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Gettin Dabby - 4000 Watt, 36 Plant Vertical Stadium Build/Grow

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I would certainly get them rooted in those clear cups under a fluorescent light to get them ready. I do this sometimes and I like how you can see the roots develop. Give them a week or 10 days ish and then pot them up to whatever once they are established and ready.

As far as the cloner goes too, why don't you try just straight water instead of adding anything next time? See if that doesn't help you out more.

Can't wait to see this take off. :yes:


Active member
hell ya. im taggin along if ya dont mind! nice setup!
not sure if u hav tried rooting in rapid rooter plugs/dome.. but its the easiest rooting method imo.. ive rooted in everything including bubblers.. bubblers were my least favorite bc it gave me probs like ur experiencing..


Active member
On monday I transferred 10 of the girls into 16 oz plastic cups filled with straight coco. Rinsed well with ph'ed water.

2.5ml Micro
5ml Bloom
5ml Hygrozyme
3ml silica blast
1ml cal-mag

to 1 gallon of water, PH'D to 5.9 because the last testing of runoff was 5.7.
Runoff was ph'd and was right at 5.8.

Room temperature is 73*f
Humidity 50-60*

Two days later they seem to have responded extremely well. The leaves are getting greener and the leaves are perky. I still have 5 more in the cloner that I'm hoping develop stronger root systems before I transplant, otherwise I'll chuck em. Heres some pics:




Heya! I'll pull up a chair if you don't mind! :)

You should really get some dome-thingy going over those clones to raise the RH.

I suggest you make a small frame of wood/bamboo/thick ironwire/splinters of wood/we, screw/tie them together and use plastic foil/plastic wrapping to make a dome..
Check on them every 36-48 hour and make sure you give them some new air under the plastic wrapping.

Better to go ghettostyle, then no style at all, eh? ;D

Im not yet any kind of expert, but..

Dont disable the cloner(if its not already to late), a plant that is some days/a week behind is better then no plant at all! You have such a nice setup going.. Would be sad to have to veg them into monsters before flipping if you wanna keep all that lights going...
It would be such a delay on that first harvest.. :/

well, its another Fem-Brainstorm! Use it as it pleases! Best of luck!

Edit; I noticed that you wrote that you only have 5 clones left.. Go grab those 20x in the garbage, make a new cut on each and everyone of them, and try with the domethingy.. If you dont want em, then do it for science, please. ;)


Active member
1ml/gal CalMag? i think ya need a bit more with coco... just watch em carefully for deficiency. i use 4-5ml/gal, 8ml the first watering to charge it up. CEC (cation exchange capacity) and what not.

do ya use any root nutes? HG excelurator or GH rapidstart while in solos and then first watering at transplant cuts a few days off my pre-veg time.

anyways, glad ya got most of em rooted. :biggrin:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
That's a fine looking room. Looking forward to seeing you get your clones sorted and this show on the road!


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Day 8: veg

Day 8: veg

Yo whats going on days. Today is day 8 of Pre-veg in the clear solo cups. 12 out of 13 of the girls have roots Everywhere in the cups. One is dragging behind, and only has one root out the side of the cup, but I'm sure she'll catch up eventually.


Here is one of the Lemon Diesel's on Day 4:


Same plant on Day 8, one day after the plants' first watering with straight ph 5.7 water.


Another LD



I'll probably let them veg until thursday(Day 10), before I transplant them into my 5 gallon pots.


Active member

Heres the Hawaiian Ice (The only one that made it)


I understand that 5 gallon buckets are a little bit of overkill for growing coco plants. So, I was planning on layering the bottom with hydroton and then adding 3 gallons of a 75/25 Coco/perlite mix, so probably using about 3.25-3.5 gallons of media in total, in a 5 gallon pot.

When I transplant, I was planning on washing the coco, and then squeezing most of the excess water out of it, and then transplanting. Wait 3 days, then feed every 5 days for 3 weeks until a healthy root system develops, and then increasing the amount of feedings until i get to about 1-2 per day.

I plan on vegging after transplant until they are 3.5 feet tall, or 6-8 weeks. Any thoughts?


Active member
Transplanted into 3 gallons of coco on 2/26.

5ml micro
10ml bloom
5ml hygrozyme
2ml calmag
3ml silica blast


These pics are from a couple days ago. I checked them today and the coco was still pretty wet so Im gonna wait till day 7 to feed again instead of day 5 like i originally planned.





Active member
2 Weeks Veg - 3 Gallon

2 Weeks Veg - 3 Gallon

The Girls have been in their 3 gallon containers for 2 weeks now. Moved them into the big room to blast them with the HPS, The fluro's are just too slow and I'm trying to get shit moving!!

Temperature 74*f
Lights 24/0 - 2 Ballasts on 75%, so ~ 1500Watts
Water PH - 5.8
Runoff PH - 6.0

Fed 7 Days after transplant, then 5 days after that. The roots are really starting to take off, and I'll be watering again tomorrow.

Trying 7-5-3-2-1-1-1 watering schedule...just to sort of let the roots adapt and grow before gettin the girls on a more hydro-esque feeding schedule.

Heres some pics guys!





