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girl scout cookie project update

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sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Interesting crosse's CSG.
Oh yeah names.
Sour baked and Strawberry baked

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This is a really funny reply bro. You don't see a problem with a supposed breeder releasing untested fems? Well thats fine if you want to pay top dollar for a gamble, by all means spend the time and money it takes to grow out a pack of these. I will continue to support breeders who take the proper time and put in the testing to make sure a product is top notch before demanding top dollar. Its a shame that people like yourself are the deciding demographic in this industry, if growers did their homework and were a bit more selective then posts like the OP wouldn't fly.... "Oh hey guys, pollen took! Get ready to buy these!! OH BOY!"

If you want to pay to test gear then that's your prerogative, broski, don't hate on us for seeing an obvious fault.

buying any seeds from any one is a fucking GAMBLE get over it . tested or not tested.. u can find keepers in anything..

i have a plant right now.. thats better then anything ive ever seen.. or grown.. and guess what.. its a BAGSEED. soo.. honestly.. ive had accidental pollinations with a stressed female .. and ended up with better seeds then i bought.. so why all the bitching? honestly. i have probably over 1000 seeds from an accidental hermi pollinating my grow.. and out of the 50 seeds ive popped.. 45 were better then anything ive bought for seeds so .. iunno man right now. im making my own seeds and working to develop some new crosses and strains but. will not be using anything accidental to work it.. but look at all the Accidental Strains .. OG KUSH ? .. Original Amnesia ... ? like alot of good comes from terrible accidents.

King Rat

Active member
At first CSG you are doing a hell of a job! you are a serious person from my sight. I will definitely order some GSC fems. keep on!

buying any seeds from any one is a fucking GAMBLE get over it . tested or not tested.. u can find keepers in anything..

i have a plant right now.. thats better then anything ive ever seen.. or grown.. and guess what.. its a BAGSEED. soo.. honestly.. ive had accidental pollinations with a stressed female .. and ended up with better seeds then i bought.. so why all the bitching? honestly. i have probably over 1000 seeds from an accidental hermi pollinating my grow.. and out of the 50 seeds ive popped.. 45 were better then anything ive bought for seeds so .. iunno man right now. im making my own seeds and working to develop some new crosses and strains but. will not be using anything accidental to work it.. but look at all the Accidental Strains .. OG KUSH ? .. Original Amnesia ... ? like alot of good comes from terrible accidents.

Anyone can sell what he wants, its the costumer who buy and GIVING top dollar. No one can blame someone who just offers. -my opinion

but there are a few things i would like to say about your post.

you really cant call it breeding when you just reverse something, and sell them, yes of couse its a new combination of genetics which took place, so its bred it someway. yes. but I have another understanding about what breeding is.
what is about males? you wanna endup in a bottleneck in 10 years or what? true breeding plants are needed further in future.

like you already said: accidental hermie pollen is nothing to work with, for next generations.

your seeds were better then anything you bought? maybe cause you selected the mother you liked in YOUR growroom or dialed her in. so seeds are slightly adapted to your conditions.

OG Kush is accidental? from WHO? who confirmed that it was a accident, i dont know to date where this really originated. lake tahoe? S1 of Chemdawg? Lemon Thai in it? why it breeds true and chem not?, all is theory and no one really knows, and we never will.

Original Amnesia is selected SSH from dutch BioIbo guys, no accident as well.

sorry when it sounds offending, but there are a few things you need to think about again.

love and peace - for every grower out there!

grow on



Active member
Some people just like to walk into a room where people are having a meaningful conversation and rip a big fart and leave..

mgk :moon:

King Rat

Active member
so I dont wanna leave, lets get back to topic.

where did this GSC come from? is it true its a Durban Poison X OG?
behind every hype must be something that keeps it rollin, i'm sure its some fire, but what makes GSC so special and all talkin about her?


Answer's at the top of this page/end of the last page. It's lineage is supposedly CherryPie*somethin*somethin else. Haven't been able to find confirm-able reports on the other strains used but CherryPie is always in there, CherryPie being a Durban F1. Supposedly.


Thanks whiteberries!

that pic reminds me of a recent purplewreck pheno, but with more frost.

Well sorry the reversal didn't go as planned, good on the guys at CSG for being honest and not trying to pawn something else off as the gs cookies to make a $.

For now I'll be plenty occupied trying the other strains. Next up is to see what Casey Jones is all about.

Happy Holidaze!

and that was before I learned to use the macro function...GSC's frost has frost, w/ an undercoat of frost.


Some people say, others say different. CherryPie is the one I've seen in the description that's always there. I don't have experience with any of those strains I was just lucky enough to grab a gram from the dispensary one time...Wasnt disappointed, gram lasted me a day and a half.

King Rat

Active member
hey OJD!

any update or info for your GSC S1?
cant await for a seed drop, i'd like to get my hands on it.

grow on


blue green

hey OJD!

any update or info for your GSC S1?
cant await for a seed drop, i'd like to get my hands on it.

grow on


Hi Squashed Rat,

If you read on the previous pages you will find that the S1 didn't work.
I don't know if they will try again.....

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Any pic's/updates.....excited about these crosse's. Just thought I would bump it up.



Active member
looks like pollen has taken

didnt want to talk to much about the project untill i see some signs that the pollen worked

well things are moving along seeds are forming so good signs but still a while away from geting harvested etc

so there will be girl scout cookie feminzed seeds in the fututre

also i have hit the

ecsd (fuckem crew cut)thanks guys expect a bunch of packs heading east when ready

strawberry cough
so strawberry cookies
or if anyone got any good names for either of the 2 (sour x cookie or strawberry x cookie) throw them down and if i pick it you will get a free pack or 2 of the cookie hybrid

also a few other things got hit with the pollen to be anounced down the line

sour x cookie = sour doe or sour scout

strawberry x cookie = fruity scout
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