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GHS - Hawaiian Snow Feminized


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I went ahead and cut a sample of the smaller trellised plant at day F75. Even if it doesn't revert back to flower, it looks like it'll pack a pretty good punch.




Well-known member
Hello icmaggers. I just watered all the plants in the flowering room and looked everything over good. The good news is the plants are reverting back to flower better than I thought. That being said, the timer debacle will cost me time, yield and quality. Realistically, the 3 plants from the first crop could take 2 - 5 weeks to finish and I can't afford to have them plug up the flower room for up to 5 weeks longer. Every day longer that I can let them go will improve their yield and quality so its difficult to chop them, but I've got 8 clones with a week of flower on them looking for more space and I've got 6 SLSD seedlings in the veg room wanting to be sexed.

I haven't decided what to do yet, but I'll probably chop 1 more of the first plants soon (within a week) and see if I can get all 8 clones at the same level as the remaining two from the seed run. It'd have to be the smaller trellised plant as its in the big 5 gal rectangular pail (bigger footprint than the keeper). For now, I'll just let everything rock and roll as is.

Here's some aerial pics of the flower room. Sorry about the crappy quality, but they're really difficult to shoot. They illustrate how cramped everything is right now. No bud pics this time, take my word, they look shitty. Ah, they're not that bad, its just that they could be a lot better.





Well-known member
I sampled that bud shown in post #221. It was plenty strong, similar in buzz to the old columbian red from my youth, very uplifting and a clear stone. And no couch lock or dial tone coming down, just fades away. I'm not going to comment on the taste or smell as the bud got no cure at all and the timer f/u did nothing to help either.

I haven't sampled the runt yet, it's just about dry but I want to put a little cure into it first. Looks like its going to finish at 9 grams dry so a little better than I expected. Under the scope it has a nice carpet of trichomes. A little leafier than I'd like but quite acceptable.The buds are reasonably tight and will improve with a bit of a cure and it has a strong odor that neither myself nor mrs smilley can describe. We're gonna get mrs smilley's sister to sniff it, she used to sell cosmetics and fragrances so she'll be able to describe it (hopefully).

Here's a couple of the buds ready for the jar...............




