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GHS - Hawaiian Snow Feminized



Like he said smilley man like he said. Especially the getting the clone being priority #1!!! Seed crop, it ain't gonna be perfect eh? Next ones will. Yee Haw!
I'm with you SOTF420. If ya ever feel like a real challenge see if you can teach me something.


looking really good dude!!!!

Just a few thoughts 1-- I would grab yerself some liquid karma its another botanicare product and its excellent stuff a lil pricey but well worth it . Really happy to see you trying out those nutrients as im considering running those myself. I know one product is 100% organic and the other is mostly organic but not 100%.....i ramble :)

2 I would say theres a good chance that the clones of these plants will tend to finish a lil quicker then the seed moms so that may shave a couple weeks off your flowering times plus theres other tricks with the more sativa leaning ladies like reastricting root space to encourage flowering , or reducing the light a bit nearer the end, or even running 13dark/11 light from the start..... experiments to be done :)

3 I would definatly do as SOTF suggested and even that LUV dude said about takin clones from all and after that topping job i sure there be clones to be had pretty soon, im sure u can manage the clones while the moms flower out plus that gives u an extra plant to flower first run....

4 welcome aboard I love this site its a winner theres a lot of great folks around here :)



Well-known member
SOTF420: Thanks for the great advice. I'm going to do a variation/compromise of your advice and I'll explain later in the thread.

LuvPB: You would be a challenge. heh, heh I wish I had started with a 10 pack of seeds instead of 5. And I wish my growing season was longer than 42, oh, and I wish I was able to carry a mother over to next season but it just ain't so.

BubsNugs: Thanks for the kind words bro. I heard through the grapevine that you'll be coming into so pedigree clones. May all your buds be rock hard.


Well-known member
Day V28: I just got back from 4 days in the mountains and the girls are doing excellent. They were thirsty indeed, but no wilting or yellowing. It looks like I've got 2 different pheno's going. As you can see from the pic below, the first a third plants from the left are at least 50% larger than the other 2 despite being topped. I thought that the two new terminal buds on the topped plants would be better developed but its only been 4 days. The two topped ones are branching very nicely.


The following two pics are the "4 days after topping" shots that I promised although they don't really demonstrate the vigor I was hoping to depict. Here they are anyway, since I said I'd post them. Nice shot of my croc shoe though.:dance013:




Well-known member
The New Cloning Plan

The New Cloning Plan

I've been thinking about this cloning issue all weekend and have made a decision. The two large topped plants along with the weakest of the two small ones will go into flower after 31 days of veg. I'm going to cut 2 or 3 clones from each of the large ones in the second week of flowering. The other shorter plant is going to stay in veg long enough to get 6 or 8 clones from her and if there is anything left of her I pop her into the flowering room then. The weakest of the small plants isn't going to be cloned at all.

I've regularly cut clones off my hybrid seed plants in the second week of flower (once they showed sex) so I'm hoping it'll be ok with the pure sativas. We'll see. I know that lots of growers say its a no-no to cut clones once in flower but I've never had any issues other than they may take a day or two longer to root.

If it all works out the way I'm hoping, I'll end up with 4 to 6 clones of the big girls and 6 or 8 of the smaller phenotype. The only real problem I see is that I'll end up with plants at different heights but I think I can deal with that.

Anyway, thats the plan, for better or worse until bud do we part - Amen.
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Howdy smilley my boy, stop calling me Luv!!! Looks like 6" and 10'" so far eh. Right on we'll see how they go. I was hoping you wouldn't be lazy and not send pics. Looking good.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Sounds like a solid plan, clones should be fine 2 weeks in because they should barely be flowering if any since they take a bit of time to get going in bloom. I think the plants look nice & green for a pure Sativa they are surely healthy! Good job smilley, this is going to turn out lovely for you I just know it :canabis:


Well-known member
Day V29: Today was repotting day. Now the girls are in their final containers and I'll never have to worry about running out of water on my 3 or 4 night out-of-towners again. Here's a series of pics which are self explanatory.





Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Nice repotting! :respect: :good: They are going to be very happy with all that leg room! :plant grow:


Well-known member
Here's a close-up of the keeper. Its actually growing quicker and quicker so I think I'll be able to take 5 or 6 clones in about 3 weeks and put her by the flowering light then. I'm going to let her go untopped for a couple more internodes and then top her to force the branching for clones. Its a beautiful little plant, but not unlike any of my hybrids so I guess I'm saying its not as sativa(ish) as the two bigger ones. Maybe its exhibiting more of the Hawaiian genetics, I don't know.


