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Getting Drug Tested for my 2nd Job Interview tommorow.. Gonna BOMB it!!


Active member
im leaving to get a haircut in 15 minutes so i really dont time. ive been chugging water for an hour and ill switch to ice tea soon. i pissed 3 times and its already completely clear


ICMag Donor
you smoked today and think your going to pass???...no way dude! sorry but I dont see how!!?? ...why would you do that?


Active member
Sounds like your not really serious about wanting the job. If you really wanted the job, you would have cleaned up prior to the interview, if not a month, at least a couple weeks. You had to know the a big corp job like best buy would do a prescreen drug test.
The Stuff

The Stuff

The Stuff works! someone i know works at a hospital and they've passed 2 drug tests with the Stuff. you can find it at any head shop. also, you can try getting some powdered gelatin and mix the whole pack with some gatorade and that should work too. it's worked for me when i got a job at a casino.


Marcellas said:
im leaving to get a haircut in 15 minutes so i really dont time. ive been chugging water for an hour and ill switch to ice tea soon. i pissed 3 times and its already completely clear
and there's your problem.

you might as well not go. YOU ARE FUCKED.

just reread this thread, marcellus. You had one last sliver of hope by drinking the gatorade, but you "don't have time for it". You came here begging us for help & you've ignored all help.

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I've used number1 a few times and I always pass. you can get it @ gonumber1.com or sometimes your local headshop but who know how long they've had it on the shelf. They can even overnight it to you.
also I doubt bestbuy is gonna be the ones that test you , they will send you to a clinic to do it


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
You mean to tell me there's NO clean piss in your circle? It's worked for me at least 3 times. I had this tube that had a screw top. Big enough to hold an ample amount of piss, but small enough that i could keep it right between my legs under my do-dads(balls, nuts, testicles, whatever). This was to maintain the correct body temp. Wear tighty-whities of course. All I did was go into the bathroom, pour the pee in the little cup, flush the commode. Done. If I were you, I'd postpone that test until I found some clean pee-pee. If it's female piss, just make sure she's not pregnant. Good luck.


ICMag Donor
You need to follow the directions I gave you to the T. Don't forget the B vitamins to put some color into the urine....

I think you're making a bigger deal of it then you need to. They will probably only stick test you anyways. As long as it's dilluted and has some color you should be fine. The problem is it doesn't sound like you are following the directions the way I gave them to you. Did you forget the creatine, rolaids and B vitamins?
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^^im sure bestbuy itself wont piss test you... usually they have you go to a lab within 48 hours of the interview..they give you a form and if you dont go within 48 hours you loose the job. almost anyplace here that require pisstest doesnt actually collect the urine themselves...and the labs are good at spotting diluted urine..


I dont think they would drug test either. Ive seen a few companies state they will do it but then they dont. The psychology alone runs off a lot of people who know they will test positive.
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Did you take the piss test? How was it administered? I told you exactly how to pass. The stuff at GNC works every time for me. The last time I had to pee I had smoked before work about 3 hours before I was tested. I passed with no problem.


Uhh tell them your going on vacation and that youll be back in a month, or call them and say you got another job...

Clean urine smugglin is an option, but a risk.


Option 3:

Quit smoking for AT LEAST 48 hours 7-14 days would be better. During that last 48 hours, drink a lot of water... 3-5 gallons a day. 2-6 hours before the test take 1 or 2 vit b supplements.

Your piss should be diluted enough. Your not really flushing thc out of your system, that takes a week to months. You just wanna dilute your piss.

As far as that gnc drink goes... Mabey it works but its 45 fuckin bucks.

I would rather smuggle piss than pay 45 bucks.


cant stop wont stop
Hal said:
how, exactly, does it work Steppin?

ScrogHog said:
Give some other info then a picture of the box. I honestly think his only option is subbing. If this fruit pectin worked then why is this the first time ive heard of it?

aight what you do is this. take the gel - the one in the blue box..
drink one packet and 2 medium sized glasses of water - no more than that.
you dont want your urine test to come up diluted.. i know this because i have had to retest for that very reason.

you wait an hour and piss once to clean out whatever was already in your bladder.

i have passed two lab tests this way and know several others who have also used this, includung some one on parole who smoked every day.

why havent you heared of this?? i have no clue.
fact is i used this as a last resort after using a "detoxify" drink and had drank too much water so the test came up diluted. a friend of mine told me about this shit so i sad what the hell. spent my last few bux on this crap and passed just fine.

if you look at ANY "detoxify" drink at the bottom where it says other ingrediants you'll find theres only one and its Fruit Pectin.

also i found mixing a little lime juice in and a small amount of water with the gel it goes down a hell of alot smother


Active member
ok guys so my 2nd interview went like this. you're right, he gave me a form and said i have 48hours from the interview to pass a drug test at a clinic to send back to BestBuy.. im suppose to get the test done by noon tommorow so they have the results in time for my job orientation saturday, but i forgot to tell my manager that i have a college orientation starting at 7am tommorow all day long.. so ill have to get the test done friday and reschedule my job orientation until next week..

this gives me more time to make sure my piss is clean. it may sound stupid, but i will be smoking weed tommorow (not much). i wont smoke on friday (test day) and make sure i follow all your directions and try to find clean piss..

thanks guys!! :D


Smokes, lets go
stop smoking weed now! jesus you might as well tell them you don't want the job.

might as well take the test high if your gonna smoke tomorow and smell like weed smoke when you take it because you have the same chance of passing it either way....

find some clean piss, or just don't waste your time.


Has anyone ever tested positive for thc, then debate the fact that thc stays in your system for a month and that you are completely sober?

Its rediculous.

Theoretically i could do a couple hits of acid, eat a pound of mushrooms, do 10 lines of coke, smoke some tweak, do some H and drink a fifth of hard booze 2 days before my test, and still pass.

But i cant casually smoke a couple grams of weed 2 weeks before it and pass.

What a joke.
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Active member
The only good advice regarding dilution so far has been from JJScorpio. Forget drinks and gels and detox shit. Also, drinking tons of water before the day of your test will do nothing to help you (you will just pee alot) and too much water can make you sick.

It's almost too late for you to creatine load, but you should try anyways. GO TO GNC AND BUY CREATINE NOW. Follow the loading directions. Take it immediately.

Now, onto some more information about dilution. You better read it and follow it exactly or plan to fail or come up dilute (could buy you time).

A guy named IamN2pot on the cannabis.com message board gets the credit for this.
*The only part I add to this is to use double strength powdered gatoraid mix for all water loading (and even that idea was from someone else I can't remember).


Time permitting, 2-3 days before the test you will want to begin raising you Creatinine levels. Creatine, which metabolizes into Creatinine in 24-48 hours, can be raised with red meat and/or Creatine supplement, available on line or at nutritional food stores. The amounts of Creatinine metabolites are measured as part of the urine integrity check (the check to see if the sample is urine and if it is diluted). Creatinine level must be 20mg/dl or greater. 200-250mg/dl ranges are ‘my’ normal. For more info on Creatine loading go to (BROKEN LINK REMOVED)

Step 1. 4-12 hours before the test take 4 aspirin (not Tylenol or Advil). This step may be repeated every 4-6 hours up until 4 hours before the test.
Step 2. 3-4 hours before your test, start by drinking 2, 8oz. glasses of water (*mix in double strength gatoraid drink mix powder with your water every time!). Water can be substituted for with Cranberry or fruit juice, teas or even soft drinks. Then drink another 8oz. every 15 minutes for the next hour for a total of 6 glasses of water (48oz).
Step 3. In about 1 - 2 hours (depending on your system) you should be voiding ‘clear’ urine about every 15 - 20 minutes. Continue to drink 3-4 oz. more water to replace what you've voided every 20-30 minutes.
Step 4. 1-2 hours before the test, take vitamin B2 or B complex (about 10 times the daily recommended dosage). If the vitamins are time release, crush them before taking. You may also take vitamin B with each glass of water (*double strength gatoraid mix), 2 times the daily dosage, if you find it easier.

That's it. Within 30 - 45 minutes of taking your vitamins, if you took your vitamin B in 1 dose, your pee should turn from clear to "vitamin" yellow and remain so for the next 2-4 voids. Be sure you have voided diluted urine at least 3-4 times before you test. It is always best to do a practice run as everyone is different and times may vary. Good luck, remember to post your results, and don’t forget that a diluted results, while not the results wanted, IS NOT a failed results but may require a re-test. For more info on diluting/water loading, go to (BROKEN LINK REMOVED)
Hope that helps!!! N2

PS There is no absolutely 100% effective dilution method. That includes ‘detox’, ‘xxx carbo’ or ‘super flush’ magic potions. But these guidelines will, IMHO, work as well as ANY magic potion, better than many magic potions and you got it here for FREE$$$$$$$


Using a sport drink such as GatorAid or PowerAid in place of the water for step 2 of the dilution guidelines will help raise the specific gravity of your specimin and help lessen the possability of a negitive-dilute result.
Hope that helps.
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Cannabrex Formulator
Fuck working for ANYONE who would piss test me, and fuck any govt who lets them.

The day I cannot get employment because of piss tests is the day a move the fuck out to the bush......

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