Active member
A pleasant surprise

A pleasant surprise

Hi Smilley
Really nice nugs you've got there I can almost smell them.:)
I'm not an Arjan hater but then again not a big fan either.In '06 I bought these strains; Himalayan Gold(shyte),The Doctor(shyte),AMS(shyte),GWS(shyte molded as hell)the Church(decent) and then Hawaiian Snow and man was I surprised,I didn't have anymore space in my indoor operation,so I started them ouside in June,got 4 of 5 seeds to sprout and grow,a little slow to begin with,but they picked up fer sure,started with 1 liters pots and ended with 15 gallon containers,I let them grow with no topping,your grow really bring back nice memories smilley.After 6 weeks of vegging I started flowering them,they were about 3' tall at that time and the christmas tree shape was clear.I had to get them in at 7 pm everyday and out the next day at 7 am,coz the lack of indoor space and late July is not a good time to start flowering without some help at my and most others latitude:)...jeez what a work,but man it was nice to see after 4-5 weeks of flowering they were packing on each day,nice white/orange buds and with a smell that was hard to describe,nothing like I've smelled before,an onion-spicey-lemon-grassy undefineable kinda thing you dig lol!.
At week 9-10 I had to support a good deal of the branches,they were so heavy with buds so gravity decided it was time hit the earth lol,at this time the resin kicked in seriously,not as sticky as a heavy indi-hashplant,or that's what I thought,coz with indi's you've got these thick leaves so you press hard and smells and get all sticky,with a sativa-dom like this there are a lot more small leaves and you're careful with pressing,I found out when we removed all the big leaves at the end that they were just as sticky if not more with this particular one.I let them go fer almost 13 weeks at this time the reached 6'+ and the buds were almost orange with many of the lower branches resembled a plant in themselves at 3' of all buds at a coke can size or more the top was definately fatter.The last 2 weeks I took them in,I had finished my indoor grow and the weather was getting rainy,it was sumthing they liked,getting indoors that is not the rain!, coz these 2 weeks brought out the resin and there was no mold,incredible coz they were so fat.I got 375 grams of the biggest plant,man these colas was BIG and in all over 1 kilo of primo smoke from the four plants.I'm still getting dep over not documenting/recording my grows at that time(too busy smoking all the time lol!),I have seldom had plants this size and weight since then.After drying and a little cure I made some hash from the buds(had so much) and found a nice piece of killerbud and blended it,went down to my club where we're allowed to smoke, and told the guys that I got sumthing here but hey I wasn't quite sure about the quality it actually didn't smell that strong,I think you know it has a funny smell compaired to other strains.Well someone suggested to smoke it the bucket-way,think you know....bucket,water 1 1/2 liter coke bottle,I have to say I was very close to getting floored here,the next 5 - 10 minutes people was raving on how they were getting more and more stoned and was I sure that there wasn't sumthing else in that mix,people had serious business all the sudden and had to leave in a hurry,one of the guys was certain that he haven't slept last night and needed a whole lotta sleep,all these crazy things made us laugh like lunatics.But yea I remember that Hawaiian Snow fer sure it's still in my top 3 of highs and a very surprising one too,as you didn't expect it to hit that hard with the smell and all.Hope you get sumthing similar out of it Smilley,ok the bucket way of smokin' it was kinda extreme,but it sure did the trick.S:tiphat:
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Howdy Smilley. Well you know I've never made any mistakes over here. Too bad about the light man, sucks big time. Just remember what you told me last time I had a problem downstair's. Something like "last crop is in the history books, fuck it and worry about the next"! I'll call ya Saturday night.


i feel ya on the timer. had a crop hermie with the same problem. was it one where u put "pins" into the rotating wheel to set the time? another one of those things you need to spend money on to get a good one, if you are looking for any longevity


haha, yeah ive never made any mistakes either lmao.
man smilley, i hope they end up alright man. i hate that your timer bit you in the ass after all this hard work, but hey. could be worse. ( did your wife really use the term borg? so cool. my g/f tries the lingo sometimes but isnt the greatest. cute to see her try though)
well brother i wish you the best of luck finishing them out. i know your skills are improving though, and like primo mentioned, kinda, the past is past, and the future is everything!


Well-known member
Stdane: I'll have to wait a few more weeks to experience the full quality of the HS, thanks for the input and encouragement.

primobud: I can't just write off the first crop as I need something to smoke while the next one flowers. I thought the buds were just shooting the foxtails out of the tops, but I'm seeing them poking out the sides now too. Looks like they reverted to full veg and are trying to stretch again. #@!&$$#@!

875: Yup, it was a top of the line Intermatic Heavy Duty timer with the 2 pins you pull out and reposition around the timer wheel. This was its 6th year of operation, so my advice to anyone with this kind of timer, check its functioning on a regular basis.

nameless: Shit happens. Its not the end of the world, and the first crop was really a test run to work out the bugs with the vertical light and see what the new strain liked. Apparently, the new strain doesn't like revegging in the middle of flower. No, mrs smilley didn't use the term "borg" she said "spider mites". At least I didn't have to fog my plants with deadly chemicals with this f/u. Anyway, its onward and upward, I'm not going to let a little thing like this get me down. At least I didn't have to chop the whole grow-op like my buddy primobud.


Well-known member
Here's a pic of the veg room. The SLSD are looking great and are just about ready for sexing. If I had more room, I'd flower out the females too. The 2 big ones at the back are the keeper clones and the 2 small ones at the front are the 2 trellised plant clones.


I'm going to keep the SLSD in the 4 inch square pots for sexing as they have a nice small footprint. Once the males show their sex, I repot them into something larger for flowering. I'm going to wait a few more days before putting them in the flower room.

