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Girlfriend accidently left lights on last night during dark cycle.....thoughts??

Like I was saying, last night my girlfriend accidently left the basement lights on......so my ladies missed a whole 12 hour dark cycle (they've been flowering for about 30 days).....the grow light shut off, but the basement bulbs ran all night long.
what sort of negative effects is this going to have?? can one 24 hour light cycle in the middle of flowering cause hermies?? or is just gonna slow them down a few days??

Thanks for any input
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Active member
The worst that could happen is you ladies throw a few male nanners but they would have to be extreamly sensitive to make that happen. I've accidentaly left my grow light on during mid flower (timer pin was not pushed in so never whut off the light) and nothign bad happend to my Sourbubble. She could take anything though and not herm on me.

OG bub

ICMag Donor
1st: remove the bulbs in yer basement..lol

I wouldnt stress too much.. I assume you have light leaks, or means of those lights interrupting yer grow room in a dark cycle?.. Id fix that up too..

I wouldnt think you should have a problem, but I guess time will tell.

good luck.
Peace, bub.


lol yea buddy, get rid of the light bulbs tehehehe...to be honest it depends on your strain. When I used to not know tid from tad, I went peeking all the time and ruined light cycles like crazy...some plants cant take it at all and go hermy, others sprout a few bannans and Im sure Ive noticed reduced bud size. Just don't let it happen again and keep a good eye out for airy buds and balls. Do all you can to pick em off if you do see them. You have very mature ladies so they are most likely fine! woohoo Accidents happen...I have had so many disappointing runs. GL


remove the bulbs from your grow area so it doesnt matter which way the light switch is flipped. only took me once before realizing the light bulbs had to come out.

gf's and grows dont mix. gf's that have the potential to become x's down the road can cause more problems for you than leaving the room lights on in your grow. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....just saying...... :D



Smokes, lets go
u should be ok if it was just one night. I had a plant herm on me but it seemed to be ok so i wouldn't sweat it....


JohnnyToke said:
remove the bulbs from your grow area so it doesnt matter which way the light switch is flipped. only took me once before realizing the light bulbs had to come out.

gf's and grows dont mix. gf's that have the potential to become x's down the road can cause more problems for you than leaving the room lights on in your grow. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....just saying...... :D


Been there DONE THAT!!! And it wasn't even MY GF!!!!!!!!!!! :cuss:
i'm a med patient and been with my gf for 5 years.....soon to be married, so all I'm really concerned about is the effect of her leaving the light on for ONE night. Sounds like it should be very minimal.....they just missed one night of rest is how I'm trying to look at it!! They will go to sleep tonight at the same time they have for the previous 30 days.
I've got a home gym in the basement that my gf uses so I unfortunately need to keep the bulbs in.....I put tape over the light switch just to remind her, but telling her once should be enough, she's very respectful of my medicine.
I plan on getting a grow tent at some point so things will be sealed away......any recommendations?? I've heard so many bad things about pvc gases being emitted and killing plants......I've been looking at one called the "Dark Room" from Discount Hydro, any thoughts??

Thanks for everyones input


Active member
My suggestion: slap her around a few times.

Oh wait, we are talking about suggestions on what to do with the girlfriend, right?

Guest 16149

Hey Benny cannot tell you for sure, I never used a grow tent, but a lot of people seem to like the higher end Secret Jardin, just google it :)


Active member
On a serious note... You'll be OK with the HomeBox XL in terms of PVC/PE/PU issues. Those Secret Jardin DarkRoom's look pretty nice; I've heard the "Street Edition" isn't as nice, though. Stay away from the "HydroHut" brand... supposedly they have their shit together now, but it just isn't worth taking a gamble of being sold some old stock that's hasn't been corrected and was sitting on the shelf.

Perhaps simple timer switch that'll allow you to leave the lights on for only a certain amount of time? Should be able to grab one from Home Depot for under $10 out the door.
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Is Wayne Brady gunna haf'ta choke a bitch?

Seriously though, I'm a big fan of panda film. Tape, a staple gun and go to town.
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a few guys suggested the perfect solution and I agree.

slap her around a few times.

fire your girlfriend.

choke that bitch out

gf's and grows dont mix. gf's that have the potential to become x's down the road can cause more problems for you than leaving the room lights on in your grow. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned....just saying......