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Girl Scout Cookies

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The people who are worried about some special cut leaking out are just like that guy. So you got a cut that smells and tastes good, and that's about it. Big deal. You didn't invent cannabis, and you didn't invent the best cannabis plant ever, you just built upon others' work and created something decent. If and when I create (or stumble upon) something good like a Cookies cut you better bet your ass everyone and their mom who wants a copy will have access, for an affordable and fair price.

All you people hoarding shit to try and make yourself look good and attempting to keep all the profit and glory for yourself are doing it completely wrong. Do you think Cookies would be anywhere near as popular right now if it hadn't leaked out? Or anyone would give a fuck about OGKB in a years time if it weren't leaked? Would OG Kush be anywhere near as popular today if it had been a closely guarded cut that nobody could get a copy of? Of course not. It would be an item of conversation for a while until it was found that no grower could get a cut, and then everyone would move on to better things. Your shit would quickly be forgotten and buried under a pile of thousands of other cuts which also have great smell and taste, while also yielding more and stretching less. So better thank your stars that the cut leaked out despite your absurd hoarding mentality.
Respectfully, I disagree with you.
My ONLY point... is that NOT ALL pot strains are considered equal!!!
What fun would ANY cup be if EVERY grower turned in the same "HOT" strain? It would be lame. Strains set us apart from another, and can be the difference in having a customer base or not. EVERYONE wants the Benz, but only can afford a Kia... We all want what we can't have, and lastly, with all the THOUSANDS of strains, why not choose one of those. All the people that want the exclusive cuts are the ones gripping about how they should be shared with everyone for NOTHING. Well, that's what all those OTHER strains are for... PLENTY of options!!!


Active member
Not referring to any one person at all. All I'm saying is that if you were to go back and take a look at any early thread about a "new elite" strain that has come out over the past, and I'm just going to cut it short and refer to the last 10 years, you'll see the same type arguments that "Cannabis is free thus it should be freely shared", "spread the love man", "stop the hoarding", etc.
My post is simply to state that anytime a new anything comes out everyone wants it. No matter what it is there is a market for it.
In regard to cannabis, the one who found it, bred it, whatever, has just as much of a right to profit from it until such time as they see fit to spread it around or not. There is big money to be make from exclusivity whether a person likes it or not. In a market where "run of the mill" OG Kush is bringing 28-3200.00 if I can find a strain the is the firest of the fire shouldn't I be able to run it as long as I want in my market area if I'm knocking down 35-4000.00/lb for it? It is and has always been a supply and demand illegal business and none of us are able to put our real names to the cut. So if I have it and you don't I have exclusive right to profit from it.

I agree with this 100%. And don't get me wrong. I am not saying that just because somebody has something, they are obligated to give it out, or that people should be forced to start mailing cuts out for free to anyone who wants one. No, nobody is obligated to do shit IMO. And in any trade there should always be fair compensation given, something of value. In my dealings I am all about bringing real value to trade. If somebody wants to give up what they got great, if not cool they can keep it to themselves, and they are only hurting themselves IMO. I don't care.

I just thought it was laughable when someone mentioned they had the cut and/or some seeds from a cross, and some arrogant dick wants to talk haughtily about how exclusive the cut is and nobody has it, only "trusted" people etc. It's just moronic and humorous because if that's true, said breeders are only fucking themselves by their elitism. Likewise if the cut is in fact leaked, they are only making themselves look like dumb uninformed hicks by getting mad about it and acting all dumbfounded that this could happen. lol what a bunch of amateurs. What, yall didnt realize that's what cuts do when you give them to a number of people, who themselves have their own ideas about who is righteous enough to "deserve" your oh-so-amazing God's gift to cannabis? Come on.

So it's a strike while the iron is hot before the next big thing hits the scene which is about every 2 years more or less. Nothing more. Nothing less. And I can't fault anyone for that.

Exactly bro I believe in this 100%. If someone were truly following this philosophy they would still guard their best cuts and all to some degree, but not really be in the least bit worried about a cut getting out, because they would always have the next big thing right behind it to push out! It's the people who really don't have shit to offer, and who are basically riding on the coattails of society, that are so worried about their one and only prize cut or seeds getting out. They are not confident in their ability to come up with that next big thing. Like I said.....amateurs. :smoker:
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Al Botross

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ICMag Donor
Old English law stated anyone could go into a farmers field and eat what they needed, but to carry one piece out of the farm was considered stealing and could result in death.

The definition of theft is dynamic.

true grit

Active member
I think it also boils down to (and is often evident and not in a bad way) that many people do this for a living vs. for hobby. The people who do this for a living and often are at the top of their game get access to things, that if they share simply bring down the value of their product. Who the fuck wants to do that? I mean really? i know my homie goo said its getting whored out here in CO but imo its just in the same hands the hard to get things usually are and stay in (as long as they don't share unnecessarily). And like others have said the low yield keeps it from being as competitive in the market unless you are good.

I've found some dank cuts along the way that I shared, and ive now learned who i can and can't share with after my shit got whored out. You learn quickly if you wanna keep making the same money or build hype around a cut!