This next pair of pics is of the flowering room. I tightened up the twist ties on the keeper to give it a smaller profile and now I've got all but two of the clones in prime positions. The bonus to this particular configuration is there is just enough room between the clones and the vertical fan to position all (or most) of the SLSD for sexing. I'll run the flowering room like this for at least a couple more weeks and then I'll reassess harvesting the first batch.




Well-known member
Its day 81 in the flowering room. I can't say 81 days of 12/12 because I have no idea how many 12/12 cycles the plants have gotten. I know for sure that the last 7 have been 12/12. :ying:

Here's some pics of the 2 trellised plants and the keeper. If you look closely, you can see all the new growth without the sawtooth leafs. They just poked right out of the buds early last week. Resin production has started again, and the beet red stems are starting to lighten in color. Those stems should have given me a clue but instead I was clueless. :comfort:

Some of the buds are good, but the camera seems to paint them in a better light than they really are.










Well-known member
I've gone ahead and put the SLSD plants into the flowering room for sexing. Here's a series of pics showing how I've gotten 17 plants around the 600hps.

Once the SLSD are sexed, I'll repot the males into the larger black pots and flower them behind the clones until just before they drop pollen. Then it'll be under mrs smilley's 1000hps for pollen collection.

I think I can run with this configuration for a couple of weeks to let the first batch of plants ripen. The clones have 7 days of 12/12 into them now so I think they'd be ok for up to 28 days total. So, finished or not the first batch will be harvested in 3 weeks or less.


Well-known member
Today is day F87. I decided to chop the smaller trellised plant. The buds are very resiny, but small and wispy. Looks like she's gonna dry down to about an ounce, disappointing but it is what it is. The revegged growth was just starting to put out pistils. I have a clone of her in flower so hopefully we'll see her full potential yet.

Now there is room for all the clones on one level in the flowering room.


Well-known member
Here's a pic of the SLSD, they have 6 12/12 cycles into them now but still haven't revealed sex. I'm thinking of potting up 2 of the females and try to squeeze them in around the 600 hps. They're really cramped in their present location but they're coping ok.


And here's a pic of the whole donut in position. That's 16 plants inclluding the SLSD.



Well-known member
It is apparent that the revegged plants will never live up to their potential, but at this stage, every day longer should improve the quality and the yield. Its heartbreaking to see all of the revegged growth just starting to flower now but there is no point in dwelling on it. I've sampled all of the different plants and the potency is acceptable.

Here's some miscellaneous pics of the 2 girls left from the first crop. The first set is of the keeper at day F74.

And these remaining pics are of the large trellised plant at day F87.



Bummer on crop one old pal but crop 2's on its way. I can tell from the tone o the post yer still pretty bummed out, I can't sense any Yee Haw. It's time to say "fuck it" eh! You'll be harvesting again in 9-14 weeks!


Well-known member
Hi primobud. Until I finally chop those last 2 plants I won't be real happy. They're sitting there taking valuable space in the flower room and mocking me every time I go in there. The plant I chopped yesterday smells like onions as its drying in the paper bag. Its really sticky and I'm expecting topshelf. I'll have lots of trim off these first plants for an oil run at Xmas.

Ya know, I haven't really mentioned the clones lately and it's too bad. They're doing excellent. Looks like they'll finish about the same size as the keeper except a little bushier. For 2 weeks of 12/12 they're more advanced than their seed mothers at the same stage.

Just found out that we're expecting visitors the same week as I expect the pollen production to occur so it'll be interesting from a stealth perspective. It could potentially be a major f/u. I'll keep you advised.
Hey smilley, sorry about the plants man, don't worry though, next time that wont happen!

Good to hear the potency is still acceptable :)


Well-known member
Hi Guffetroid. You'd think we were talking about my uncle Luigie dying or something. :comfort: Heh, they're only plants. And ya, next crop is going to be awesome man. :canabis:

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