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Ghostwolf's 2nd Bigger, Better PC Grow Case and Grow


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
OK I now have four females. And still have a couple yet to show them selves. I just had two F1's pop and are now in jiffy pellets in the new coco soil, and in my small case. I'm keepin my fingers crossed that they are girls to. They popped just two days into germination after soaking in h2o and h2o2 for an hour. And I also back crossed my F1 female with the father for the next generation and pollinated the bag seed female too. The father is kind of cool looking the flower buds are purple on it.


Active member
Hey Ghost, how are things progressing?? what about temps. Good to see you got some girls now you need to grow and taste, lets hope they all do well.
Ive just had a second seed pop today so that will make number 2, hope at least 1 is female.
Ive also started my own thread finally, come check it out.
Keep up the good work m8.
Cheers johnny


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Hey Ghost, how are things progressing?? what about temps. Good to see you got some girls now you need to grow and taste, lets hope they all do well.
Ive just had a second seed pop today so that will make number 2, hope at least 1 is female.
Ive also started my own thread finally, come check it out.
Keep up the good work m8.
Cheers johnny
Hey johnny nice thread. Lets see I've four girls growing one F1 and three bag seed. Now two more F1's just popped their heads out of the soil using a different germ method and different soil. So far they germed in two days and came up in another two days. I soaked them in half h2o and h2o2 for an hour then into the trusty moist paper towel they sprouted quickly then put them each in an expanded jiffy pellet and put that into a pot with MG Moisture Control soil with coco fiber in it. I'm hopping they'll make me proud with lot of bud on them if they grow to be girls. Good luck with your grow it looks like you've made a great set up to use I'm sure you'll get alotta buds from it. My temp are in the low to mid 80's(85 tonight)these days even with the bottom old 80mm fan dieing. I guess I didn't really need it. I should take some new photo's of the girls for everyone so you can see what they look like now. :smokeit:


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Not a lot to see tonight. The temp is 85 and I have a confirmed five females now that the it has bloomed. I'll try to get some photos later. For now"Go in a good way my friends"

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
That fan will be on its way Ghost so don't worry! It will be cooler in no time..buddy in Ontario is lazy and if I don't keep up on him!
Great news on the females buddy!!! Do you have any pics of the male?
take care Ghost


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
That fan will be on its way Ghost so don't worry! It will be cooler in no time..buddy in Ontario is lazy and if I don't keep up on him!
Great news on the females buddy!!! Do you have any pics of the male?
take care Ghost
Thank you BC, I think it will help a lot. Is it a pc fan and what size is it? I've known folks like your friend, sometimes they frustrate you and then turn around and come thru for you better than you could have expected that they would. But still hard to deal with at times. A couple of the girls are starting to get that skunky smell, the F1 has been crossed from a male of the original strain that also pollinated the other four too.:watchplant: I've been collecting pollen from him and making pollen packs with the name and date on it. It should stay viable for about two weeks and a little longer in a fridge. the other original P1 male had an accident and was sucked into the fan and didn't survive. The flower buds on it were purple it was the best looking male plant I've ever seen. I'll take some pics of the one I have left for you it's the same strain, and it's blooming right now. The F1 and stinky the little bag seed are developing seed pods now also, but still have a lot of growing to do yet. The It has just three or four flowers on it close to the top, at least it's shown her self and still growing quickly. I have it growing into a spiral up ward in LST, pretty soon I'll have to top her. I gave it some Bloom Buster which is a 18-55-6 something like the old Peters Special 20-20-20 I use to use. and the girl's started to come out, But I still use Bio Bizz regularly. Sorry I've been rambling I just smoked some fan leaves and I'm kind of buzzed. I'll get some pics of everything in a day or two, I want the girls to have enough of something to show. The temp tonight is 85 and holding. " Go in a good way my friend" :smokey:


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
OK here are the new photos That's the last P1 male for this grow, the first one sadly got sucked into the fan and didn't survive and that was the one with purple flower buds. The It that finally became a female. I guess you could call this a family picture, three girls and a boy. Here's the F1 #1 as you can see she is growin seed pods after being crossed back to the male that died and was from the original paternal strain, but she's looking good. This is the bag seed#1 she was also pollinated with the late P1 male. Now this girl is gettin stinky and has seed pods too. These are the newest girls bag seeds #2 and #3 they are in the same pot so I twisted them around each other in a kind of strange topiary. And now here are the new babies, one week old. Their F1's also and in the new soil with coco fiber, They were soaked in h2o2 before germing and popped in two days after they went in. I hopping that at least one will be female if not both. Sorry I didn't have a chance edit these pic's larger. I'll try again next time to make um bigger. So I think that's it for now, the case temp is 84 degrees tonight. "Go in a good way"


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
They look healthy bro, I reckon everyone should chuck some pollen around at some time in their growing years, it only inhances the fun.

Peace an Respect


Grow like nobody is watching
There is not much as annoying as getting a plant too close to a fan! Yarrr shiver me timbers etc :)
There is not much as annoying as getting a plant too close to a fan! Yarrr shiver me timbers etc :)
dude...my fan is SO close to one of my plants. it has chopped the leaves many a time...i get stoned and forget about it. always scares the shit out of me. some of my leaves are just a little short :)


Can you post any big pics? I want to get a good look at what you got there. =]


Active member
Hey ya ghost, that is starting to look like quite an extended family there bro, they are going to keep you busy for sure. Good luck on the production of baby girls m8...



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey Ghost, it's a very sad day for marijuana and hemp activism, Please can everyone go to this page http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=169060 and pay their respects to a brave man who has stood up to the powers that be and has created positive changes in this draconian world we live in.

Peace an Much Respects To Jack and his Family,
Last edited:


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Sorry we lost a much loved icon of our times. He will always be with us in our hearts and minds. And through us he will live as long as we remember Jack Herer. :thank you:Jack

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Sorry to hear of the fan accident...that really sucks...lol..sorry..had to say it! i stuck my finger in my smaller fan....smart move BC...
all your ladies look just great Ghost!!
The fan is a Sunon 151 cfm fan..its rated from 28-48 volts so its powerful...your power supply HAs to be stronger than 28 volts for sure..those laptop power supplies work great and they cost maybe 20 bucks tops..if you look around , I am sure you will find something ...it will be up and running by next week I hope Ghost..
take care bro


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
It's OK I have one more breeding P1 male, but the other one was the stronger male. I'll post some new pics, the girls are getting more flowers and smelling good. That fan sounds like a good one BC, I mite only need it if it's that good, and I found cheap power supplies at amazon.com Your going to like this drawing I'm working on. see ya next time so "Go in a good way".


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
OK since everybody wanted the bigger photos, pixelated and all, here you are. The new F1's after 16 days from seed at 12/12. Here's the It still flowering slowly. This is the First F1 And Bag Seed #1 Bag Seeds #2 and #3 and with F1 #1. I believe that's it for now three of the girls are getting pretty stinky. I suspended the BL experiment for now as the test conditions were wrong. But I have slipped a Full Spectrum 27w/100w CFL into the case over the F1#1 and BS 2 and 3 and seems to be helping the trichome production with what little UVB it gives out. And again the case will under go another transformation this weekend, and I will show you when I finished with this round of up dates and improvements. Sorry again about the photos, if anyone wants me to, I'll post the unedited pics. I'll understand. I getting closer to finding a good cheap camrea for better photo's. I just have to wait for now. "Go in a good way"

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey Ghost!! Ladies are looking very nice bro..
Now that I am settled, we can get this ball rolling!!I have a fan speed controller too...brand new..I'll throw that in..
take care Ghost

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