I fed the girls with a 50/50 mix of the veg and bloom as they'll be going into flower in 3 more days. I fed the one staying in veg the same formula just because I'm lazy but I don't think it'll cause any adverse affects.

I'm sure enjoying using the PureBlend Pro. Thanks again SOTF420 for the heads up on the nutes, the plants really seem to be loving it and its a lot easier to mix than the 3 part hydro stuff. I did pick up a bottle of the CalMag additive and will probably get some of the Liquid Karma as suggested by BubsNugs.

All in all, I'm really happy with the way things are progressing and enjoying my stay here at ICMag.

Now its off to puff a big gagger of Sour LSD.
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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Nice plant! PBP rocks :good:

And we at ICM are very glad to have you here and hope you stick around brother! :biggrin:

At least long enough to let us see these sexy plants grow big buds :plant grow:

And then the clones, and so on :bigeye:


Well-known member
Day F01: Last night I built 2 trellises for the larger 2 HS. The trellises are 24 inches wide and 5ft tall. I would have like to have a bit of an arc to the trellises but they're basically flat. Maybe they're too tall but I didn't want to take any chances so this is what I'm using for the first run. The smaller untopped HS doesn't look like its going to stretch like the other two so I'm thinking about putting a tomato cage around it. I've still got a few days to decide so no big deal.

As this is my first vertical grow, I'm not going to crowd the light too close until I get a bit of a feel for how things are going. The light wanted to sway in the updraft from the fan so I ran a wire between the two side walls and twist tied the lamp cord to the wire for stability. So far everything seems to be working good and the temps are doing fine.

I'm going to be able to cut two clones off each of the topped plants this weekend so they'll only have 3 days of the 12/12 cycle. I haven't checked the keeper in the veg room today but it was doing excellent yesterday. Thats it for now, and I'll do another update when I cut the clones.



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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I just know those are going to turn into big plants with long gorgeous frosty buds :respect:

Nice set-up! :good:


Well-known member
SOTF420: I'm pretty sure the two with the netting are going to be huge too. The set-up is a bit ghetto but its nice to find everything I need in the garden shed instead of having to go to the store.

gunslinger: Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the kind words. A buddy of mine tried to grow some landrace Mexican plants under a pair of 400's and had a ton of problems so I'm trying to mitigate as many problems as possible.


Well-known member
Guffetroid: If somebody told me 2 months ago that I'd be putting 10 inch plants in flower and expect them to finish at 5 ft I'd have told them they were crazy. But here I am. I suspect that after I cut the clones it'll really accelerate the stretch. I'm guessing that the trellised ones are going to run 14 weeks or so. Hopefully my keeper is a little quicker, the smaller one in flower is similar so I'll get a bit of an idea from it.

Hey, I read through your thread today. Great growing dude. Nice to see you have the pics online now and good to here the cpu is ok. Are the Blueberry from DJ Short? I've always had a desire to grow White Widow so I'll be watching your progress.

Thanks again for dropping by and may all your buds be rockhard.


Well-known member
Day F02: Ok, I promise I won't bore everyone with daily updates, but I'm trying to get my post count up to 50 so I can become a full member and I had the camera with me so I shot a few orange close-ups just for the fun of it.

I'm going to switch the veg room over to vertical as well. I can see the problems of vegging under horizontal and switching to vertical. Its going to require patience and perseverance to train these girls to climb the screen. If I had vegged them under a vertical they would be much easier to train. But once I get all the branches tied to the screen things should work out ok. I've started bending the main stalks back to the screens.

The plants have slowed down a bit, but I think they're busy trying to fill the big 5 gal pots with roots. If I remember, I'll try and get a shot of the root mass at harvest. It should be quite impressive.





Well-known member
Oh, I almost forgot. I cut the two bottom branches off both the trellised plants for clones. The next branch set up were much nicer, but I just couldn't bring myself to cut them. If this first batch fail, I'll go for the next set.



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Man the grow threads with constant updates are the best we don't mind trust me. Please keep it coming & your plants are growing fast! :good:

Just because many people are not posting does not mean they are not watching happily :biggrin:

I'm guessing those clones will do just fine provided the conditions are good they look like root growers to me :canabis:

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