I'm bout to embark on a blueberry project with a homie and work on serious bb crosses and searching and you better believe whatever is found worthy is not getting handed out but to a few trust worthy souls and then cranked as hard possible as quickly as possible...just the name of the game.


...instead of only the elite few holding it and only the rich being able to afford to smoke it?

That's a bit dramatic. It's not like og was ever 100 a gram and I know plenty of farmers that had or have elite/rare shit and they are still broke dicks

When people hoard shit then the few benefit at the expense of the many. If you didnt like my camshaft example then how about MP3s? An MP3 can be copied and shared easily much like a cut. Where would the music industry and scene be today if MP3 sharing had not exploded about 15 years ago? It would be total shit compared to how it is today, with sooooo many talented artists out there now who have been influenced by all that music. Sharing makes the world go round.

This example... Remember, lawsuits, napster? You need to pay the musicians like u need to pay the 'producers' / 'breeders' or there won't be any music


Stop being an ass Buddy.

The thing is my close friends spent thousands to acquire a single shitty, mold and bug infested cut. That plant is the reason 99% of anyone on here has her. That is a fucking fact, so yes I am informed. She was kept tight then a couple people without asking starting giving them on without compensation for themself or the people it came from. Then we come on here to closet growing hippies saying everything should be free and paid for in love and hugs.

Now with that said...notice was taken..prices dropped...and the animal and ogkb became huge. I know the small handful of folks that have access to animal and ogkb and not one of them is interested in letting her out, so when i see people saying they have animal or ogkb...you best believe me and the family talk offline and get shit straight. Long story short i dont have some hold over any of these cuts but i do know they arent being handed out unless you actually know the people who have them and even then that doesnt guarantee a thing but the ability to ask. Take it as you will though; what do I really know?

wait, so you are saying whoever made it sucks at growing cause their shit is infested with everything?

and shit man, everything gets leaked, everything


Active member
DHN=dark heart nurseries,oakland ca.
they vend clones to clubs in the bay area.

Harborside an elemental both have the legit cuts...theres another vendor or 2 who also sell the cuts in those clubs...imedz in sj has the real deal...from what i was told the cookies cuts are the forum cut "lower yieldin" and the "platinum cooks" is the "bigger yieldin"cut which prolly is the ogkb 1
Yea theres a ton of s1s out there...and fake cuts...


Cannabis 101
all this cookie talk and i got none in my jars! fuck me! I do have 5+ different OG's to choose from pounds on pounds... some tasted as high as 25%.... but i want fucking cookies man.
I can't wait to smoke on my own cookies and kick this kushes to the curb... don't get me wrong I love me some good OG's but just need that little extra kick... my eyes aren't as low anymore... its been two weeks. ahhhh


ICMag Donor
My tiny ass 1k grow with a few cuts of cookies in it isn't doing piss to your market share - probably some 2000 miles apart.

HOWEVER - the hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of outdoor Blue Dream and other bulk 'mersher type strains sure getting pushed outta state, DO put a dent in the local for a bit as people penny pinch and try to save a few over buying true quality - but you don't hear me crying about it, do you??? Nope.

It's been well over a year since I've had access to the Forum cut - funny though, I never passed it along...but I'm the bad guy. LMAO...

This whole conversation is just silly and childish. If you got - grow it. WTF.



Resident asshole reporting for duty.

Resident asshole reporting for duty.

So I guess I need to clarify...

People are painting me in this Romney-esque light as though I am and have been cashing in on any of these cuts. I AM NOT. When I first got her I spent 10k to build a room dedicated to gsc...at the time I was constructing lbs were going for 5-4500 locally here in the bay. By the time i harvested that number dropped to low 3s. So after nutes, labor, pg&e, rent my expected double up turned into a wash. I didnt make as much as i would if i had been growing bluedream. And why did that happen? Because she was gifted out and the market was flooded with subpar cookies bringing the name down, which in turn brought the price point down. Regardless if I brought in the best sample a club has seen they'd rather get the mediorce batch for much cheaper, because as long as its cookies it all the same right? Pffft.

Now with that said believe me I've been on the other side of the perspective and I use to give away more than I could afford. But what did that eventually get me?...A decade plus family "friend" turned confidential informant who i was giving medicine to because he had fucking terminal cancer! I never sold him anything then one day he started asking to pay and I told him no, but he insisted and left me a check that i never cashed but noticed was taken as evidence. So anyways after that i trusted NO ONE. But as time went on I learned to stay tight lipped, tight gripped, and only associate with soldiers. So when some rando on here hits me up for a cut then gets pissed when i dont respond I'm just baffled because I don't owe anyone shit.

