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Gettin Older


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

yeah oldman it's got tons to do w/my attitude, can't be helped but anyone who knows me would tell you I'm a big old softy.

worse yet is that I'm narcotic sensitive so I need to take compazine for the nausea that those meds cause me.

I've got to take medicine to be able to take medicine, it just ain't right.......


Active member
Weed, five-six differnt meds and some wine and/or whisky. Sometimes more alchohol, sometimes less. I really don´t care that much anymore, every f-ckuing joint aches and it´s not getting anybetter.


Active member
So you got a "lump" where they can't sample without doing damage... That does suck. I agree with the docs if sampling does more damage it is probably best just to watch it. Does it hurt?

Me...I am in the low 40s and am on the "L" already. (Lisinoprill/Lipitor)

My getting old story today:
Today I finally decided to ask my PCP for a referral to a "assman" due to a hemorrhoid that I have been living with for several years. ( I have named it and everything!) :moon: Everyone.. meet "Ken"!:wave:
So..While on hold with the "assman" office to setup the appointment, which I am seriously dreading,the standby music was playing
Kenny Loggins- "Danger Zone".:hide:
You know.... I already didn't care for Kenny Loggins as it was!

look into IRC its great proceedure with minimum pain. my assman has a sense of humor he says bend over and show me the money LOL


Damn, best wishes for everyone with health issues.

I guess I've been lucky. Late forties and only real "issues" are rapidly graying hair (head, face, and nether regions), crow's feet, and an extra 15 lbs. Feel good enough that I've started running again - joints aren't as pliable as at 25, but I still have my wind and stamina.


May your race always be in your favor
I have degenerative disc disease with degenerative arthritis in the lower spine, thankfully the disc stuff happened din the army so its service connected and I'm total and permanent. The pisser is the beta blocker and the nitro for angina that has just started in the past couple months. Sucks, my cholesterol is way low, the bad is 80 and the good is 90. Weights down, exercise every day, walk the dogs for a mile or more rain or shine. Oh well it could be worse I suppose.Don't do tobacco anymore either.I know good for me.lol!!:smoweed:
oh yeah, I'm 63.


Active member
my cholesterol is off the charts ,well not really but close . they put me on meds for it this week. another pill i dont want to take . i tried everything else and they tell me one of my other meds might be causeing my high levels. what a fucked up cycle


Sucks taking the Crestor or whatever they have you on, but it has done more to bring my bad my numbers down and my good numbers up than diet was accomplishing (bad was way the hell up there while my good was almost nil.) Hope you have success with it.


Active member
i tried diet , excersize, cut down drinking,niacin just about everything i could find researching on the net. nothing worked but i lost 10 pounds so far and feel better lol. one med raises my levels and they give me another to lower it WTF. i have a specialist working on it tho . he is real good and with enough bloodwork i am sure we will figure it out . till then another pill a day

old grunt

GEEZ Looks like I"ve got most of what everyone else Where do I start L1 to L5 all herniated I have R.A. also sorta jszzs things once or twice a month also I've had Hep. C & B broke my left arm 4times AND I"m a 80% disabled COMBAT vet. also a lot of damage that I don"t remember where I got it And being 63 years old does not help much,OH almost forgot last time at doc"s blood pressure was 190 over 100 time for new meds. So I hope I made you a little BETTER


At 60 I have had some real health problems and really don't do much about them. I remember what life was like before they had professionals warn you about this or that and if you quit this or started that you would never die. When kids can go out and play without someone saying oh my there should be a law. Cops bringing dad home because he was drunk and having to go get his car where the cop parked it. Cherry bombs and fire works shop down the street. Teacher taking you cap gun away until the end of the day not prosecuting you and dad. Smoking in the grocery and department stores. Grandma living with us because only the lazy rich and selfish would not care for their parents. With the liberties and freedom to think for ourselves we have lost. Who the hell wants to live to see what kind of media and corporate controlled world lies in the future. Getting old is hell but at least we can die remembering being free.


