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Getting my wisdom teeth out, can I vape cannabis beforehand?


Active member
So I am getting my bottom 2 wisdom teeth taken out, and they are giving me something called "twilight." I am really honestly scared of needles and anything like that, so surgery is the worst thing :(. I really want to be really high, get that "Twilight" and pass out for what they said would be 45 mins to an hour. So the question is can I be really high before getting the surgery? I know smoking is bad because it can get caught in that spot when healing and mess things up apparently. All info would be appreciated, thanks!!

Also should I get this twilight or gas?


Natalie J. Puffington
Hi KonradZuse! :)

I got my 'wisdom' teeth taken out a number of years ago, had the 'twilight' anesthesia and don't remember a thing; so I definitely recommend going that route...
Furthermore, I'd suggest getting nitrous before they start the anesthesia, (it will greatly ease your fears), or ask about taking Xanaxx or something;
(my surgeon recommended that I take Klonapin the morning of my hip replacement surgery, b/c I was so afraid.)
However, I don't think the nitrous alone would be enough sedation for the procedure itself...But, I am also a notorious chicken! :peek:
As far as toking before hand, that I'm not sure about...If it were me, I would definitely stay on the safe side by either vaporizing or eating edibles.

I would also strongly recommend making a batch of Canna-Milk before hand, so that you have something to ease the pain afterwards.
Plus, they recommend that you don't smoke for a couple weeks afterward, to prevent "dry sockets". (I'm not sure about vaporizing though.)

On the bright side, you will get to eat lots of ice cream, popsicles and pudding afterwards! :yummy:
Best of luck to you, Konrad! :)

PS: Let me know if you need a recipe for Canna-Milk, I'd be more than happy to PM the recipes I have collected to you. :wave:
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Active member
This is funny. I am one of those guys that don't care about things like this. Shots don't phase me, getting my wisdom teeth taken out didn't phase me, I got 22 teeth pulled in my life. (small mouth, had to make room for permanent teeth, dads a dentist). Heck I just found out I have a cracked vertebrae in my back that I have had pain from for the last two years, just took an ex-ray because it finally started to bother me too much.

If I were you, don't get high before hand man. You dentist, orthodontist or orthopedic surgeon might know and cancel your surgery, and make you feel like a dumb ass. I truly believe that you wont have any issues and the pain is very very very very very very very little before surgery. Now afterwords is much less fun. Gause and blood in your mouth and very soar feeling. NattyNattyGirl is right, make some pot food before you go because you wont feel like doing shit for a couple days. I also wouldn't smoke afterwords unless you want to have more surgery cleaning out your holes in the back of your mouth where your teeth were.

Long story short, don't worry about before surgery, not a big deal. After surgery make sure you got edibles. Good luck man, hope you don't work your self up too much.

If your question is more along the lines of if smoking would hurt you before surgery.......I would guess no, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.
I had mine removed years ago. The gas knocked me out and I remember nothing at all. Make sure you have someone else that can drive you home. Best of luck to you.


Wow, they still knock you out? Oldschool!

Just had one out with numbing injections...drove home ten minutes later, no gauze or blood anywhere. Couple of mild painkillers helped later in the afternoon.

I don't like going, but I do trust my dentist and she knows I'm a big scaredy cat.
It really isn't that bad...day or two and you should be healing up.


Active member
Hi KonradZuse! :)

I got my 'wisdom' teeth taken out a number of years ago, had the 'twilight' anesthesia and don't remember a thing; so I definitely recommend going that route...
Furthermore, I'd suggest getting nitrous before they start the anesthesia, (it will greatly ease your fears), or ask about taking Xanaxx or something;
(my surgeon recommended that I take Klonapin the morning of my hip replacement surgery, b/c I was so afraid.)
However, I don't think the nitrous alone would be enough sedation for the procedure itself...But, I am also a notorious chicken! :peek:
As far as toking before hand, that I'm not sure about...If it were me, I would definitely stay on the safe side by either vaporizing or eating edibles.

I would also strongly recommend making a batch of Canna-Milk before hand, so that you have something to ease the pain afterwards.
Plus, they recommend that you don't smoke for a couple weeks afterward, to prevent "dry sockets". (I'm not sure about vaporizing though.)

On the bright side, you will get to eat lots of ice cream, popsicles and pudding afterwards! :yummy:
Best of luck to you, Konrad! :)

PS: Let me know if you need a recipe for Canna-Milk, I'd be more than happy to PM the recipes I have collected to you. :wave:

Yeah I'm hoping they can give me something beforehand, I hate needles and all that shit :(. Also yeah Canna-milk would be awesome, it's just a milk tincture?