Perfect example... I was in Reno gambling and this group of tweakers come up to the table that I'm playing and placed down one $5 dollar bet between 5 people.That person won and they gave other the 5 dollar chip to the next person. Over the course of the next few minutes they continuously won and lost just lingering around long enough to fuck everybody else cards up. Finally it was my turn to cut the deck which when I do I bet big so I put 100 dollars on the table. At this point the Motley Crue had 10 dollars between 5 people so only 2 people were betting. 1 of the 2 hit double 7s and wanted to double down but no longer had money, so she looked at me and asked for a loan. Without hesitation I said no, which in turn riled up all 5 of the Motley Crue saying, but you have like 200 in chips not in use?!...yeah great analysis, I DO and I've also been sitting here for over an hour making stratigic bets building my stack. Just because I have it and you can see it doesn't mean that it's in anyway yours, granted you can ask and I could say yes or no. She ended up losing the hand and even if they had double down the card she would have gotten would not have helpped her. But she insisted that my lucky 5 dollars would have helped her win. But then I looked at her and said, "If you did win what would I have gotten out of it my $5 loan, my $5 back? Better question though is if you lost what would have happened?" This entitlement got me so flustered I didnt even realize her counterpart hit on a 12, (which the dealer was showing aswell) I was sitting pretty with 19, and then the dealer got the next card an 8. 100 gone 100% because of others fucking up a guaranteed win. And that's somewhat how I look at this cut it's a guaranteed winner, but by getting out to folks with the free everything mentality its going to diminish in value. Supply and demand as with any harder to find commodity.

So longer story short fuck tweakers and underappreciative expectorants. And one last thing...everyone has different perspectives so without getting too many panties bunched up let's all just agree to disagree if we can't agree. And pictures we need pictures...I'll try and snap some soon to get this bitch back on the rails.

yall trippin and dont realize how good u have it i would kill to pay 2800 -3000 for a bag of og i said this many times before but maybe im in the wrong circles but where im at aint no variety evrything is called gas and is 5 racks a p so u do the math.... plus u have as many choices as to what type of herbs etc so fortunate. I agree ppl need to understand the balance of supply and demand.
i swear no one went into wal mart demanding free groceries cuz they wal mart so why should u demand a cut?
On the other hand obviosly the cut got out and that has helped the market extremely for gsc.. i would love to be able to walk around with a weed card, i would love to have a circle of growers i knew with different choices of og kush...
i would love to go to a homies house and pick out a half p of four or five flavors for 1500 at that i swear id be in heaven 4600-5000 for no name "gas" yes im in da a and the only staple we have is irene and good fucking luck that shit is easy 10 racks a bag...
The gsc is the new current hype like og was and in my opinion still is..
So whats the new hyped cut going to be?
Not to mention that most ppl in cali have access to clone onlies or someone in their circle knows the movers and shakers... in non med states even ppl u been dealing with get noid when u start asking about clones


Active member
I hate to bring more negativity towards this thread, but the strain isnt dank enough IMO to deserve this kind of drama..
All this hype made people rich.. And now most are jumping off the bandwagon.. Funny.. Lots of people lost friends over this cut.. people chose $ over friends..
Im kickin it to the curb after this run.
Thanks to my boy who passed it to me though! you know who you are.

And ya OD cali grows do really hurt the rest of the US..


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
......and now back to the show........

......and now back to the show........

This is my good friends Arminus's production, he actually grew these Cookies under mostly CFL's....yeah CFL's....(Forum Cut) ...enjoy..




larger than normal inter-nodal stretch?



...and now I return you to the cluster-fuck of controversy over GSC......
yall trippin and dont realize how good u have it i would kill to pay 2800 -3000 for a bag of og i said this many times before but maybe im in the wrong circles but where im at aint no variety evrything is called gas and is 5 racks a p so u do the math.... plus u have as many choices as to what type of herbs etc so fortunate. I agree ppl need to understand the balance of supply and demand.
i swear no one went into wal mart demanding free groceries cuz they wal mart so why should u demand a cut?
On the other hand obviosly the cut got out and that has helped the market extremely for gsc.. i would love to be able to walk around with a weed card, i would love to have a circle of growers i knew with different choices of og kush...
i would love to go to a homies house and pick out a half p of four or five flavors for 1500 at that i swear id be in heaven 4600-5000 for no name "gas" yes im in da a and the only staple we have is irene and good fucking luck that shit is easy 10 racks a bag...
The gsc is the new current hype like og was and in my opinion still is..
So whats the new hyped cut going to be?
Not to mention that most ppl in cali have access to clone onlies or someone in their circle knows the movers and shakers... in non med states even ppl u been dealing with get noid when u start asking about clones


wait, so you are saying whoever made it sucks at growing cause their shit is infested with everything?

and shit man, everything gets leaked, everything

No what I was saying is one of those closely connected in the circle who made cookies sold a single teen/mom plant that had pm and broadmites to my close friend. (Fixable problems) Not to mention they*cut off the top 6-8 inches right before the final transaction, to keep for themself. It was a risky move and look tlc, but after a proper quarantine she was good to go and that person is the main reason that most have her on here believe it or not.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
THANK U megayeilds for those beautiful pics of girlscoutcookies

please folks if u dont have pics of GSC or something to say about GSc keep it out of this thread.... (im just spectating myself)


Wow that looks fantastic for being done under cfls. I honestly think too much light is detrimental to the cookies. I know both me and prop noticed some of the buds directly under our lights (1k's) get significantly smaller than those on the outskirts of the light footprint. That coupled with those cfl pics make me wonder what the best wattage/ footprint would be best for this particular strain. Maybe Tom Hill was on to sonething with that 100 under a highly raised1k?
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