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gh flora series (6/9) with soil? success?


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porch garden with tons of direct sunlight

porch garden with tons of direct sunlight

I haven't had much luck growing on my porch garden, which is the only place I can grow... tried a new product, SoilSuccess made by Pure Elements Organics, Facebook.com/PureElementsOrganics. I get direct sunlight and pretty much all of my plants wither and die unless I'm out there watering all the time. But so far I've had awesome luck with this stuff - "it adds calcium and sulfur and will improve germination, soil microbial activity, and make plants more drought- and weather stress-resistant". I can definitely vouch for the drought resistance and my plants are doing great! Don't know if anyone's tried this or something like it, but it's working for me so far!! Can't believe the difference!! :blowbubbles:

Have just joined this page, so I have a lot of reading to do :thank you: but looks like there's some good stuff on here!!

this is the best smiley i've seen... :tumbleweed: