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giving back



This thread is for all who want to take a step out their everyday life and give thanks to mother nature. She gives and gives, anything you should need in life. Yet i see so many people who seem like they just dont get it. They use and use and give nothing back. I find it amazing to be alive on a rock floating around time and space, ina place of everything a person could ask for. Yet still people do anything you can think off to rape the earth to fill there pockets, never even stoping to see the beauty of the world and harmony of nature.

So while the mass of people are zooming around in their cars, off to work or where ever the fuck their going, ill be cooling out watching birds, plowing earth, growing plants... doin what i can do to give back to the earth that gave so much to me:tiphat:


religions confuse, and some use..
im not saying god is bad im saying mother nature/earth should be loved and noticed a lot more, she is ours to treasure and live amongst, not to try and tame and extort


What were we talking about?
I'll be zooming around in my car, going wherever the fuck I'm going . . . :D

Now . . . where the fuck was I going? :thinking:


Active member
yup,gonna head out today,to smoke out in nature. i do what i can and where i can to give back. recycle,cut up all plastics,electronics get handled at the right facility and i ride my bike as much as i can well right now i dont have much of a choice since i got rid of my truck but i get much needed excersize.


Active member
I work in the construction field and my company is a "green" company. This means we build to a green standard which in Cali is a point system. For every energy efficient unit installed, a point is given. The higher the points, the higher the green rating. I love building more efficient building, I shake my head at the people that choose not to.


:) positive vibes
love the earth, watch the earth we are suppose to be the protectors..
there is a naturalmystic blowing thru the air


I was in hospital in an ICU unit some year ago I was sick and scared for my life, from my bed I could see a tree that had a pair of Magpies feeding a nest full of young one's , they worked at it all day long,one would stay with the young one's and the other would be off foraging then when it returned the other would take its turn...it gave me strength I didn't know I had watching those beautiful bird .. I only have to look outside and all I see is beauty..Its so fucking great to be alive :)