Getting a slight downward leaf curl on the Hawaiin Indica..Not sure what is causing this, because all of the other plants are fine. Was thinking wind or lumen shock?? Hoping the problem goes away with time. We'll see.Any ideas?



are your fluro's, shop bulbs t-8? i saw that your veg was at a stand still in the 3 gallon bucket. i would suggest vegging with the t5 bulbs and they will impress you. def worth the investment. Im not sure how hot the veg bulbs get that you have but i usually have my t5bulb of fluro's only an 2-3 inches away after my cuttings root. while im waiting on cuttings to root its about 10-12 inches. fluros dont have a strong bulb that can blast them from a foot plus away try to keep them closer. i do like how you got your veg cabs stacked though. everything looks great excited to watch this happen? Do you have a big a/c for your room? i was reading your supply list there and didnt see one. if need one a rough estimate is 4,000btu per bulb. i would look for 18,000-20,000 btu since you're in the garage. Sorry im a little buzzed but i thought i might be able to help.
and yes that leaf curl you have looks like lumen shock those 1kw are pretty close to them off the bat for only being under fluro's before. when i go from t-5 to my 1kw i usually have the 1kw 2-3ft above canopy for 3-4days, working its way down. I also use t5 and mh bulbs in my 400 and 1kw for veg and in flower for the first two weeks to avoid the hps stretch. good luck im here cheering for you


Active member
are your fluro's, shop bulbs t-8? i saw that your veg was at a stand still in the 3 gallon bucket. i would suggest vegging with the t5 bulbs and they will impress you. def worth the investment. Im not sure how hot the veg bulbs get that you have but i usually have my t5bulb of fluro's only an 2-3 inches away after my cuttings root. while im waiting on cuttings to root its about 10-12 inches. fluros dont have a strong bulb that can blast them from a foot plus away try to keep them closer. i do like how you got your veg cabs stacked though. everything looks great excited to watch this happen? Do you have a big a/c for your room? i was reading your supply list there and didnt see one. if need one a rough estimate is 4,000btu per bulb. i would look for 18,000-20,000 btu since you're in the garage. Sorry im a little buzzed but i thought i might be able to help.
and yes that leaf curl you have looks like lumen shock those 1kw are pretty close to them off the bat for only being under fluro's before. when i go from t-5 to my 1kw i usually have the 1kw 2-3ft above canopy for 3-4days, working its way down. I also use t5 and mh bulbs in my 400 and 1kw for veg and in flower for the first two weeks to avoid the hps stretch. good luck im here cheering for you

Yes they are T8 bulbs... I will try switching to T5's because the girls were growing too damn slow in there..

I do have an air conditioner. Right now it hasnt gotten above 50*f in weeks, so I wont need to install it until the beginning of april probably. Its a 15000BTU window air conditioner. I also have another 8 inch can fan for intake, so between the two of em, I think i'll have cooling on lock.

Also, my 1kw's were dimmed down to 50% for the first 5 days they were in the big room, then turned up to 75%. I still think the HI and the other little lemon diesel next to it were too small and brittle to be smacked by the intense light. However, this morning I went into the room and things looked a little better. I turned off one of the fans and this seemed to help a little bit as well. Like i said, I'm hoping the problem pretty much corrects itself for the most part.

I appreciate your input, and your advice on the T8's. When I was buying them, I was looking at the color output and had myself convinced the T8's were the way to go. Do the T5's fit in the shitty 10$ home depot shoplights?

Heres a little comparison picture. The first picture was taken sunday 3/10


The second picture was taken Tuesday 3/12


Headband 3/12


Lemon Diesel 3/12




Active member
One question...How can you hook up a window A/C to a sentinel?? When the power is activated on the A/C you must still press the ( | ) Power button when it comes on to turn the bitch on. Is there a way to bypass this?


The plants are looking happy happy happy. The t5 bulbs will need there own fixture, they are different. when you buy them get around 6500k for veg. Is your room sealed or is ventilated? How is the air conditioner installed? Just curious you said you had an extra fan for an intake to help heat and it looks like a bare bulb room with an a/c inside. I would plug the a/c into an outlet of it own and just set a temp and let it on all the time. i would recommend taping up any lighting on it once you got it set where you want it. Is the sentinel controller for the whole room, can you plug everything into it for your enviroment? how are you exhausting the heat from the a/c?


Just a few suggestions, the concrete floor may be a bit cool for your roots. I'd consider setting them on something like foam insulation sheets.

Like LL84 said the T8s were too high above the plants. Yes T5s are brighter but the T8s will work. You could save some juice by vegging with only 1 1000 watter. Once they acclimate consider dropping the lights down between the plants so it can blast them more directly to speed veg times.

Imo you should pot up from the cups to like a half gallon or so then go up to your final pot size. Long periods between watering in coco does not give the roots the optimum amount of oxygen to your roots. Smaller pots can be watered more frequently thereby replacing the stale oxygen and gases the roots are having to sit in for so long. This could really speed up your veg times.

Looks like most of the girls have hooked up and are on their way, keep it rocking and be safe.


Active member
Heres an update from the last week or so.. Taken different days, but not sure which days. They are in order from oldest to newest.




About a week ago, i started noticing the headbands starting to droop. They also started to get the claw, really bad. I fucked up, and accidentally fed all of the plants 6ml micro 12ml bloom per gallon, because i was really dabbed out when i was mixing my nutes... I was sort of attributing the problems to this, because it was just the two headbands showing the droopyness.. A couple days later, the rest of the plants started to get the claw...

So i flushed them with about 1.5 gallons of water each, and then fed the next day with the regular 6/9 solution. Didnt seem to help too much, and i noticed some of the lower leaves on the lemon diesels getting upward curl...

I figured i could either have a Mg deficiency, or the plants were too close to the lights... So i moved the lights up, and the leaf curl/clawing went away within an hour on the lemon diesels...
The Headbands however, still looked a little sick. Im still not sure what is causing the leaves to be too droopy. They are the biggest plants in my garden, and i doubt its overwatering, because I'm feeding every other day... Any input??

Heres a couple pics of the HB's

