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getting caught in Japan


New member
Im a foreigner (from the west), if I grew one plant indoors and got busted...what usually happens. 100% go to jail or get deport or both or could I just pay a big ass fine?
not in Japan but am curious.


I guess 1-2 years probation and few thousand dollar fine.
yeah you have to go to the court before that, you in jail for max 20 days...
I don't know about deport, but there are many foreigners in jail, so I guess you
can stay...
However, since weed crime is kind of hot in japan right now,
you will become very very famous through tv, newspaper, net etc...


theres no fine for weed...worst case is jail for up to 7 years and then deportation...best case is a suspended sentence for 1-3 years.


Active member
One plant with no previous criminal record? Probably suspended sentence like Sabai says. You'll be banned from the country for life though.


New member
One plant with no previous criminal record? Probably suspended sentence like Sabai says. You'll be banned from the country for life though.

is that right? banned for life I mean. I lived in Japan for years. Always knew it was tough but that is really tough.
you would have to be super super careful. dont smoke with anyone or tell anyone and smoke at home with air freshner. Pretty damn paranoid.

so what stories have you guys heard? Im not talking famous people, but stories of regular Japanese and Gaijin....


New member
theres no fine for weed...worst case is jail for up to 7 years and then deportation...best case is a suspended sentence for 1-3 years.

Didnt you get busted? are you Japanese?

also, I heard of a Japanese surfer dude that got busted had to pay 4,000,000YEN as like a fine and didnt go to Jail.... in other words pay his way out with the Govt,


Active member
Never heard of anything like that. I know a guy who was caught with hundreds of X, grass and meth got off, but his father is in the Govt.


New member
Never heard of anything like that. I know a guy who was caught with hundreds of X, grass and meth got off, but his father is in the Govt.

shit that is bad. whilst laws are relaxing in the west I can never see them relax in japan....not in my lifetime anyhow.

you have to be careful when ordering hydro gear etc dont you....
change the locks on your aparto/mansion.... do one grow and store the lights somewhere and freeze your weed. make sure you smoke in the toilet, spray with deodorant and then put the exhaust fan on.
kind of takes the fun out of it.....but then again for some put fun into it as it is risky.


I had a GF Junko who loved to smoke as well as other things, you would be suprised. Just Be careful and pay the high Prices.


New member
I had a GF Junko who loved to smoke as well as other things, you would be suprised. Just Be careful and pay the high Prices.

pay the high prices? I dont know anyone who sells. I would want to distance myself from anyone that does. I wouldnt want to go looking either, be my luck I walk into a bust. stuff that. I would rather order my lights and seeds and it would only take 3 months for me to have a good stash to put in the freezer and no one would need to ever know. and it wouldnt cost anything (money doesnt bother me if it were 100% safe)
I dont live in Japan anymore anyway.

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