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Get your Event Passes A.S.A.P.!!

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....Time is getting tight.....and we need a firm commitment from any of you that are serious about coming to the 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup 2006 in Amsterdam (April 18th-19th and 20th)...

....There are only a limited ammount of event passes available and they are going fast.....For me to secure the bands I need to raise the funds for the deposit.....so don't be shy and leave it till the last moment......go here.....and order your pass now!!



TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
How about forgetting the bands,we can amuse ourselves and you can save some cash......id be just as happy with a cd in the background, if i wanted tribute bands id start going to the pub more or other such venues, the idea of music blaring while im trying to chill, smoke have some wonderful conversation is putting a real downer on the evenings..........not to be negative coz i love the cup just that i see the tribute bands as a very limited in their appeal and very out of place at this event.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.


well here's the band lineup

well here's the band lineup

so far we have

New Gig in town - the Eagles tribute
the U2 Tribute - U2
Action In DC - Ac Dc tribute
Purple Strangers - Deep Purple tribute
Red hot chilli bastards

now I'd say thats well worth the price of a guest pass
and if we wanted to skimp on costs we could hold it in the carpark :yoinks:
but theres nothing I like better in the evening than to have my eardrum's pulverised by loud rock
while swigging a beer and smoking a fat joint, mind you I'm a sound engineer for a Floyd tribute band :joint:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.....well....you may not like the music.......but many do....me included and we will have LIVE bands every evening during the event...(3 nights)....2 bands on the first 2 nights and the final band after the awards ceromony on 4/20....

...The event will be open from 12pm every day with 8-9 hours for you to mingle, network and get seriously stoned before a band graces the stage......We will have more mellow background music during the daytime.....but as soon as it gets dark......WE ARE GOING TO ROCK THE PLACE!


Hey Gypsy,

Just secured Max Lumens and I a Judge pass each... Will have the money to you by early next week...

I am on a top buzz bout meeting everyone and of course smoking the "bum ting"...

With regards to the music.... Rock on me Lion:)

See you all soon...

Peace N Flowers.


I have my Sativa pass, oh yeah, I'm staying close to the event so I can stagger back and forth, oh yeah. Do you think I need to worry about getting a day pass for my frau? Will there be lots available? She isn't a smoker and may just come for the bands.

Eagles and U2? Deep Purple? AC DC? Gypsy you ROCK! Plus thanks for the Northern Lights seeds you sent me two plus years ago that have resulted in the fine harvest drying in my closet right now. FUCK YEAH!


Invitation to OG/CW Members

Invitation to OG/CW Members

I'm bumping this thread to extend a formal invitation to all our new members to check out the ICMag Cup this coming 420...it could be a great chance to meet up and do some face to face conversation and debate about the state of things, all in a wonderful party atmosphere, to take a bit of the edge off.

Yes? Tulips will be in bloom and the party will rock non-stop for three days.....
Think about it!



cowboy copus said:
Do you think I need to worry about getting a day pass for my frau? Will there be lots available? She isn't a smoker and may just come for the bands.

No worries, there will be day passes available for purchase at the door (30 euros/day) and can be obtained starting at 12noon and will cover entrance into the Sugar Factory until it closes in the evening.

See you there! :wave:


Indigo said:
I'm bumping this thread to extend a formal invitation to all our new members to check out the ICMag Cup this coming 420...it could be a great chance to meet up and do some face to face conversation and debate about the state of things, all in a wonderful party atmosphere, to take a bit of the edge off.

Yes? Tulips will be in bloom and the party will rock non-stop for three days.....
Think about it!


Meeself and the missus went out last year. It was a blast. In addition to the event we enjoyed the tulips, the canals, windmills, cheese, chocolate, Escape, Paradiso and much more...

Everyone should do it at least once. Sorry we have to miss this year.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

....Due to certain excesses the Red Hot Chilli Bastards cannot make it this year.....but instead we have the Led Zeppelin (tribute band)....lol!


I was wondering if the Chili Bastards would come on stage dressed only in a strategically placed sock :D...

A Led Zeppelin on the other hand will bring down the house for sure :biglaugh:


to me it looks like these passes are up for auction, but the reality is they are for sale at the price stated. there is no bidding, just buy them.


Active member
i got my hash pass....Thanks for everything your doing Gypsy, your courage and dedication are a beacon in the night for us to look upon...hows the hash lookin this year??


Well I finally said fuck it i need a holiday so I just sent off for my guest pass. I am definitely looking forward to this since ive never been to a'dam let alone any cup. The music seems its going to be top notch. They better play hells bells... :sasmokin:


Hey Calcio I maybe able to get us to a footy match if you wanna see one. Let me know and we can have that J in the middle of the pitch.
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