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GHS - Hawaiian Snow Feminized


Well-known member
When I went to bed last night I checked in on the clones and they were drooping badly. I thought to myself "damn, I've done something wrong". Anyway, this morning they had perked up, not quite as crisp as when I cut them, but quite healthy looking all the same. My experience has been if they make it past the first 24hrs then they generally survive.

Until now, I've just cloned with plain water and some rooting gel. This time I followed the instructions on the PBP label and used 7.5ml/gal of grow formula and 15ml/gal of Liquid Karma. So far so good.

I try to keep the soil temp around 80F but the thermostat lets the temps drift between 77 and 81. Generally, I budget 3 weeks for rooting so depending on what I do with the keeper, I'll probably reclone the clones before flowering them.

The clones are in the veg room with the keeper so I keep a paper towel above them to shade them from the 400mh intensity. You can't really see the clones in the pics but I didn't want to lift the dome for the pics. I do ventilate the chamber daily and spritz a little water on the floor of the chamber to maintain good humidity.




Well-known member
DayF05: Here's a couple of orangies of the two trellised girls. The two plants are very similar in structure and size, almost twins but not quite. They're really starting to grow now, the bottom branches are nearly as long as the plants are tall. It'll still be a week to 10 days before I have them firmly secured to the screen. For now, I'm just lightly coaxing them with loose twist ties. I pulled a couple of big fans off each of the plants as they were counterproductive to training.




Well-known member
Local temperatures are running in the +30's C right now. This is unheard of in my location at this time of year and its causing some issues in the grow room. I've had to move the plants back from the flowering lamp and the clones are hitting peak temps of 82 F which is right at the upper edge of my comfort zone. Not much I can do about it except wait for a change in the weather. Expecting a few more days of the heat wave. My room runs at optimum temperatures when the outside temps are -20 C and lower.


Well-known member
Day V38: For the keeper that is. She really is a beauty. A tiny bit of tip burn going on, maybe the high temps, maybe too many ferts, I dunno. She sure looks and acts like a typical sat/indica hybrid to me but what do I know? I'm gonna top her in a day or two and then we'll see how well she branches. While I'm vegging out her clones, I'll be able to see how she stretches in flower and that will determine the veg period for the clones. Looks like they'd be good with a vegging to 24 inches or so, we'll see.



Well-known member
Whoo-hoo!!! Post #50 I'm a full member now.

Here's a pic of the clones 6 days after cutting. Its been my experience that when the leafs start to yellow at the edges then rooting is imminent. I'm heading out of town for 3 nights in about a week so it would be nice if they're taking up water by then. Looks like they're gonna be ok.



Well-known member
primobud: Things are going excellent, only 13 weeks to harvest. ha ha:)

Ok, I wasn't holding out on everyone, I was just waiting for the flowering lamp to go off to shoot these pics. Day F07:




The picture of the runt (as I call the smallest one now) shows the effects of being too close to the lamp. I moved her back.


Well-known member
Here's the "keeper" at day v42. "Keeper" isn't a good description of her as she'll be going into the flower room in 4 days. She was topped two days ago and the branches have really started to stretch. The plan for her is to veg her for a total of 46 days, put her in 12/12 for 4 days (while I'm out of town) and then cut clones from her. It looks like I'll get 8 - 10 nice clones without totally destroying her form. Most of the clone sites will leave several nodes per branch so she may even produce better than if she were left untrimmed. We'll see. She'll be exactly 2 weeks behind the other girls already in the flower room. If the Ganja Gods are on my side she'll finish about the same time as the other girls.



Well-known member
Here's a pic of the "Runt" at day F11. I pulled a couple of leafs off that had browned from being too close to the lamp. She really wasn't any closer than the other two girls but she's a weaker plant and is really branching slowly. If I'd had more plants for this run I would have culled her but since I have the room I'll take her to finish. I put a 42 inch tomato cage around her but I think thats overkill now. I'm glad I didn't bother cloning her, hopefully she'll still produce some dank weed.



Well-known member
And here's my two favorites at day F11. They've had some serious defoliation done to them and are almost fully secured to the trellises. Left untopped, I'm sure these plants would be 3 - 4 feet tall by now. I have a plan for laying out the primary branches on the screen but some of the secondary branches are already 4 inches long so I'll have to deal with those as they grow too. Taming the wild Hawaiian Snow isn't going to be as easy as I'd thought. If they continue to stretch for another 5 weeks they may fill the trellises to the top. Anyway, its lots of fun tying the girls up and hopefully they'll reward me with a big gram per plant count at the end.




