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getting my equipment back from the po po?


Active member
i got busted on june 1st,got legal in that time and all my charges were dropped.i cannot affordto buy all new equipment and am wondering if i am able to get my stuff back that was confiscated in the bust.
i live in ontario,canada.


Get some legal advise. The thieves might not WANT to give it back, even if you ask nicely. They might tell you it was destroyed, or they don't have it. They will prob lie and tell you you are not entitled to it. Get legal advise, get paperwork in order. And smile, very broadly. And say "Thank you".


Well-known member
Save up and buy new equipment.

No reason to get into the ring and taunt the bull. Consider it a loss and be happy your charges where dropped.


In California, I have seen equipment returned. Unless the equipment was PROVEN to have been used as part of a criminal enterprise it MUST be returned. In one case, the Mendocino County Sheriff's dept was forced to write a check for $22K to a guy I know after leaving his equipment in a pile in a parking lot after it was confiscated where it was rained on. Get a good lawyer if the value of the equipment is worth adding legal costs to get it back. You can probably file to have it returned without a lawyer.

Don;t let them rob you. Unless u live in a small town and might have to deal with the fuckers on the regular or something like that. Then u might want to lay low.


Active member
if the charges were dropped and they don´t return the equipment, they have become thieves.


your equipment should have been returned to you day your charges are dropped. get a lawyer and file a claim for the days lost without your equipment stating you had to incur expenses since you couldnt provide your own medication you were forced to buy some. not to mention the time and stress caused you. a friend of mine sued the city saying they messed his reputation ( slandering i think is what they call it) up by causing such a scene when they raided him. its all in your lawyer my friend :)


my buddy had a court order from the judge to give him his shit back. The cops just said they dont have it and talk to the DEA if you want it back.


my buddy had a court order from the judge to give him his shit back. The cops just said they dont have it and talk to the DEA if you want it back.
This kind of thing makes me mental. Local and state enforcement, (paid by local and state taxes), suddenly become federal "volunteers" by disregarding the law of the land, and deciding that their responsibility is to enforce laws that are contrary to the will and laws of the people that pay their salaries. You don't have a choice in which laws you are to enforce and which to disregard. I can't say to my boss that I prefer the methodology of another company or country, and am going to do things THEIR way. Law enforcement is just that - enforcement. If it's legal in Cali to do business w/ medical mj, I don't want some asswipe state trooper telling me I can't. Returning confiscated equip should be mandatory, you tried to get me convicted, couldn't, give me my shit back. There is no "ask the dea" for it - you fucking took it, YOU give it back, or make financial compensation. Some allegedly even urinate and defecate in legit meds, just to give it back contaminated (attempted murder, no?). Wanna be Fed agent - stop cashing State paycheques. Want to make laws, get elected.