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GetUp! - Action For Australia



>>> http://getup.org.au <<< PLEASE CLICK AUSTRALIA NEEDS YOU.

What is GetUp?

GetUp is a new political movement to build a more progressive Australia.

GetUp brings together like-minded people who want to bring participation back into our democracy. GetUp.org.au members use the latest online tools to act on the most important issues facing the country.

Why do we need GetUp?

After nearly a decade of conservative government, our country has changed. Millions of Australians don't like the direction we've been heading. On 9 August 2005 the Coalition Government took control of the Senate. It now has more power than any government in a generation.

The other political parties aren't providing a strong opposition, and the media is dominated by a handful of right-wing voices. People need to take politics into their own hands. GetUp provides them with a way to do this. GetUp.org.au members are building a ground-up movement of Australians who want to act, not just complain


New member
Thanks for the link

Thanks for the link

Thanks red-i,

I'm currently emailing the link to my friends.
Alot of Aussies (especially young non-voters) need to wake up and take an active role in shaping our future.

I think organisations like these are the only chance we have to regain democracy.



NP curly, anyone else with the thinking that our government is making way too many decisions not in our interest or infact against our wishes follow the lead pass this on and get up!!!

petition against the latest immigration bill hit the pollies today and at least some of them it seems are with us.

Australia harbour a refugee today!!!

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