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Getting medical to grow - any point?


Getting ready to start up a new garden and I'm pondering whether to get medical or not. I know you can't technically grow (although there was an adjunction passed in BC saying you can) but I'm assuming if you got caught having medical would really help in court. Especially since I have no plans to sell or produce massive quantities.

So my question is - is it worthwhile to spend ~$300 on medical for a single year or just risk it?


I am not sure it guarantees anything, but having a prescription would certainly help in the unfortunate scenario you get busted. Especially with the current MMPR prices, home growing is the only way some patients can afford it. Once explaining this to a judge, you may just get off. Be safe anyway.


It certainly wouldn't hurt...especially if you have family.

IMO...If you are truly a medical case, most likely the final out come will be dropped charges. But the final out come won't help with the stress or if you don't have the cash for legal fees...If things do go bad!

Get the prescription...Be safe, not stupid!($300.00=$25.00/month...Real cheap insurance.)

If you are in BC and only growing a few plants for personal use...Most likely LEO will not even bother you. If outside BC...That has to be a personal judgement.



Ontario is the location. Not quite BC but still fairly relaxed. At $25 a month it sure does seem worth it.. Wouldn't mind checking out the LP's and local compassion clubs either.


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lst year around April the mmar was reppealed in favor of the mmpr....its mmpr or illegal for you now....what the future hold next Feb is anyone's guess....hth

Ontario is the location. Not quite BC but still fairly relaxed. At $25 a month it sure does seem worth it.. Wouldn't mind checking out the LP's and local compassion clubs either.

I'm the careful type, and I agree that it is worth the cost and hassle. In the very remote chance that you have an issue, anything and everything you can use in your defence is extremely important and you will thank yourself for going to the trouble. A legit prescription and a good lawyer would serve you well IMO.

Also, you never know what the courts are going to decide. If you get your ticket now there's a chance that could give you the right to grow your own down the line. One can hope anyway. If you can afford it, I'd say the peace of mind from knowing you are taking every precaution possible is worth it. Best of luck.


Active member
350 is a cheap "ace up your sleve"...

Stay under 5, run 1400W... and hope for a sympathetic judge....Use the old 1g = 5 plants rule...and if you have a 5g/day licence and stay WAY under you just might have a chance of charges tossed.

And most importantly DON"T TELL ANYONE if you gonna grow.
350 is a cheap "ace up your sleve"...

Stay under 5, run 1400W... and hope for a sympathetic judge....Use the old 1g = 5 plants rule...and if you have a 5g/day licence and stay WAY under you just might have a chance of charges tossed.

And most importantly DON"T TELL ANYONE if you gonna grow.

All extremely sound advice :good: