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Ghostwolf's 2nd Bigger, Better PC Grow Case and Grow

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hey Ghost!! Looking great!!
If the fans had the heatsinks on them, that would be a good thing ..my case is aluminum which helps alot too..your temps are pretty darn good so don't worry too much..the sunon is 25-48 volts dc, 19 watts..I had it hooked up to a drill charger cord and it worked fine but if you have a stronger adapter, you will be laughing..
Wolves rock bro...aside from bald eagles, they are my fave animal..i just can't get the hair and feathers to work for me when I draw..
I never topped mine at all..just LST..I used coat hangers cut up and bent to hook the stems down then used funky pipe cleaners..both are VERY cheap and I like that!!
pics work for me...to bad its a hermie..seeds might be good? I'm not sure about that though..
I'll be in touch...my girl is filling out nicely...if you go back in my thread, you can see how I tied her down..
take care Ghostwolf


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Hey Ghost!! Looking great!!
If the fans had the heatsinks on them, that would be a good thing ..my case is aluminum which helps alot too..your temps are pretty darn good so don't worry too much..the sunon is 25-48 volts dc, 19 watts..I had it hooked up to a drill charger cord and it worked fine but if you have a stronger adapter, you will be laughing..
Wolves rock bro...aside from bald eagles, they are my fave animal..i just can't get the hair and feathers to work for me when I draw..
I never topped mine at all..just LST..I used coat hangers cut up and bent to hook the stems down then used funky pipe cleaners..both are VERY cheap and I like that!!
pics work for me...to bad its a hermie..seeds might be good? I'm not sure about that though..
I'll be in touch...my girl is filling out nicely...if you go back in my thread, you can see how I tied her down..
take care Ghostwolf
Waz up BC! the herm just has female pistils at the top and what there is, is very small too. I'm not to bummed over the it , just the time lost growing it. johnny wanted to see more if it, he's not seen a hermy before. The bag seed tho has 14 nodes, bushy as hell, I have it LST'ed growing into a spiral. I use paper clips and rubber bands around the cup-o-soup cups that I grow in. It's been vegging at 12/12 for over a month and just won't just show it's sex, I figure it has to do it soon. that's her or I mean it. These pics were from last week I need to take new ones for ya. But when I can I want to do DWC and (SOG like Scrub) but then I'll just be growing two plants in that case. Tonight's temp is 85F and I'm lovin it. I split the silver stuff that I had inside like yours into two sheets to eliminate the insulation in it and just put it back in just as a reflector and is working good the temp is 85F right now. I suppose I can put the fans back on the heat sinks, you had me thinking that the other time you mentioned about the CPU fans. I have an old phone answering machine adapter that's 1amp, same size as the one that runs the other two fans. The big 4" one is AC power. Wolves are my main thing, I used to have four of them, the drawing I showed you was my best friend Winter Hawk he died of a snake bite. but I can draw anything, I'll just get in to my eagle pics and see what I have. I've been watching your thread and your girl is kicking ass and looking great man.:tiphat: Go in a good way my friend.:)




I used a 20 oz bottle. with a 2 ft tube coiled around the inside case with wholes throughout the tube(20-30) and the end plugged. I had reallt good results. your leaves will wilt a tad in the night cycle when its time to make a fresh batch. As far as controling the co2. Im gonna smoke a bowl and put my thinking hat on:). :laughing:


Grow like nobody is watching
Sorry to hear about your friend, Ghost. I'm so paranoid of snakes out in the bush. :cry: Crop's lookin' great.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Greetings Scrub. And now the rest of the rest of the story. (Yeah he went everywhere with me. And I'll swear he was as smart as I. He was bitten by a 4' cottonmouth moccasin. And after I buried Winter Hawk I was cleaning up around his house and the damn snake came out from under it and was 3 to 4 feet away from me, I didn't have my shotgun like I usually do since, I was living way out in the woods in north Florida then. Well I had an adrenaline rush of angry revenge when I saw him. so instead of freaking which I could not do. I slowly reached down for a broken tree limb at my feet and keeping my eyes on him the whole time I picked up the limb and again slowly came back up and proceeded to go caveman on his little poisonous ass! When I was done with him his head was unidentifiable, and so ended the killer of my best friend. And I felt a lot better too. And I do miss him and the others a lot. I think about them often.) One day I'll be able to have more. They're smarter than dogs and since having them I'm spoiled would rather have a wolf than a dog any day.:smoker: Great news tho my third F1 is now a female and is 4" to 5" tall. I'm wondering if that's normal for growing at 12/12 to show their sex when they're so small? And I now have another female in my other case that's about the same size. I'll have to move her to the new case now that she showed her self. So out of the three F1's I got a hermy, a male, and a female. There is another small male from the indica/sativa I grew last time about the same size as the two girls 4" to 5" inches. I still have 7 plants that haven't shown their sex yet, but I think it shouldn't be much longer now. I'll get some photos of them soon as they get a little bigger. Pretty soon I'll be cookin with gas!:D:greenstars::smokey:


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I used a 20 oz bottle. with a 2 ft tube coiled around the inside case with wholes throughout the tube(20-30) and the end plugged. I had really good results. your leaves will wilt a tad in the night cycle when its time to make a fresh batch. As far as controlling the co2. I'm gonna smoke a bowl and put my thinking hat on:). :laughing:
Ah-Ho detone, sounds like a nice simple set up. And like you I'm trying to come up with a simple answer. I know their has to be one we just have to find it. Some kind of electric device that will easly close a small tube, with or without a valve maybe? Or something smaller than a sprinkler control valve, that will work with a regular timer I think.:)


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
:smokey:Greetings all here are the latest photos of what's going on. As always I'm sorry the photos aren't bigger. This is the largest I can get them and they still look in focus. Here's the top showing the three CPU fans their the heat sinks above the lights.:joint: Here are a few family photos as it stands right now. :smoke out::pet the cat: So here is a male P1 indica/sativa that I'm going to back cross with the F1 female for the next generation, also you see the 15 node 22" long 2 1/2 month vegging at 12/12 "It"!!! that won't show it's sex! :peek::dunno: Next are the newest stars in the thread everyone wants one, everyone loves them, any where you can find them and do them the Girl's! The first one is a new comer from parts unknown our Bag Seed Female. She has small white pistils right now and we know she'll make ue all happy in just a little time away in the near future. Next not least but she is the one last tonight. Our own F1 Hybrid Female she is the one we will be mostly watching. We have high hopes that she'll make ue all proud in the near future also. :dancer: :dancer: :rtfo: :dancer: :dancer: :smokey:That's about it for tonight folks, the case temp this evening is 84F degrees under beautiful balmy Florida night sky. We love y'all, your great, We'll see y'all again next time. This is Ghostwolf signing off for tonight. Go in a good way my friends. Thanks again and Good Night.:wave: :peacock:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
looking GREAT Ghostwolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad everything is running better..
take care and I'll send you a pm later..


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
:wave: All's well, not much to report this evening , case temp tonight is 82F degrees. I'll have more photos when the girls are showing a bit more. Thanks b00m, and BC I'm still pluggin away and gettin down to some growin now. Till then..."Go in a good way"my friends. Keep growin and smokin. :smokey:


Well-known member
wsup GW. thouse plants r looking great. that one looks nice and bushy.
also its nice to see the bigger pix.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
wsup GW. thouse plants r looking great. that one looks nice and bushy.
also its nice to see the bigger pix.
Thanks #1cheesebuds they're gettin better. I've done a lot of growin but this pc case growin is a new thing to me, I think I'm finally gettin the hang of it. I'll post some photos in just a little bit. the cases just came on so I must tend to the family. Back in a few. :)

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Plants are looking fantastic Ghost!!!!
I'll need to chat in regards to address's....
How are temps?
look forward to hearing from you Ghost!!
Take care


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Greetings BC and everyone else here. Well to start off with the temp tonight is 86 and going good or, er, I mean growin good. Look down low and you'll see a one of the flowers on the F1. Here's some more flowers higher up in the F1. Here are the same pics, photo edited. I just wanted everyone to see what I'm dealing with when I try to enlarge the web cam shots with a editing program. Maybe I just don't understand it enough to make it, but this what happens. So I just upload them and remove the word thumb from the code to get what I usually show you, any help with this is appreciated. Anyway here's the bag seed female. And I think I may have at least another female in the other case. Still no progress with the "IT" other than vegetative growth. I wonder if it could be sterile because of the prior high temps, you know. If high temps can make a hermy why not an asexual plant. I don't really know myself but it would seem to make sense. This thing is almost 3 months old and it just grows. I guess I should just be glad it is, but I am baffled over it. That aside all is going much better and I'm looking forward to the girls making me proud. BC I'll PM you. Go in a good way all" :tiphat:


Grow like nobody is watching
That one that doesn't flower is strange. Is there a chance it's hit by a tiny light leak or something? As far as I'm aware, that's the only explanation. Some sativas won't flower properly on 12/12 but they should still flower. I can't speak for the others but I much prefer the large pictures bro. The grow is kickin' ass! Enjoy the ride :cool:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Some sativas just take forever bro, you probably got one of those 22 week strains lol, hope not. Check for light leaks but I think it is genetics, I have a couple of sativas at the moment that are only just really starting to get going with the flowering, lol I've almost harvested twice(4.5mths time frame) and these 2 girls are just plodding along doing their thing unfazed by all the other plants around them finishing up, I'm hoping they are a Haze variety(Dutch Indoor Mix of unknown genetics to me).
Plants look good bro, your webcam seems to doesn't have enough pixels to properly increase the picture size, other than that bigger pics are better, imo for these ol eyes.

Peace an Respects


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
That one that doesn't flower is strange. Is there a chance it's hit by a tiny light leak or something? As far as I'm aware, that's the only explanation. Some sativas won't flower properly on 12/12 but they should still flower. I can't speak for the others but I much prefer the large pictures bro. The grow is kickin' ass! Enjoy the ride :cool:
Thanks for your answer Scrub. I've never seen anything like it. I've not ever had anything that didn't flower before. As for light leaks, it's in the same case with the other girls and boys, no more light comes in than can come thru the intakes and exhausts as always, and they're flowering fine as you can see. Best I can figure is to just let it grow and eventually it should bloom. It even has a very light bud smell that's nice but nothing else. It's up to 16 or 17 nodes now, and I have it LST trained and pinned to grow in a upward spiral and have had to take to trimming the inner fan leaves shorter so light can reach the (hopefully) flowering sites. I had to top one of them twice already so it wouldn't pass up the top of the plant. As for the girls, they're carrying on with the flowers. More everyday, I believe I have two more girls in the small case as well. And I started to germ two more F1's today after soaking them in a 50/50 h2o/h2o2 mix for a couple of hours, trying to give them a good start, hopefully at least one will be female so I may have another F1 going. I have the soil with coco fiber in it now so I'll see how good it is with the two new ones when they come up. Hopefully I soon may be able to improve the ventilation in the case to be more like I tried to design it to be if I can get a couple new pc fans. I've been reading that the most efficient fans are in line fans rather than axial or centrifugal. So I dug deeper into some pc sites and found a pc fan of this type which was nothing more than two pc fans together back to front made into one longer fan housing in line. So I'm thinking why not take two and screw them together that way, and see if they have the same effect. If so they could greatly improve ventilation and save space inside for other things. But it's just a theory like so many other things I come up with, some work and some don't. I thought the bigger pics were poor myself because of the web cams limitations. You can't see any of the fine details of the plants and I still have to put a magnifying glass in front of it to take those that you see, I suppose I could just show both for comparison like I did above. I almost forgot I think I may have found a way to make your light traps an easier way. I used to be a marine mechanic and was thinking,(Oh no not again!)(I see smoke coming from my ears!)(he-he)that two plastic louvered air vents, the type used on small boats carefully glued or siliconed face to face would have the same effect. And if so, this done in the right size and trimmed to fit could be a easier way to make those. Just something I came up with and thrown out there to think about. Go in a good way for my friend.:)


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Some sativas just take forever bro, you probably got one of those 22 week strains lol, hope not. Check for light leaks but I think it is genetics, I have a couple of sativas at the moment that are only just really starting to get going with the flowering, lol I've almost harvested twice(4.5mths time frame) and these 2 girls are just plodding along doing their thing unfazed by all the other plants around them finishing up, I'm hoping they are a Haze variety(Dutch Indoor Mix of unknown genetics to me).
Plants look good bro, your webcam seems to doesn't have enough pixels to properly increase the picture size, other than that bigger pics are better, imo for these ol eyes.

Peace an Respects
I think your right about that my friend. It's good to know some one else has some of these I started to think I had a mutant. I don't know it's lineage as it was a bag seed. Like I said to Scrub I doubt it's a light problem since the others are in the same case with the same light and are flowering just fine. In fact I'm about ready to back cross the F1 and pollinate the Bag Seed any day now. I still have two more girls in the small case, and I hope one or two more after the two I just started to germ come up. All in all the grow is back on track. I think I'm going to just show both sizes of photos for all, and just cover the bases. Thanks for the good words. Go in a way my friend.:)


I always like to see how these pc grows go. I am going to turn one into my mom/veg box. I wouldn't worry too much about temps in the upper 80's. Until just recently my grow has been under 90-95 temps. Never worried about CO2 and my buds turned out good. After about a years time I decided to overhaul the cab. now I run about 81*. So I will know in a few months how much of a impact the extra 10-14* made.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I always like to see how these pc grows go. I am going to turn one into my mom/veg box. I wouldn't worry too much about temps in the upper 80's. Until just recently my grow has been under 90-95 temps. Never worried about CO2 and my buds turned out good. After about a years time I decided to overhaul the cab. now I run about 81*. So I will know in a few months how much of a impact the extra 10-14* made.
Thanks MicroDude, the high temps have been tamed, tonight's temp was 81. Early on they were more like 89-102. Now they go 80-86. Actually I haven't had a lot of time to think to much about Co2, but it is something I'll probably do again sometime soon but not right away. If your case is running at a lower temp now that you redid it, I think you may have a better female to male ratio, if nothing more than happier plants (he-he). I now can confirm that I have three females going now and hope to have some more soon. I'm hopping they'll be from my F1 seeds a long with one or two bag seeds. Keep growin and smokin and "Go in a good way my friend.:)

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