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Ghetto Cabinet Redux [Now with More Power!]


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i scrapped that grow due to problems of various natures.

anyway im revegging the best one sasha f1, i got clones from it also so i can keep the line going, i love the smells, like ripe banana's in flower, and when it cures it smells like cinammon toast crunch. i also got an f2 misha going, along with 3 other bagseed.

sashaf1 before i killed it.

reveg after like 4 weeks. (revegging on 14/10 btw not a normal 18+/?? schedule)

The new girl. topped like 4 -5 times since seed, got 8-10 tops but the 2 main one look like theyre going hermie on me. might be light leaks, i hope its not genetic. im gonn pick the balls off and hope the clones dont hermie too.

The 3 seedlings. i dont know which one is which i didnt label em right. doesnt matter anyway ive found out my soil is acidic. these 3 are 4,3, and 2 weeks old. doesnt look like it does it? i was all like wtf why you all aint growing i transplanted, still nothing. then i decided to ph the runoff and it was like 5.5 -6 i havent fixed it yet, im still trying to find a place i can buy a bag of lime thats not 50lbs. till then ive been making sure the water goes in kinda high so that the runoff come to about 6.5 or more. needs mag too, just watered em with epsom, molasses, and peroxide. hope they turn around. one is wierd and i want to grow it out. it developed a node in the middle of the stem. one day i look and i see 2 bumps in the middle of the stem like wtf? it made a node appear? i also havent killed em off yet because one is misha f3, and the other2 look to be purple strains. they cotyledons were purple when they popped. never seen that before.

group shot of everyone in the box. still need to work on my temps. im thinking ill replace the 80mm and 120mm fans i have on exhaust with 3 new 80mm in a row or a bathroom fan. i havent decided yet. im also going to redesign my carbon filters to one big one over the 3 fans im going to add.

last but not least the clones i took. started out freeballing in a bubble cloner i made, but after a week i notices nothing and they were starting to die up. open the cloner up and hardly a bubble to be seen. POS air pump broke down on me. i barely even used it. sheesh. i should spent some more money and bought the one shaped like a turtle. so i put em in RW cubes stuck em in a bowl with a lid and put em in the bottom of the cab. a week later and we have 3 of the 4 sasha clones are rooted, the last one might not make it, i see green on the top but the fan leaf it had is about dead. the 2 new UBS clones not rooted yet.

anyway dont expect any updates on a regular basis, just when im feeling like it. stay tuned if you like, if you dont, whatever. peace.
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new update.

this is the new one. i call it hermes for now because it threw a few male flowers at the bgining of flower. i dont know if its the light leak i found or a trait. ill find out when i flower the clones. im feeding this one GH (lucas formula) in soil. so far its doing well, only problem is i need to supplement the magnesium as theres not enough in the nutes for this hungry gal.

This is Sasha f2 from a sasha and a hermied jenny.
came out female, wonder if its feminized. ill find out when i grow out the rest of the seeds. this was stunted for a long time. i finally got some lime for the soil and put this one on the lucas formula too. totally turned around in 1 week

this is about a week ago.

those other2 in the cups. 1 turned out a male and got chopped , the other im still trying to save because it looked purple from seed. so i topped it and am trying to root the top.

i started some sort of work with my mom box (i taped a socket with 1 cfl to the top of the box lol)
im still waiting to afford some more t8 tubes.

see you all next time. whenever that is.


Active member

clones still alive and rooted, revegging 3 sashaf1 , and 1 of the 2 UBS. the other ubs is in the flower box, and the missing sasha clone dried out at the rockwool cube portion and lost its roots. forgot that needed to stay moist, doh!.

the UBS mom, named hermes for now till i figure out if those nutsacks were genetic or stress induced. clone in cab flowering now. got a few seeded calyx near the bottom node. threw some def last week wont know if its ph or hungry till the pot dries again i forgot to ph last runoff. i few last watering and its not getting worse so prolly just hungry. this is like week6 of flower or something i dont keep track anymore. these gh nutes must be like crack if it threw all these defeciencies from just one dose of water. from the 2 waterings with food in a row to 1 water only and bam defeciencies. looking good, smells funky like garbage. not dead yet. going stong on gh routine.

full cab shot, lower left in 2nd pic is sashaf2 i was talking about earlier. but it might be a mishaf2 i take bad notes. ill know which one it is in a few weeks when it starts budding, but right now its looking like misha.
the first picture might be from last week i dont remember re-arranging the plants in between shots.


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i dont know what week this is exactly. but im guessing about week 7 since they first showed flowers.

i killed my mom plant. something happened with the roots of something but it wasnt growing anymore just seemed to be slowly dying so i killed it off. ive still got the clones. one hermes clone, the other 3 with the funny leaves are sasha. for some reason they are still growing pistils out even under 24/7 light for almost 3 weeks to a month. i think its cause the lightbulb is red spectrum. anyway im anticipating a move soon so im prolly gonna just throw em in the flower box and wrap it up. i would like to keep the clones for a rerun of this plant.

next up with the hermes almost done i figure another 2-3 weeks then im gonna chop. on the left side is the mishaf2 seed i popped. and on the right side is a hermes clone i took to determine the source of the hermying. so far no male parts on the clone so i think it was a light leak. ive got a good amount of seeds in this bud. really fattening up too. and dense.


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chopped a smaller bud for a sample, by the time its dry ill be about ready to chop ill go longer depending on how the smoke is.

I have been revegging for about two years now, and personally I have found that an older mother(that has been revegged) will make clones that will start budding faster than the ones from the clone that I took before the flowering stage.

maybe this is why my clones start flowering even under 24/7 light.


Active member
chopped hermes down yesterday. could have gone another week or so but i just threw my clones in there and the preflowers re getting seeded. dont need any hermie crosses so it had to go. while manicuring i found that all the preflowers on each node which were pistils at first sprouted bananas in em and thats how all the weed got seeded. im growing out the 2 clones now and watching carefully for nanners. i plucked a swolen calyx from one of the nodes on the clone and popped it open to see if it was full of male flowers too. but turns out it was just a seed.

anyway pics.

first pic is after chop, second pic is showing off my fancy training, 3rd pic is manicure, sugar leaf, garbage prolly gonna use it to cook, buds, and popcorn in the jar untrimmed. why bother (picture idea stolen from... some guy here i cant remember right now). last pic is the lineup. wet weight 30grams, plus the other 2 colas i already consumed on sample smokes dry weight should come in somewhere around 10g. fallen off from last grow where i got 1zip from 4 plants. more weight but seeds too :( . ill continue this thread for the clones then im done till i come back from vacation sometime next year or this fall.


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How come i always gotta post then edit my post to get my pictures to show up?

group shot.

hermes clone, the other one was looking rather sickly and i didnt feel like nursing it back to health. so i just gave it the boot.
sasha clones on the GH regiment.

sasha clone on alaska

misha 12/12 seedplant.

sasha clones are all about shit i havent been keeping track but its about 3-4 weeks since i put em in the box. just started showing rapid growth last 2 weeks or so. transplanted em from the cups to these 1.25 liter or so bottles. 2 quart juice bottles with the tops cut off. this is where they will be finished. i got 2 clones on GH and 1 on alaska still for comparison. the alaska plant is way smaller as you can see. looks like im either dosing wrong with the alska or GH is just way better.

i got the 1 remaining hermes clone going under GH nutes in a similar cutoff 2 quart bottle. that one is on about 6-7 weeks since i put it in the box. got seeded a little from the mom . no male flowers yet, i shake it every once in a while to see if theres some male parts inside the bud clusters i cant see. i see some dust fly off sometimes. not enough to indicate pollen, prolly just some dust collected in the box.

lastly i got the misha 12/12 seed plant its been in there about the longest. i think i threw it in a week after the hermes motherplant went in. i had it on alaska at first then i switched to gh and i forgot i had it on gh then i was using alaska for a while. i just noticed the other day it was supposed to be on GH now when i was looking over this thread. i need to take better notes. anyway. i watered it with gh again the other day should be picking up some in the coming week.

no definite finish date for any of these, just gonna run the box till the day i have to move out. sometime in mid may or june ish.

update next time i get a chance or feel like it.




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thanks. it smokes pretty nice too. gets better with cure. tastes like oranges a little after 2 weeks cure. when you exhale its like you just smoked some orange peels. nothing special in the smell yet. real sticky too. i cant even break it down in my grinder. i usually just chop it up with my scissors or crumble it with my fingers after i wet em a little. it gums up my grinder and my scissors get too sticky to use after a few seconds.


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quick update.


sasha in organic


misha gh


hermes gh


sasha gh #1


sasha gh #2

still on track, but looks like im gonna be moving unexpectedly so i wont be able to finish this grow. in fact this might be the last update for this grow. ill be scrapping it when i move.

peace all.


Active member
i wont be moving out till next wed so i will let them go till tuesday.

i chopped hermes, and misha since last update, no weight or pics. im on vacation now so i let my friends smoke em. hermes which was quite good for some hermy ass bud full of seeds, and i mean full. almost every single calyx had a seed in it. my friend said it was really good. she passed out in a chair after smoking half a blunt(.5gram) in the afternoon, we came back at around 6, by 8 she was passed out in a chair, tried to wake here 5 times, she eventually woke up around 4 in the morning. i think that means it was some good couchlock lol.

misha i took down last week sometime. they sample smoked it last night. real good head buzz, clear afterwards.

the rest are the 3 sasha clones. 2 in GH, and one organic.

sasha alaska 4-30

sahsa alaska 5-6

sasha gh#1 4-30

sasha gh#1 5-6

sasha gh#2 4-30

sasha gh#2 5-6




Active member
last update for this grow, moving day. chopped last night during night cycle. runty sasha in organics still alive, gonna give it to a friend who likes the genetics.

smaller sasha i chopped down over the course of 2 days last week. bud pics showing off the foxtailing in the buds. i think maybe excess N in flower caused it.

the rest of the smaller sasha plant in GH.

the second sasha i took down last night unmanicured.

manicured...an hour or so later and 10-12 scissor cleanings. jesus this plant is sticky i get in like 15 leaves before i need to stop and clean the scissors so i can cut some more.

the trim.