Well-known member
This is a quick update on the clones. They're 9 days from cutting and I've removed the dome completely. A couple of the larger leafs that laid themselves down on the medium are starting to lift off so I think the roots are starting. I'll give them another 10 days or so before repotting.



Look at those clones, not bad! You know what I think of "defoliation" (you cruel bastard) but I'm looking forward to the weekly pics. I like the new plan for the keeper.
I checked B Self Relient's 600w AK Vert Grow again this morning and yes I must admit, I may give it another try next year without the shade. A tad more bud than I've been seeing!
Check out gettogrow "16kw RDWC tree grow" holy shit man!!! If someone gave me those numbers without pics I'd say "horse s--t" but look at those plants!!! Like the guy ripped the roof off his house, just f--king awesome.


Well-known member
Hey primobud!!! I only defoliate where the leafs get mashed against the screen or poke behind the screen. Next time I'll put the plants right at the back of the pots against the screen so I don't have to bend the branches back 4 or 5 inches to get to the screen. Also, I'll probably remove the back primary branches (maybe for clones) as they get in the way when training. This whole vertical thing is a real learning experience.

Next crop will be a little more conventional. No screens, just stakes and string. It doesn't look like the keeper will stretch as much as the two trellised plants so I'll try it a bit like B. Self Reliant's style. Next crop will be 6 of the keeper clones. I haven't quite finalized the plans for the rest of the season but probably the final crop will be 4 of the best trellised plant's clones. But everything is subject to change. It'll probably depend on which clones have the best buzz/yield.

If I trellis again, I'll figure out a way to curve the trellises to make a complete circle with 4 plants. This trellis thing is a bit more work and until I see the yields, nothing is written in stone. I've almost got the plants fully secure to the screen now, so I'm starting to raise the lamp to encourage a little more vertical growth. If and when the stretch slows I'll just let everything hang toward the light and just tie things back when the buds get too close to the lamp.

Believe me, I'm no expert so I'm just flying by the seat of my pants and trying to be practical and logical.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Great updates & nice pics! :good:

Really loving the info in this thread you are putting on a very nice grow show! :respect:

I don't think they are going to take 13 weeks flowering though to be honest I believe the HS is done a bit faster you are probably looking at about 11 weeks total my guess with healthy plants & bright light but we will see as they bloom I suppose. Much love & I'm wishing you good positive green energy for your grow and it's continued success ;)


Well-known member
Thanks for the kind words SOTF420. :thank you:

I hope you're right about 11 weeks, but I have a feeling the trellised ones are going to take longer. Its always interesting growing a new strain because I don't know what to expect. My keeper looks very similar to the one you pollinated so if that one took 11 weeks mine will probably be close to that.

I have some seeds I made a couple of years ago (BOG LSD X Sour Diesel IBL) that I'm thinking of crossing to the HS. I call it Sour LSD, high potency but a little light on yield. If the HS lives up to its reputation I'll go ahead and find a good strong male and breed it to the HS. Fortunately Mrs. smilley has her own grow room (for overwintering geraniums) and its excellent for isolating a male for pollen collection. I don't have the facility for a serious breeding project like you do, but its still fun being a closet breeder. Anyway, that's going to be a bit down the road but its nice to think out loud to try and get things straight in my own head.

Peace and positive vibes back at you SOTF420, your advice and comments are invaluable.:dance013:


Well-known member
I'm putting the system on auto-pilot for 4 days and will be back with a complete update in about 5.


Hope both you and the ladies have a safe and happy 4 days and looking forward to seeing the changes in 5 days.


Auto Pilot! Weekend off what the! You gonna be able to sleep? I'm sure you'll have em set up perfect. I bet yer already wanting to get back and have a look eh. ha ha ha Relax enjoy your last weekend, next weekend you'll be freezing yer arse off. I got my heater on in the grow when the lights are off already! Looking forward to the next update.


Well-known member
Hi primobud and BubsNugs: I'm back from the cold and snowy foothills thanking the ganja gods for watching over the operation. Hey, it hit -1C this morning, no more mosquitoes.

Ok, here we go with the update. The clones are looking great, they're at day 16 from cutting and just about ready to transplant.


And here's a couple of pics of the keeper at day F03. Sorry for the crappy pictures, but I was in a real hurry. She looks beautiful but I'm gonna rape her for 8 - 10 clones tomorrow so she's gonna look a little naked for a while after this.