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Yes you can get high before but avoid smoking at any cost after the procedures.
Edibles or extracts are the way to go


I feel nothing and it feels great
smoke all you want before. id even go as far to say to smoke as much as you want afterwards as well. ive had a number of teeth pulled and i always smoked (dope & cigarettes) without ever having any problems or pain. although i have know people who got a "dry socket" from doing so, which they say is worse pain that actually getting the tooth pulled. so its really up to you if you wanna smoke afterwards. my pain tolerance is amazingly high though so thats just my opinion. my mother is a dental hygienist and always said as long as your not drawing in really hard on a cigarette, or, toking super hard on a pipe, you shouldnt have any problems. :wave:

p.s..... i always get nitrous and novcaine shots


I smoke before the dentist...never had a problem.

For recovery, vaping from a bag should be fine but don't use anything you have to "pull" from. Dry-socket comes from sucking on things which dislodges the clots formed in the empty sockets. Those need to stay put so your body can heal and rebuild the gums. No straws, no cigs, no joints, etc...


Active member
I vape using a kut rig and oils. The draw is soo smooth and dragless, but I deff want to be careful! I think I'm going to watch what I do beforehand, I don't want it to be bad with the twilight, even though I HIGHLY doubt cannabis will effect it. Funny thing is I asked this on another forum I'm on, 1 section that was cannabis most said they did it before and was fine, the medical section I went to was all "OMG DON'T DO ITTTT." Half of them didn't know anything about cannabis, one even said "cannabis isn't a painkiller........." Seriously? BAHAHWAHAHA.


Active member
i smoked before and after. if it was possible i would of smoked during the process LOL nothing fancy for me a few shots and rip that fucker out


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Smoking after is not recommended. The smoke will dry out the socket(hole) that the tooth was in. For healing it needs to stay moist. Take a breath mint before you go in so your not recking out the place. I hate the smell of pot breath lol.
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Make up enough edibles to last ya a bit man. Don't Smoke after the dentist just made craters in your mouth, nuff said.

Oh and I always smoke a fat bong load of some good bubble before I go in.....
..."Your mouth is always very, very dry. So is your dads"..(My dentist). LOL

I've always wondered if they can tell what you do as far as taking drugs orally goes, just by the look of your mouth? They thought I was a crack addict or a meth head for the longest time...always telling me the damage seems to be cause by chemicals.


Active member
I just wanted to let everyone know that I AM a 100% VAPORIST, so I do not smoke. Smoke will effect me differently than vapor, so i wanted to make that clear.

Make up enough edibles to last ya a bit man. Don't Smoke after the dentist just made craters in your mouth, nuff said.

Oh and I always smoke a fat bong load of some good bubble before I go in.....
..."Your mouth is always very, very dry. So is your dads"..(My dentist). LOL

I've always wondered if they can tell what you do as far as taking drugs orally goes, just by the look of your mouth? They thought I was a crack addict or a meth head for the longest time...always telling me the damage seems to be cause by chemicals.

I went to get a checkup a month ago and they asked if I smoked, I said no, and they believed me, they said I have a beautiful rack of teeth, never had a cavity either.


I was blasted on edibles for a root canal - told the dentist so...

I giggled the whole time, it was awesome...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Yes. Just don't smoke or vape afterwards for a few days, at least. Maybe some nose hits, but NO sucking motion whatsoever!!!!! Don't use a straw, don't smoke, don't do anything like it. Dry sockets are proof there is a Devil and he's capable of severe torture.

On the other hand, hope your surgery goes well. I had mine done, all four at once. Got one dry socket because I was 18 and stupid. Other than that, you won't remember it, you won't feel it. I would smoke before-hand to ease any anxiety. I got a freezing spray on my arm before the IV, it didn't hurt at all. They even had butterflies on the ceiling to drift off to as the drugs send you off to la-la land. My oral surgeon's name was Dr. Panek. (Dr. Panick? Lol)

You'll be fine.


I smoked before/after, just was careful with the bong, my wife helped with that. I was put down for my extraction, I had no harmful smoke interaction with the anesthetic.


Active member
So I'm getting them out tomorrow, I didn't want to vape today, but I think I will just a little bit. Kinda just scared at what those "medical professionals." had to say on another forum, that it could possibly go bad... I say ask my Cannabis friends, and especially the medical professionals here in ICMAG, you guys know waaaaaaay more about cannabis... One dood even said cannabis isn't a painkiller BUWAHAHA SERIOUSLY HAHA.

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