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Gigantic bust in louisiana


Feeling good is good enough.
PNW is the only place I'll live in the USA!

Could go into details but why bring bad stuff to mind?


I always think when i see stories like this that they are only printed to make people feel like they can never be safe!

Propaganda in its most efficient form.


Fifty years in Angola for that boy. "The Farm" will help get his mind right.


Yeah, thte laws in the South REALLY do Suck ass big time, but then so do most of the
lawyers....hell, most lawyers down in the south have a perpetual pucker from kiss-ass
on the D.A. and the Judge. The LEO in the south looks at a lawyer as an 'officer' of
the court and if a lawyer wants a good clientel and plenty of work they have to
do a lot of brown-nosing and kiss-assin. Most southern lawyers that I have ever
encountered are far too worried about honoring the strict tenets of the law to ever
have time to worry about their clients needs or rights.
A lot of the D.A.'s in the south are involved in crooked shit also, as are the sheriffs and
most of the judges have 'blow' habits.
Like the song says: 'Dont trust your soul to no southern lawyer, cause the judge in
the towns got bloodstains on his hands'.
There are towns in the south where they(LEO) goes out on a sweep and arrests
everybody who can stand up and hear thunder at certain times of the year, so the
ones they want to can go to the 'county farm' and work for free making produce
and raising meat.
The Plantations in the south are almost like the Mafia in that they OWN the local
pigs and judges outright...lock stock and barrel.
The South truly does suck ass big time, their laws are slanted and VERY unfair to
anyones rights.
I know from personal experience, I was born there and grew up there for 40 years,
and believe me...I did my share of 'farm' work and road work and community service,
as well as probation and some hard time too....all for that little ole weed...sometimes
no bigger than the pic the op displayed.
Snitches are like a dime a dozen in the south, cause they hit em and make promises
of leniency if they will roll over on their friends and most of the a-holes do too.
I moved...fuckem all and their screwy legal system.
just goes to show how detatched from reality people from cali really are.

I was in Houston Texas for 6 months last October and I know that weed was kind of a big deal but I didn't think they were that anal in the South. I was just 3 hours away from Louisianna too. Damn, all that drama for one plant!!

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time huh? LMAO!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Agents from the Morehouse Parish Sheriff’s Office received information Tuesday afternoon that marijuana was being grown in a Summerlin Lane residence.

let's get real, they broke the first rule & no matter
how petty it may seem it was their own fault.......

I do fault the cops for not tearing it up, laughing & leaving.



cant stop wont stop
Yeah, dirty south is right-on....
I had a buddy back in the sixties that got popped with half a joint and a few seeds in
the floorboards of his ride...he got 60 years.
A friend in '73 got busted with an outdoor grow of 12 plants...still doing life.
My son got popped with half an eighth in '99 and got 5 years.
Georgia and Florida are real a-holes as is most of the southern states about pot.

I lived in Georgia for about a year and a half, the way the drugs were treated out there would lead me to believe theres NO way in hell you get 5 years for a couple grams of weed.. infact im calling bullshit unless your son had a HUGE list of priors and a possibly violent crime history.

one fucking plant?? wow i mean no matter what kind of red state youre in, you'd think if you're an officer who stumbled upon one measly little plant like that you'd just tell'm to destroy it.. i mean really what fuckign harm is being done


Active member
you could get 5 years if you were in some sort of school zone and they hit you with some distribution charge. seen crazy shit like that happen. In certain areas you cant escape one of those zones which include parks, libraries , daycare centers, schools, etc...


cant stop wont stop
yeah i suppose you're right but 5 years even for sellin 1.75 grams of bud still sounds insane without havin a few priors.. not to mention no distribution was mentioned in the original post


Flamers and peeps who think they are god and know everything really rip my ass!
Who the fuck are you to call someone a liar dudes?
I owe YOU no explanation and if you were in my face YOU would GET an explanation you
would not like, asshhole!
For the record, on peeps who call 'BULLSHIT'....my son in fact does have a long list
of rather violent priors and busts also, as if that is any of your business. The fact still
remains that the sentence is as it is, in fact he is back inside now doin more for some
really fucked up shit, not connected with the other, but still taken into consideration
cause the pigs NEVER let you go. My son is a bi-polar and has absolutely no control
even with meds.
The end subject is this, IF you dont believe me, then it sucks to be you if you ever
go to the south and get popped.
Frankly I dont really give that much of a damn whether you do or not, cause anyone who
uses the word 'BULLSHIT' around me is really asking for some shit.
I dont bullshit, but I am damn sure willing to smear some in your fuckin face, how bout
that bullshit asshole?


cant stop wont stop
You're a real ass hole you know? I was calling bullshit on getting 5 years prison for 1.75 grams of cannabis, with out having any priors, which IS how you made it sound in your original post. so in turn that statement was infact BULLSHIT. no need to get your panties in a wad..
You know alot of us Including myself have legal troubles and yes some dont feel the need to share them, and others do. Just dont go misrepresenting drug law penalties to 'awe' people here at IC.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
This is perfect for a Louisiana thread! The "happiest" the state in the Union LMFAO. LA is needs a lot of work (that's being very nice). Don't hate, I have gumbo in my frig right now. :joint:


steppinrazor your a fuckin liar. Here is your words quoted to you:

"I lived in Georgia for about a year and a half, the way the drugs were treated out there would lead me to believe theres NO way in hell you get 5 years for a couple grams of weed.. infact im calling bullshit unless your son had a HUGE list of priors and a possibly violent crime history."

Dude, I dont misrepresent shit for anybodys awe. You are in fact a flamer who started
some shit with no reason, or are you a southern pig who got his own panties in a wad
cause of some serious truth?
I dont argue with drunks, addicts or asshole who burp 'bullshit' for effect, so go screw.
outta here.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
In case anyone was wondering if there was a war still going on, nope it's not a joke.

Want a piece of gator? Taste like chicken. I'm serious. If you haven't tried fried gator, you don't know what you are missing. I don't live in LA anymore, but have roots. We don't make the news very often, but when we do, we do it right! Who dat?

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