i tried diet , excersize, cut down drinking,niacin just about everything i could find researching on the net. nothing worked but i lost 10 pounds so far and feel better lol. one med raises my levels and they give me another to lower it WTF. i have a specialist working on it tho . he is real good and with enough bloodwork i am sure we will figure it out . till then another pill a day

After my heart attack, the cardiologist did his best to convince the old lady to move me to a vegetarian diet, that lasted about as long as it took to get home. Would not mind exercising if the body allowed for it. Did give up cigarettes after experiencing a 99% blockage in my Femoral artery. Hated adding another pill to the daily regimen (already dealing with Barrett's and gastroparesis from too many years of Big Pharma's poisons), but it's about the only option left at this point. Been through the take this pill to control the side effects routine, probably what got my digestive tract in such bad condition.


New member


I'm 66 and have no problems...well memory sucks.

just started having a smoke when ever i want.

never smoked cigs and have not had a drink in 30 yr's.

still love to party.

was convicted of dui 8 times '64-'80

totaled 8 cars....never broke a bone ,helps being drunk when ya crash.

hope you all get better and that i stay healthy.

i'm a noob ,hope i have not stepped on any toes....:smokeit:


my assman has a sense of humor he says bend over and show me the money LOL

next time he checks your prostate, ask him to please use two fingers, that way you can have a second opinion! (but I bet he's heard that one before)

.never broke a bone ,helps being drunk when ya crash.

they say god protects children and drunks.....isn't that so true.


part of many health problems we begin to suffer from in middle age comes from being overweight and sedentary..I've dropped from 205 lbs in the past 18 months down to 180 lbs and feel great for it (apart from the fact that none of my clothes now fit me!) .......eat more fruit and veggies, chew your food more, stop watching the idiot box (actually the damn tv out the window!) etc..walk the mutt daily, get some sun on your face and then go to a yoga class being surrounded by just about only women wearing barely nothing bending in all different directions...downward facing dog never looked so good!

single middle age guys, please do yourself a huge favor - yoga it and thank me later. You'll tighten up your mid section, pains will disappear and you'll breathe better than you've ever done before......and that's just the beginning.

for the life of me, I can't understand why more guys don't go to yoga classes..I'm happily married, but if I wasn't, I'd be there daily!

a good way to start yoga is to work out to this beginners instruction video, it's free and you can do it at home..www.yoga.org.nz..search around the site and you'll find the free vid, it's excellent. There's a couple of vids on that site, but make sure to work out to the beginner's instruction video, buy a yoga mat and find the time 4 or more times per week. Many of the poses will be challenging at first, but persevere with it and soon you'll be feeling the benefits. Bubbleman suggested I try this video 8 or more years ago after I complained about severe lower back pain, I did and the only time I get back pain is when I don't do yoga for a week or so...anyway, stop relying on Pharma products and start improving yourself
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Well-known member
Had a bone scan bout 2 weeks ago, went to dr today for results. Was told they saw something on lower back right side, may or may not be related to lung issue. Now have to go for MRI to see whats up also setting up appt with pain specialist, gettin fed up with this real fast.


Lammen Gorthaur
The reality is that we are entering that phase of life where we can be expected to consume the most resources. Our chief complaints will be the expensive ones - cancer and cardiovascular disease and diabetes will run through our ranks like the grim reaper on meth. We have to be prepared and remember some basics:

Once you turn 50 you have to get a colonoscopy every other year.

We need to have the prostate checked every year.:moon:

We will have cancers, but if we keep medicating regularly, our risk for many kinds of cancer will be lower than the squares (revenge of the weed). :dance013: :jump:

There's more to life for us and we have to remember that once we hit 50 the OTHER HALF of the game is just starting. :artist:

I'm saying this because I turn 50 in February. Ugh.

P.S. - is this thing wild or what? You see it and you have to laugh.... :thank you: