to me about someone dieing , i wanted too quit though which also helped

,cigs are so boring and u wouldnt believe how repulsive the smell to non smokers is

good luck quitting


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
ciggs = downhill. you can maintain healthy lungs while smoking cannabis.


Sleep with a humidifier. I started using one for dry skin...and noticed that it loosend the stuff in my lungs. Its a nasty process, ofcoarse but it works pretty good!

Im not a doctor... but I did just smoke some weed only a doctor could afford!


I would get a vaporizer. Stop smoking altogether. Although, if you want to smoke, smoke hash, bubble, oils, etc. Supposed to be less crap, and just pure vaporized THC.
I dont smoke ciggarettes and I smoke nearly as much weed as the majority of my friends. I never cough except after big bong hits. I hear my friend coughing all the time, deep and mucousy. I really believe its the ciggarettes. He smokes about a half pack a day and it destroys his lungs. I think if you just stop with the cigs, you'll be able to keep up with the good herb. More even, cause you can spend the cig money on it.

If your not up for stopping cigs, maybe try smoking every few days. I know that after smoking a pipe for a few months I started to get a bit of a wheeze/cough and after stopping for about a week, my lungs were fresh again.

Take care of your health, its more important than getting high or having something between your fingers.


i was going through the same thing man, i think i got chronic bronchitis because of smoking cigarettes. i stopped smoking cigs and i feel way better. atleast stop smoking newports man.